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Sunday, June 2, 2019

June 2, 2019

One year ago today: June 2, 2018, the instructions are wrong.
Five years ago today: June 2, 2014, I’ll stick with B3.
Nine years ago today: June 2, 2010, limited emotional outlets?
Random years ago today: June 2, 2013, posing for Playgirl.

           The dogs and I took the long way around, getting back here at mid-morning. That’s when I decided to drop in at the local Arduino club meeting. It was scheduled [on-line] for the Starbucks on Demonbreun, downtown for noon. I don’t formally attend, I show up as an interested bystander, only joining in if the meeting is serious. Hey, this is America, where a meeting of the Cheerleading Squad might not be what it sounds like. Can you guess what happened at this microcontroller meet-up? Sure you can, I was the only person who showed up. In that sense, Nashville is like Miami. A lonely place for cerebral types.
           The good news is the Starbucks has an unusually professional staff. And I’m not just saying that because the spritely gal at the till bought my coffee. The atmosphere is home-town diner glad-you-came-in. Contrast that with your average franchise. Unless they change that atmosphere, they have my business. I believe the address is 299 Demonbreun, but be advised that in another parallel to Florida, a lot of downtown Nashville is not yet mentally advanced enough to grasp the concept of house numbers.

           I found myself walking over to Broadway at one-ish to see what happens on a Sunday. The crowds were a little thinner but the place was already lit up for business. This is not the fabled place to go hear country music, rather it is a carnival with a country-music theme. Already evident were large numbers of the pedal pubs, with boisterous passengers. I’d say two-thirds of the pubs had live music and the rest just did without much business. Expect to pay six bucks for a bottle of beer.
           Which I did, since all last day in Murfreesboro, I could not find a honky-tonk. And I wanted to break my streak of not drinking beer in green bottles. I really wanted to soak back one of them “furren” beers in a green bottle. I mean, how else are the stucco companies going to stay in business?

           Okay, next is a tidbit that is certain to be taken the wrong way, simply because there will always be enough losers in this world. Yes, the Starbucks clerk lady bought me a coffee, and when I sat down, another lady came by. Every place she could sit was next to some man at a table by himself. She took one glance around, and walked over to my table and sat down. Not the next table, my table. I nodded but didn’t say anything. I was drawing some diagrams for things like turtle habitats, bottle carriers, and a GPS holder. After a bit, she ordered a coffee and got ready to leave. I have to redact what she said. It was that I was the only person in the room she felt safe sitting down beside. This caused me to look around.
           Before I was only looking for Arduino people, this time I saw what she meant. Every guy in that place with a computer was some kind of creep. I wanted to say something back to her but I just nodded. I’d place her at 30, maybe, very well-dressed. Sharp, too. As she got up to leave, she said that on the other hand, I looked like somebody important who was trying to keep a low profile. Although she spoke in a low voice, almost every other male in the room leaned up and shot me a scowl. Like I said, creeps.

Picture of the day.
Before computer displays. (DC-7)
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           Yeppers, I got me a beer in a green bottle. It wasn’t foreign. YuengLing is an American brewery, I think the oldest in the nation. With the tip, it was seven bucks. I walked the shady side of the street, taking in the sights. Here’s your view of my Nashville survival kit. A clipboard, a Sudoku puzzle, and a beer. I was at the south end of Broadway, probably Rippy’s. The pedal pubs were everywhere, and also ordinary farm wagons towed by tractors. Everybody was in on the act and the Sunday crowd was much more a family outing. Lots of baby carriages in evidence and if you are a girl-watcher, it’s hard to beat cowgirls in tight jeans.
           Oh yes, I noticed the pattern. The slim blonde babes all had trophy boyfriends, the brunettes had all the second choices, and the rest of the women. Well, they kind of had each other. I was paying attention to the music and the general sound is classic country with an edge. For example, the original of “Folsom Prison Blues” has not much electric guitar. I heard several versions that electrified the whole tune and some of it was impressive. It would have to be. This is Nashville.

           Then again, Nashville is the town of top-tier guitar pickin’. If I have time, I’ll tell you what happened at the north end of Broadway. Made my day, which was already made by that free morning coffee. I stopped for another coffee and have reached the conclusion once again that most of Nashville costs more than it is worth, which is different from saying it is expensive. I communicated this to the Reb, who generally agrees. I suggested if she wants a trip, I’d be glad to return to Bowling Green and go to the car museum. We have a good history of having a ton of fun at such places. Myself, I prefer these themed places, my favorite being railroads, followed by airplane displays. But not air shows, which I only attend when there is a hole in the fence.
           As for my bass-playing connection, the lawyer has not called back. But that is not cause for anything. It’s the nature of the business, he has to compete with axe throwing. I’m proceeding to learn the tunes on the supplied list because I know he will have to call sooner or later. I’ve been lax about practicing. It’s hot in Hermitage, but still a nicer climate than Lakeland, so I’m banking my sleep. Nine hours average instead of seven, plus a siesta. There is no sense of wasted time sleeping during the day, as I used to feel. Especially on weekends. Nope, I’m just going with the flow. I fixed the flashing, fixed the screen door, washed the dogs, and got lots of puttering in.
           For the record, Sparkie has been favoring his right passenger leg. I checked it for thorns, found nothing. This tells me it is an old war injury that I’ve not been told about. The significance there is there is one primary instance the Reb would not say—she left the dog with strangers. There is more to this than I’m telling. I repeat that my 15 years at the phone company allows me to spot dozens more of types of most people even think exist. This can lead to a situation where I don’t like somebody for reasons that other people can’t even imagine, if you follow along. And that dog’s leg has been broken.

           Look at the babe. Yes, she’s giving me the look, this is just one still from a video, you naysayers. This was at the north end of Broadway, by the river and 30 years too late. I heard some excellent guitar music. You know what it takes for me to say that, but I’m referring to the talkers, not the ones who can actually play. Back in Florida that gives you some idea of the ratio I usually experience. Over here in Nashville, you get a lot of five piece groups because they have a fiddler and a chick vocalist. I was one of a dozen people with camcorders pointed at the stage. I think people concluded we knew each other, but I’ve never seen her before.
           Later, she came over and chatted a few minutes while the band was packing up gear. She’s been here a few years. I was tempted to ask her out because I knew she’s say yes. But I thought better of it. Instead, she invited me to a show they are doing tomorrow. At this time, I don’t plan on attending. Do I inadvertently look like or act like a talent scout? I don’t think so, because this band didn’t need one. She certainly didn’t.

           Yet, I could not help a distant inking that I know this gal from somewhere. That would be nearly impossible. Besides, we talked for ten minutes and she would have said something. I’m the one with the poor memory.
           And might I add, without any outside influencing, the song lists I heard in Nashville today match what I wanted the Hippie to play--15 years ago. Him and around 60 other guitar players who were too thick-headed to listen. I hope the whole goddam bunch of them are all still playing the Miami shoe stores. Read my lips. Any one of you who had listened to me would be in Nashville today, making a thousand a week plus tips, and having babes like the one here making friends.
           With me, I mean. Jesus guys, get a grip.

Last Laugh