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Sunday, June 23, 2019

June 23, 2019

One year ago today: June 23, 2018, not by definition.
Five years ago today: June 23, 2014, my old hobby, sigh.
Nine years ago today: June 23, 2010, all drum boxes suck.
Random years ago today: June 23, 2007, eat my dust, copper.

           I may flesh today’s post out later. For now, suffice to say I drove the harrowing route south through Chattanooga, Altanta, and on into Florida in 12 hours. Interstates are not the autobahn. You cannot advance plan a high-speed trip on the American system. It is a piece of shit, marginally faster than taking a side route that you would take if you had time to learn them. One accident, one bad driver, or the slightest inclement weather blocks American freeways up twenty miles and takes hours to clear.
           The freeways are also placed where they quickly become commuter routes. Hit any major city at rush hour and you are not going anywhere in a hurry. People will take a job 50 miles away if their house is $10,000 cheaper because they do not possess the mental alacrity to think far enough ahead. The mess is compounded by the Yankee focus on the driver’s license as ID, instead of quality control.

           It cost me hours to deal with the freeway system and you know, it will never work as it was supposed to. Neither will a most things any more because the whole situation as descended to a squabbiling match of miniscule and somethimes imaginary gains each faction involved. That explains the picture of this brand new saw. It’s a backsaw, from Lowe’s, an otherwise reputavble seller of handyman tools. After one usage, this corrosion set in. Is it sap from the lumber? Dunno. But you can see I tried everything that would remove surfave tarnish. Got my Goo-Gone, got my brillo pad. Nothing worked.
           What’s with no trip pictures? Well, not a lot happened on the journey. Plus, I hung my camera on the hook near the door so I could not possibly leave without noticing it. Ha. Moments later, somebody comes along and hangs a coat on top, hey, a hook is a hook. I was an hour down the freeway before I noticed a thing. No, I did not stop to see if it was anywhere else in the car. It was raining. And until I was sure, no doubling back. It should arrive in the mail in a few days. Let me remind us, mind you, that blogs are primarily written matter, and all pictures are a bonus.

           That’s not to say there are not blogs that are photograph based. They’re everywhere, but let me as the pertinent question. Why do such blogs lack long-term, dedicated readership? Because photography requires an escalating “kicker” quality to sustain reader interest. Art galleries keep changing exhibits for the same reason. You need prose, and I know that even when I’ve recently begun including the gif “videos”. Everybody’s take will be different uwithout a few guiding words.
           Even then, have you noticed how many photographers lack the sense to tell of the purpose behind the picture? Above, I’m describing the difficulty keeping the saw from corroding. One of the so-called best photo sellers on-line would describe this same photo as something like, “back saw with shadow with human hand on left side and partial bottle of commercial cleaning product, and steel wool”. Makes you just want to run out and put his portriats on your credit card. If he’s (it’s always male) is from Florida, put in an order and cancel it. Florida types have big issues when they don’t think you are paying them enough attention. But eventually he’ll figure it out.

Picture of the day.
Bentleys, $50,000 a pair.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           The air force isn’t the only branch that’s developing drones. The way the US works is the military doesn’t really have branches as much as roots. They each grow into the system for independent procurement cash. This is competiton and it could be argued either direction. The paint scheme tells us they’ve lost a few. The trained eye can extrapolate a lot from this photo. The sonar domes and access hatches say it is for routine patrol work. It doesn’t look bulky enough to carry offensive ordinance or even a self-defense capability. I cannot explain the red splotch in the water behind the unit.
           I got back late. And it was hot, I thought to turn on the three window A/C units to check how they dealt with this near-record summer heat. They can’t. I either need a fourth unit, or more powerful appliances. Hmmm, good thing the outlets are dedicated and I left room for 240V breakers. I stopped for coffee at the so-called “convenience” stores, what’s the expression, “dotted across this land”, but once again, there was very little convenient about getting through the checkout. It was not worth the wait. Some say self-scan booths or robots are the answer. It should take less than a minute to ring up and pay for anything in those stores.

           Why won’t robots work? Because in America, we have two classes of people tdon’t show up on the media stats. They are millennials and good old handicapped dipshits. Millennials will defeat the robot with demands for special treatment—and millennials will quickly adapt new stunts as robots become advanced enough to deal with their demands. And dipshits? They will continue to go through the entire store in the stretch before you arrive, selecting only items with a missing price tag or bar code that cwon’t scan. They will linger by the door until you approach.
           They will then spring up to the counter and waste time badgering the clerk and just waiting for you to express any impatience, so they can pull their command performance. This consists of “being offended” while insinuating that you are the only person in the universe who has ever said anything to them. Thnks to ATMs, they are past-masters at taking their bloody time using their EBT (food stamp) cards. Worst of the lot are the disabled, who have a mental as well as a legal right to get in your way.
           TMOR this might seem harsh on the handicapped, but this is America. They are already the most coddled group. Odds are, they have a higher quality of life than you do from all the hand-outs they get. I’m suggesting they could pick some other time than rush hour to go shopping . We all love the ones who buy lotto tickets one at a time and scratch them at the counter. I’m rashly and inconsiderately hinting they could click off their free cable TV in their free apartment and use their free buss pass to go shopping at the quiet times? But in America, I’m a voice in the wilderness.

           I got back to a yard where the weeds beat out my flowers. Hmmm, in fact, the flowers have mostly disappeared. Wide awake, I threw on a DVD called “The Crown and The Dragon”. I will always underestimate the appeal this theme has for movie directors. Nothing original, check back tomorrow. Right now they are still traipsing through those countless forests in England that have no gnats, spider-webs, not even low-hanging branches. Camera dolleys, must however, be a challenge.
           Last, way down here out of the way, a tiny spot of social news. The Reb calls to see if I’m okay. Nobody calls to see if I’m okay. There you have it, the only blog in the universe that today features a rusty saw as headliner. Who could ask for anything more?

Last Laugh
(Brazilian Driver's License)