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Thursday, June 27, 2019

June 27, 2019

One year ago today: June 27, 2018, whirlwind?
Five years ago today: June 27, 2014, I built my own.
Nine years ago today: June 27, 2010, over-orchestration.
Random years ago today: June 27, 2013, alligator watching.

           Blog rules I tell you whatever the biggest event was, and this morning, you get yard work. I hauled 3-1/2 hours of leaves, branches, twigs, and such out of the yard. Think around eight or nine heaping wagon loads. I left the shady spots until last but by noon, it was quitting time. Remind me to pick up more peach tea. I staked out the row for the bamboo and may chance the heat long enough to get those in the ground. They dried to almost tinder despite being kept in water. Let’s see if they live up to their legendary hardiness.
           What gets my goat? I always keep string, rewinding longer pieces so I always have enough. Then promptly put it somewhere I can’t find it. Agt. R tells of a three day stretch while I was away they had fifteen inches of rain. He checked here, my property being that 1-1/2” higher than the others saved me, but that’s what happened to all my flowers. Everything, where I planted, washed away. Then, followed three weeks of scorching sun that finished off everybody’s lawn.

           Blair, that’s the name of that chef. Back in college, I took summer jobs replanting trees with the forestry service. Try that with today’s unfenced borders, hipsters. Anyway, for no reason I’ve tried to recall his name and it finally hit me. Not really bloggable, but I’m writing it down so it doesn’t bug me that I can’t remember it. He was actually a grad of some school that had a one year practical, so he headed out to bush camp. When he found out I actually liked to peel potatoes, he often needed fifty pounds of them on rainy days and got the ranger to assign me indoor work.
           What reminds me of Blair is spices. When he graduated, his relatives chipped in and got him this massive supply of spices. One of the first things you learn in culinary arts is spices have a shelf life of one year max. What to do, since he couldn’t dump them, so he got me to “invent” his secret chicken mix. My guess is there were around 100 different spices in that trunk. I know there were 96 for sure. Each Wednesday chicken day, we would take one tablespoon of each and shake them together. All of them, you name it, went in that bag. And that chicken became such a favorite he would make almost three times as much. One day he baked 52 chickens, the last batch was still in the oven when the eating began. Why I recall this? Beats me, I forgot it until it flashed back.

           Naturally, we never told anybody. By end of that summer, some of the rangers would drive ten miles in that bush for chicken Wednesday. I’ve never again seen as many spices at once, not even in spice displays. But the mixture solved the storage problem. By the time I left in mid-September for Spokane, we could tell his relations we had legitimately used probably over half of their gift. And yes, they always asked. That’s also where I learned I never wanted to be a cook.
           The crew figured he got up, threw on some eggs, and went back to sleep until noon-ish, that type of thing. Hell no, that guy was up at 5:30AM and go, go, go until sunset. The one good part of the job was he had a lady helper and bunked in a trailer. He was also bunking the helper. The rest of us stayed two to a canvas tent and that’s where I learned I never wanted a city kid for a roomie. They are cranky all the time, don’t know how to keep the wood heater going, and attract ants. They never figured out how you knew they broke the cardinal rule of not eating inside the tent. Ants.
           “Oh. But I didn’t think they meant crackers.”

Picture of the day.
Prefab yurt.
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           Archives. Over the years, I have some 16 hard drives of material. Usually salvaged from computers I’ve owned, they likely contain tons of duplicate material. Time to pull it all together. The solid state terabyte drives have proven their worth. Much as I would not normally put everything in one basket, I’m planning to get one of the largest drives available and outright put all my records into long term storage. This includes thousands of 5-1/4 and 3-1/2 inch floppies and countless discs. I estimate the copying will require around 120 hours. I have software that finds duplicates, but I’m afraid to use it.
           I braved the sun and put in the row of bamboo shoots. They look dried out on the side facing the sun. But aren’t these supposed to survive droughts and frosts? If you see a picture, it means my camera finally arrived. And as for my missing flowers, it would seem almost like something came along and ate them. I know which ones survived and the best of the lot is dark red pansy. I’ve not learned the art of composting yet, but the soil mixed and set aside came out wonderfully black and rich. Maybe I’ve stumbled on the ancient Amazon lost art of the black pottery soil.

           That dragon movie is still, well, draggin’. How long are those two going to lounge around romantic campfires and listening to silly music? After an hour and twenty minutes, they’ve escaped every dungeon, killed all the assassins, and found the two halves of the unicorn horn. The only remaining cliché is to battle the dragon and I’m not quitting until I see that. That part of the movie doesn’t make sense and the special effects are so low budget it hurts a bit. In the credits, the producer’s names are Griffin and Wulf. This could be some kind of set-up.
           Later, the movie ended before they sealed the deal. I threw on a Gene Hackman movie, always a good bet. And it was. “Runaway Jury” and no, I’ve never seen it. Just like I’ve never seen Oprah, Leno, and cannot name you a single television program. Nope, not one, wait. Because I sometimes have coffee at the right time, I know that “Jeopardy” and “Wheel Of Fortune” are still on. But I’d hardly call that watching television in any couch potato sense. I could not tell you what comes on after them.

           This movie is excellent, in that it sums up a lot of what people inherently know is wrong with the American system. It still beats most anything else, but it is far from perfect and the major element wrong with it is, in my opinion, the lack of accountability. Two similar cases, two different verdicts. Far too much emphasis on appearance, acting ability, and then there is the blackmail of plea bargaining and turning state’s evidence. Bad players are not held responsible for serious errors, jurors are coached, the accused is limited by his money supply, crime labs have no oversight, and this is just skimming the surface.

           Tennessee didn’t do my diet any good. I gained six pounds. While my daily weight can swing half that either way, I base my true wait on a three-day average. I’ve gained, and it must come off immediately. I know my metabolism all too well. No wonder my skinny jeans were fighting back that day we went to the market. Hmmm, I guess that sounds funny a bit, but allow me to add that when you go out with gals like the Reb, even shopping for cat-filler becomes a unique date. You know, those little food-scented pellets that list the ash content. Cat-filler.
           Storage. I need another shed of some sort. Right now, a platform will do, since I can put a canvas shelter up without a permit. Too many people forget this is hurricane territory but have them anyway. In case anybody wonders where the money for all this comes from, simple. I wasn’t here for around half this year so far, so the yard money didn’t get spent. As for the beer caddy, I’m getting the gear set up only to find they do not sell the right grade of cedar fence panel in this area. And the regular panels are thinner so my jigs won’t work, well, not directly. There’s always the playing card trick. What, you don’t know that one? Keep a deck of cards handy as temporary wedges. They can always be fitted to a perfect cut.

           And scratch that song, “Total Eclipse of the Heart”. It turns out that is the only good part of the song. Remind me to shop for an extra bed. Up till now, I’ve used the fold out sofa, but that is not going in the spare room. Trent’s got some business in Orlando and that’s a visit opportunity and chance to jam. Besides, we always get all the good women when we head downtown. I wonder whatever happened to that Korean lady we met? The ROK burger lady.

Last Laugh