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Monday, August 19, 2019

August 18, 2019

One year ago today: August 18, 2018, Australia – no 5th.
Five years ago today: August 18, 2014, ‘doxxing anniversary coincidence.
Nine years ago today: August 18, 2010, depressed = self-absorbed.
Random years ago today: August 18, 2017, lottery payout assumptions.

           If the formatting looks nostalgic, I had to revert to an earlier version of this blog. Yep, 2019 and the greatest generation still cannot build a flash drive that doesn’t randomly crash. I ran a recover app and the files are there, but I had to decide if it was worth the recovery. Not at this time. My backups were made Wednesdays, so everything is cool up till four days ago. The post was written, but no time now to even try to reconstruct it from memory.
           Thus, you get the events of the day in roughly chronological order, once more revealing the daily log roots of this blog. We piled in the car and drove out to Donelson for supplies. That’s the nearest Harbor Frieght but most definitely not the best one. Good news, they had the oscillating saws on sale for $13. Good luck finding them, they have been moved to a separate display from all other power tools.

           The neat part is this scammer lady approached me as I entered. I would have brushed past, but this one had the same haircut and dye job as good old Teresa. Remember Teresa, “I don’t have to keep my promises because you don’t own the building.” I was going to hear this one out but the staff were right on top of it, herding her out the door. I would have enjoyed hearing that one, but I just told you about the staff.
           This photo is simply because it is pretty. That’s ordinary furring strips, these one are just glued, not otherwise fastened. I used those corner clamps, which I reviewed but that file is also lost. I had been researching home-made wood stains and came up with lots of formulas. Coffee, tea, mustard, ammonia, tumeric, shoe polish, berry juice, motor oil, and anyone with a shag carpet is familiar with the properties of red wine. Of the lot, I like coffee the best, wondering why I didn’t think of that. It looks a bit like walnut stain at what, seven bucks a tin these days.
           I’ll try the coffee and kick myself for just having thrown out a half jar of instant that caked in the humidity. Here is the point you make a snarky comment about making sure for the Reb that it is decaf.

Picture of the day.
French cook named Gaby?
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Next stop is for the ground turkey dog food. I never bought myself three packages of that at a time. And that to be GMO free 93% lean. Here’s your panel shot of the repaired but not yet painted lawn swing. The pieces that have been replaced or added are painted black. This unit is now a decoration only. I added to strips across the front to stop anybody from sitting there. I still could not find any old paint, but in an hour, I’m going to go through the old shed. Landlord’s and paint, well, just let me look.

           Here we go, a shot of the corner clamps. A word of caution that these contraptions are not self-squareing and not as easy to use as it seems. If you want square, buy a set of four and be prepared to do a lot of back and forth even if you are used to wrestling with these things. Dang, one of the photos lost was an excellent view of the work in progress.
           Nor are these clamps such a great design because your instinct says to get it square, place your assembly on a flat surface. Can’t, if you do, the clamp levers hit the tabletop and cannot be turned without picking them up or sliding them to the table edge.

           In other news, I got all this weeks letters and communications done and Elliott & I got to red-assing about liberals. I find them annoying, he finds them disgusting. We concluded they have overused the racist-redneck-bigot card and it has lost impact. There have been increasing instances where that accusation no longer scares anyone off. This infuriates the leftists even more. I attribute the change to Mr. Trump. Liberals can’t hide behind a sheild of political correctness and they are incensed. Probably because it was their only resort.

           Ah, luck. Here’s a can of “America’s Finest” and the contents still jiggle on the inside. It got dark on me, so we don’t know about the color until tomorrow. Back inside, I went over the song list and it dawned on me something is off kilter, in the sense of why they added eight new songs at the last moment. My guess is there is a wedding party or some similar situation and the tunes are requested.
           This jives with the information they don’t really have rehearsals, but auditions. See how things fit here? Most bassists are guitarists who lack musical talent and have to memorize every song, we talked about this. It can take weeks and months of drill to get the simplest tunes right and there is no time for that.

           I know it takes me a week to polish up a tune, even though I learn the music. I still have to memorize the structure and presentation. But if I’m right, they band inadvertendly handed me a list of what the other guys can’t play. Note that the auditions are on Wednesdays and I have not been invited yet.
           In Nashville, that makes me Mr. Nobody.

           One tune that grabbed me was the Beatles “I’ve Just Seen A Face”. I have heard it a lot, but it didn’t sound like them. Now I’m paying attention. It has what is sometimes called a sweet sound, so I went through it note for note to find where I could add major thirds, my specialty. It’s a technique that contributes to the guitar sound by emphasizing a harmonic that often gets drowned in a strum.

Last Laugh