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Thursday, August 22, 2019

August 22, 2019

One year ago today: August 22, 2018, UX tapes before DMCA.
Five years ago today: August 22, 2014, used books, my eye.
Nine years ago today: August 22, 2010, remember analog to digital?
Random years ago today: August 22, 2004, we didn’t know.

           I’ve been millennialized. Or, my tablet has. Some screen appeared saying I was short on memory, click to fix. I did and it disabled all my thumbnails. These are a prerequisite for this blog. I am now in the second hour of trying to get them back. Don’t you love the on-line directions that say go to a certain folder and the option you want isn’t there? And somehow, this millennial setting deleted my restore points, even with drive protection enabled. That’s how today went, and yes, I have more rehearsal news. I didn’t get the memo. The start time was rescheduled for noon and I showed up three hours early.
           Nope, I could not just kill the time because I had a noon appointment for new tires on the car. The rear tires, including the one that kept going flat. Now I need new front tires. That can wait until after the first.
           It was raining or I’d treat you to pictures of the tires. Instead, here’s the doggies on this morning’s patrol. The doggies found nothing, but everything got checked out. I did some bass work, targeting the tunes that would be best if they do get another female vocalist. Top of this list was Twain’s “Whose Bed Have Your Boots Been Under”. It has an old Johnny Cash knack to it, using fourths to modulate. The song I wrote, “Snooky & Alaine” is totally fourths. The bass line is unoriginal but the chord progression keeps it going.

           Another Johnny Cash quirk is the song is more like two songs put together. I’ll look into that if I find time. The tires set me back $170, which is Around $60 less than retail at an American shop. While waiting, I stopped for a café con leche and the overhead had a program that disgusted me. It was about the wonderful things that were to happen to America after free trade. The sappy commentator went on about global supply chains in recent times. No mention was made of the thousands of Americans who lost their manufacturing jobs or how something like 75% had to take lower paying jobs, in some cases much lower. Now, I agree there were segments of our population who are overpaid, and still are, but canning them was not the solution.
           I am aware that these people losing high paying jobs spells a lifetime of serfdom in a credit-based society. People don’t plunge into debt thinking, gee, twenty years from now, by income will drop by 30%. The economics of Adams and Keynes never took into account that participants may not want to obey the rules. When things get global, there are too many players who view the west as a ripe plum. Think of it like the town that okays its first 24 hour self-serve gas station. It forces all the others to follow suit just to stay in the game.

           Classical economists also fail to take into account the predatory nature of developing countries. Even a country that has a history of squalid conditions for centuries before they even heard of America (no names mentioned, China and India) are going to blame the west for making them look so bad by comparison. I’ve been there, I’ve seen it first hand. They do not see themselves as responsible for their conditions, but I grant them one aspect of that attitude. It is that they tried to import the good things from the west without adopting the culture that created them. For that, they are entirely guilty. They want the plastic, but not the recycling plant.
           The video, dated 2016, went on about how it was a western duty to educate and train the third world as competition, and how this competition would improve matters for everyone. False. That’s another cuter theory that ignores the fact of human greed. A lot of these cultures have long since depleted their own resources. barring any new big oil or gold discoveries. They have two choices to get rich in their lifetimes. Change the fundamental nature of their ancient societies, or plunder the west.

           Here’s where I will repeat my analogy that is based on the reality of globalization. This is entirely my own creation, so if you heard it before, it was here, or plagiarism. The kid brother that whines and whines because you have a bicycle and he doesn’t. Finally, the parents break down and buy the kid brother his own bicycle. But they never understand why the kid doesn’t stop whining. It’s because he never wanted his own bicycle. He wanted yours.
           This is the supreme factor in all liberal thinking that is never properly addressed. I know it well, because I was born on the poor side of the equality street. If I had been a lazy bastard, by now I’d be a total fan of Bernie Sanders. Instead, I worked hard for what I got, which is the same way I’ll part with it. Liberal lying is an integral part of America and its educational system. One should associate universities with open-mindedness, but they have become forums for the true deplorables of our society. Take the Oxford Academics latest thrust, that immigrant crime rates are lower than native born rates. How do you fake that statistic?

           Easy. First, you include only legal immigrants on one side of the study. To get here, they will have to satisfy a set of conditions that basically means they are self-supporting and have an interest in keeping their noses clean. Then, the other side of the study you take native-born to mean mainly illegal immigrants, ghetto thugs, and miscreants from single-mother households. And by golly, just look at them stats.
           The study was based on “a unique database” of news stories, not the actual crimes. The conclusion was the papers were framing the immigrants and have inaccurately described “undocumented immigration as a crime itself”. Why those dirty rotten newspapers. Don’t need no PhD to see what’s going on here. They’ve all been framed.

Picture of the day.
Swedish hard rockers.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Here’s the easy way to test your remote control, as in are the batteries working. Mine is, shown here, but my fancy Blu-Ray™ doesn’t play. Or is it that convertor box? The lack of control buttons means I’ll have to do this by trial and error. While we’re bashing millennials, shoot the one who made Blu-Ray and DVD disks exactly the same size with no way to tell in dim light. We know who the dim light is on that one. Anyway, the trick is to point your remote at any digital camera, which are very sensitive to infrared light. If you see the LED blinking, then it is plenty powerful enough to control your device. Your cell phone cam works just fine for this.
           Early afternoon, and I’m still waiting on the tires. I got a deal by saying they could do it between jobs. So an hour’s wait for $60 is fair. Plus, I get entertained by the overhead, the liberals are on about income equality. Back in the day, we called them limousine liberals, the ultra-wealth who advocated programs they never had to suffer from. Busing, food stamps, etc. What stuck in my craw was the liberal attitude that healthy white males “voluntarily” accept work in a free society and therefore the job they take is the best option in their “opportunity set”. They should therefore pay very high taxes because other people are not so lucky. I’m trying at the moment to recall a moment in my entire life that I voluntarily took a low paying job because that’s all that was available.
           No link, but you might want to take the occasional peek at They regularly publish exposés on liberal hypocrisy. Yes, I know other people besides liberals can be hypocrites. But most of them aren’t trying to steal my money.
           Ah, got it. I was able to get my thumbnails back by editing the registry. I do not recommend most people try that. And what a pity it took that depth of complexity to turn it back on. You have to disable a command that enables you to disable enabling the icon instead of the thumbnail. Up yours, MicroSoft. I don’t suppose you’d care to share with us the home address of the coder who came up with that one? Naw, didn’t think so. I’ll tell you two other people who’d best keep their identities a secret. The bastard who invented the plastic bag that will only rip open down the back seam. And the ratsazz who moved the close program red X from the left of the screen to the right. Where everyone mistakes if for the close window half the time.

           Reading the tech sites is getting more amusing as time passes this year. More and more data breaches and security problems of the exact nature pointed out here. Phones stalking women, spying doorbells, and funny thing how the prime target for theft these days is medical records. I wonder if my cardiologist remembers the confrontation we had over his office manageress on this issue. He said I was out of touch with how things have changed. Ask him if he’d like fries with that.
           Here’s one that goes back well before blog days. Or even journal days, this one harks back to when I was 19 years old. I said if I had the money, I would have left the world behind and moved to Iceland to live in the tiny village of Akureyri. The place has just gained prominence as the most carbon-efficient city in the world. I would hesitate using the example, since most cities are not located atop a free source of hydrothermal energy. What astonishes me is the number of obscure places I found in my youth that have become boom towns in some sense. Akureyri, Merida (Yucatan), Sedro Wooley, for example. What’s next? Cuidad Bolivar?

Last Laugh