Five years ago today: September 14, 2014, remember the fluzzle?
Nine years ago today: September 14, 2010, six channels, my eye.
Random years ago today: September 14, 2016, begging at the till sucks.
Stopping late last night for WiFi, I walked in just as the entertainer was starting his last set. It is that Mike guy who, although in his twenties, seems to always have his parents sitting at the nearest table and watching over him. And they’ve delivered me the evil eye since day one. This could be due to my habit of reading, writing, or doing computer work off in a corner by myself. Anyone who takes offense to that is off the bottom of the scale anyway, but they are everywhere. This photo shows a mix of flowers that kept themselves alive without attention since early August. That’s my kind of flower.
The neighbor up the road came by while I was weeding. He’s been donated a rototiller that runs. It needs belts and such. I’m no good at that [sort of repair] and neither is he. Why couldn’t they give him a working pole saw? When he’s around, I get the lowdown on the neighborhood and some sleezers tried to get into the old folk’s shed up on the corner. My sheds are metal with no windows, still a break-in is pretty brazen on this side of the tracks. He’s got a new dog named “Cash”, which is easy to remember. For me.
This is a good neighborhood but the crimes move in waves, so time to be more vigilant. I’m eyeing a new alarms system compatible with the Reb’s elaborate phone system. Which, like most people with expensive phones, she barely knows how to use. It’s a millennial phenomenon, quick, think of a snappy short phrase I can use for that and coin another word. I already thought of phenomillon but that does sound enough like an insult, which is what I have in mind.
A crime wave wouldn’t work well west of the highway because the local copsters like to crack heads. The rumor is the sleezers are using bicycles to scout so time for something to record the front view. I have a neighbor on the south that watches the place all the time, but me being away so much means I should take a more active roll in security.
The basics is a new camera system that has better features and maybe one that doesn’t go through a disk a week. My old system is DVD. How odd that the DVD itself never became improved in itself. The format has achieved acceptance and who remembers how the old floppies went from 180kB to 1.44 mB, an incredible density for the day. Why not the same for DVD. Forget quality, use BluRay, I’m talking about sheer capacity. It seems to have stalled on optical disks.
I’m working the front yard in the shade. Here are the two big plants that sprung up while I was away. The one I call the pumpkin rose nine feet from nothing. And this one by the front door, that’s the corn plant. I’ll weed around them both for a while to see if they turn into anything. In Florida, probably not and won’t even make good shade. I’ve been here 20 years and know about these things.
Now, the Reb would say that makes me a pessimist. Reminds me of a comment I heard recently. An optimist says the glass is half full, a pessimist says half empty, and a bass player says the glass is twice as big as it needs to be. Okay, I reworked that one a little. I think they call that “bassist’s license”. Inside the house, I don’t know how hot it rose in the last month, but a layer of plastic material has begun to separate from that big screen TV thing I got for $5 and was going to connect some day.
For siesta, I want to play a DVD movie. Did you know, if the DMCA people get their way, my entire second had collection of movies instantly becomes illegal. If you donate your used disks to the Goodwill, you would also be a criminal. And the maximum penalty would make you a felon. Do not use any autorun player, see below.
Abandoned tree house.
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The Reb gave me a diet supplement that purports to control the mechanism that causes triglyceride levels. I doubt it, for such a discover would be worth billions. The good news is when mixed with cold water, it actually has a real chocolate flavor. Wait for the picture. It would likely thus make an excellent smoothie addition and I was in the mood only to discover I’ve lost the lid to my blender. This is also a period when my tools are breaking and wearing out. Two drills have seized up and my saber saw won’t hold a blade. I wonder, is it a conspiracy? Why, later today I may just drive over to Winter Haven and ponder that. Could I be the only one who’s noticed those plastic bread clips now break when you try to reseal the bag?
Here’s a coat rack I saw at the antique store, kind of gave me a few ideas. I’ve got tons of other loose ends first, yet I can’t help thinking of an application for these notes and a microcomputer. If the idea breaks surface, I’ll tell you. Just now I can’t pin it down. It will come to me, but I know it is an idea related to that etch-a-sketch with the servo motors.
Here’s an ultrasonic cleaning pen.
Right now, it’s under the house to get that last joist into place. I didn’t get into the pit today, the yard is too overgrown to get me worried about much underneath the building. Nor can I shake the groggy lag of the trip. We’ll be busy enough shortly. That deck with the dryer needs tending to so I can get my washer in operation. What a boon that will be, and there seem to be enough pieces to rig up a clothes line. I prefer a clothes line for drying certain items, like bed clothing, in the sunlight.
Instead, I experimented with stains and poly finishes on some of the boxes made this round in Tennessee. I made several errors that eventually taught me about standardizing designs. One was that the easiest way to cut the lumber is not as pleasing a finished box as choosing and cutting the visible pieces first. Things along that line, like not to cut through a knot, and some knots are nicer than others. (More noteworthy to me was without realizing it, I just put in another twelve-hour day. If I could sustain that, there just must be something I could do for money.)
I could not get up to speed all afternoon, so I finally got out to the shed and calibrated that compound miter saw. I took it apart and removed that blade locking mechanism. It was slightly bent and would occasionally lock the blade enough times until I’d had it. I now suspect that glitch was why the saw was donated and I got it so cheap. I then proceeded to make a beauty of a box, 12” x 8”, with tight fitting 45° corners. I’ve no way to cut the bottom or a matching lid yet, but the joints sure are pretty. No pic.
Next, I planned out what I will need by way of two jigs. One to cut the slot for a bottom panel where up to now I’ve made boxes the width of the lumber I was cutting. And two, to learn how to route the rabbet cuts when I need a stronger bottom for tool cases. May I add, those custom tool cases are what the beatniks would call snazzy. While not the best solution, they beat the pants off those plastic molded cases they arrive in. Always allow up to 20% more space for the wrenches, accessories, and the power cord which will never get rolled back up like when it was new.
Quip of the day, “I didn’t know they were dead. I thought they worked for City Hall.” Wait, I have an even funnier one for you. On a Kia, the correct tire pressure is not listed in the manual or printed on the tires. It is on a plate on the inside of the driver’s door. That’s another one of those things you are “supposed to know” even if the last thing on your mind is figuring out the logic of some dumbfeck who works are a car factory.
And here’s another don’t-do-it. If your computer is on-line, do not play DVDs, particularly Sony DVDs with the Sony PC_clickme autorun. Just don’t do it, you done been told. Even if you computer is not on-line now, if it might ever in the future, use some other player. (The wise never use any autorun scripts that came on-market after 2013. You know, I have yet to see a movie in Blu-Ray. While I got the HDMI connection working in Tennessee, the big TV turns out to be just that, a TV. It was not Blu-Ray compatible. But playing the Blu-Ray disks through the convertor makes an easily noticeable difference on the regular screen. Good job.
The biggest difference is some of the trailers are better quality than some parts of the actual movie. Talk about cheapskates, it’s like they took a different format and tried to upgrade it for the backgrounds. I think a Blu-Ray quality screen is in my near future. Maybe after I buy that pole saw and the table saw. One aspect of these trailers does not compute. You have the trailers approved for R audiences and so on, but what does approved for “appropriate audiences” mean when it is the entire warning? Since I have patriotic tendencies that are not left-leaning, I may have been viewing inappropriate previews.
Shit! Many of them included violence, language, sexual innuendo, drug references, and at least seven in the past year showed cut-off wearing teenage girls that were not fat, neurotic, or totally square-headed about premarital relationships. And at least two of them were depicted alone with older men to whom they were not related and were not Catholic priests. I’ve ignored warnings that weren’t even there.
Now, unless you happen to have the right card to play these days, ignorance of the law is no excuse. Hell, what law? In south Florida, ignorance by itself is enough, and in Miami, ignorance and sheer stupidity become virtually indistinguishable the closer you get to downtown. But, I watched them under-warned videos. Where do I turn myself in?