One year ago today: September 16, 2018, finally, kitchen A/C.
Five years ago today: September 16, 2014, $534.80? – I quit.
Nine years ago today: September 16, 2010, America still bans books.
Random years ago today: September 16, 2011, pre-assembled is cheating.
Off to a good start, then a stop at 10:42AM. Raked part of the yard, weeded the birdbath area, sprayed the weeds, and partially assembled my planter. Then zing! Stubbed my toe, putting me out of commission. I mean really doonted it good, the ring toe of my left foot. I can’t even hobble. This means I may as well get under the house. After a cup of ginger tea, courtesy of the Reb. Traditional Medicinal, the kind of tea good for lucky numbers, sprained toes, and many grandchildren. In America it is against the law to advertise any false curative medicines or procedures. Unless, of course, you are ethnic Chinese. The Reb also gave me a can of borlotti beans?
Borlotti? For all I know, there’s a borlotti plant under my kitchen window. Here are some closeups for you whorticulturalist types. What typo? Okay, okay, I apologize. That reminds me of a joke, the punch line of which is “What calf?” You figure out the joke. Here’s the plant, I tried to capture the true color of the little berries or seeds and it turned my wall purple. Take a look at the leaves and that’s why I call it the corn plant. It grew to nearly five feet in six weeks.
Now that I can build boxes okay, time for some window planters. For that matter, I’ve considered putting planters around the exterior walls far more extensively. But I need to read up on that first. Remind me to pick up potting soil, it’s that time of year. I took more pictures of the flowering plants that stayed flowering and survived on their own. That’s my kind of plant. They also serve who kind of just sit there and look pretty. Heavy on the pretty.
I’ve worked myself into a corner. That joist has to be done before I can proceed. I cannot even put a canopy over the new dryer location until that segment of the wall is level. To get at that joist requires two men, so by myself I have to take up part of the back bedroom floor to get at it. And while I’m there, put in the new plumbing for the shower. The person who invented the hand-held shower should be here to help. I mean, they are okay if in addition to a regular shower. Last November, I almost got conked out by one that fell off the wall hanger.
This also means moving a ton of storage boxes that have been stored along that wall. This would happen anyway, now that I’m happy with the results of soundproofing. I’m going through my dead fan collection (it’s a Florida thing) trying to find enough parts to resurrect that all metal fan from Tennessee. That casing was built in America and there is no intention of throwing it out. So far all the non-working fans have motors that can’t be fixed here. I need one that uses bushings.
I forgot to get the specs on the movie “Hangmen”, making me wonder if it has been retitled. Sandra B. is definitely not the headliner, in fact if the panel sees this movie, they’ll start taking their awards back. The script has most of the clichés, the downtown arms dealer with anti-tank weapons, the CIA turncoats with their HQ in that same old East LA power plant before it was abandoned. The old team is still available with time to spare, including the loose cannon, the black guy of unquestioned loyalty, and the ever-handy explosives expert.
The movie has nothing to do with the title. The word isn’t even mentioned. The power plant will later be re-discovered Eastwood, Selleck, and then Arnold’s people. We got a hot spell today and my toe is too swollen to put on a shoe, so it is me and this movie. It’s even too hot to work under the house.
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Mid-90s at least by early afternoon. My A/C, as installed, can’t keep up with that. The only comfortable room is the front bedroom and no work is allowed in there. Hey, it’s the only clean and tidy part of the house until that joist is replaced. If I do it right, it involves stripping all the siding around the bathtub, but the new plumbing pipes would be grouped quite closely and nearer to where I’d put the new kitchen sink. The cooler morning let me dry-fit the pieces, if she doesn’t cool again I’ll do some shopping, that is, back over to Winter Haven. There are things you don’t shop for where you live. One of them is a haircut.
Did I mention the Reb cut my hair this time? I have a divot, she calls it, near my right temple. You see, when I wear a hat in warm weather, I get Einstein wings (a term I invented) and she has this really nice set of dog clippers. And you can guess the rest. Now I wear a hat quite often, sometimes even around the house. Changing the subject, you know how they claim you can connect up to 128 devices to a USB outlet? Experience tells me when using flash drives, the maximum is more like 8 before you get conflicts.
Then I run into a discussion of whether the moon landing was faked. No, it wasn’t. It was a brute force undertaking that worked. There are lots of discrepancies in the original video because they were not a film crew. The critics seemed focused on the footage rather than the physics behind the venture. You can guess right there which avenue requires more brain-power. I say, just like cell phones and military hardware, other countries are not as intent on copying our infrastructure as they are at copying our apparent materialism. It’s the old story about oncoming famine. You buy some garden seeds and your neighbor buys a gun. The neighbor who screams when you build a fence.
Here’s a handy DIY set of corner clamps. Those red metal ones I have are okay for smaller projects. They are also great for coaxing less than straight wood into place until fastened. Here’s a small test for today. Can you see how these corner clamps work? If you can’t, are you sure you should be reading a blog like this one? That would include anyone who has to go look up the answer on-line. In the real world, that’s like cheating. There, now that I’m done scaring off the lemmings, I’ll explain.
The hole in the middle is for stress release The pieces hold the corners together by placing a clamp on the top and bottom of each pair and squeezing the pieces together. I’m making a set to repair the window screens again. The last time was temporary because most of the wood was too far gone. I did a rush job on the window frames as well to prevent further deterioration. Hold on, that’s misleading. I fixed the frames quite well, you’ve seem photos of how I sometimes replace large solid pieces.
What I mean is I did not finish the frames well. In some places I did not scrape the old paint, others are only brushed with undercoat, and I still would like to put new putty all around. The old stuff is often brittle and most of it was sloppily painted in the past. Things are quickly returning to normal. The disappointment was my old “Gilligan” hat, sometimes visible in this blog years ago, finally turned up on one of the unpacked boxes. I ran it through the wash and it came back somewhat shredded. How will I ever make the fashion pages now?
And not one peep over the corn plant. Somebody out there must know what it is. Hurry up and leave a comment, the thing is blooming already, so time may be of the essence. I was busy all day, so somebody please drive over to Agt. R’s and tell him to answer his phone. Then drive down to Miami and do the same with JZ. When you get back, fry us some eggs, then help me get the lumber to finish the laundry deck. Then we can dig the post holes for the shelter and rig up the laundry pulleys. Good thing I left that tree stump.
And phooey on Instructables, the web page. Their free plans are no longer free. When you click on the familiar download spot, it’s now the old membership scam. How do you become a member? By giving the slimeballs enough information to ID, track, and profile you. Up yours, Instructables.