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Saturday, December 28, 2019

December 28, 2019

One year ago today: December 28, 2018, I find it catchy.
Five years ago today: December 28, 2014, my fashion statement(s).
Nine years ago today: December 28, 2010, a generic post.
Random years ago today: December 28, 2006, the MicroSoft book format.

           After the conversation with Monty last day, I’m going to spell out some basic rules for computer security. It is impossible to cover the whole topic here, but most snooping software seeks out totally unprotected computers. You can block 90% of them with the few simple steps given below. This is NOT a substitute for virus protection or firewalls. It only makes it easier for the eFAG devices to go elsewhere. Snooping software is inherently lazy. All this [information] can be found elsewhere in this blog, but today is dedicated to saving you time. This post brought to you by Sparkie and Sammy, mighty tracking dogs, shown here on the trail of the almost extinct Tennessee unspotted park mower.
           Time and again, I meet people who want more security, but there seems to be no reasonable place where they can get good free advice and good examples. These instructions concern the common chore of installing a new app on your computer. It turns out, this is uncommon sense.

           A) Never install anything while you are on-line. Download the app, then get off-line. If you are hardwired, unplug the cable. If wireless, turn off your router. After that, if the app (usually an executable program with the extension .exe) will not install while your computer is off-line, you do NOT want it on your computer. Did you get that? If it won't install off-line, delete it immediately.

           B) Never install in “automatic” mode. Always uncheck that box and select manual install. The only difference is that manual lets you step through the same process, but displays every screen. Read them, most contain nasty surprises. The app should create its own path in your windows directory. Run installed software only when you want it. For sure, the boxes you should always uncheck include anything that runs on startup, any automatic updates, and watch out for add-ons, such as “system diagnostics” or “make this your default app”. Use your brains.

           C) Stay away from all Google products. If you don’t have Google Chrome on your computer, don’t install it because it cannot be deleted. If Google is already your search engine, use an overlay like CLIQZ. These overlays still use Google, but strip away all tracking apps. But beware, Google has more than one bought out these companies and said nothing.

           D) Install Ghostery (Code from the 70s) and Cookienator. And set the service interval to the shortest time, hourly if possible. Ghostery blocks Google profiling by making the system think it is a new computer every time you log on. Cookienator blocks “persistent cookies” that can stay on your computer up to 27 years. That's correct. Years.

           E) Boycott sites that want to “contact you back”. Your phone number and e-mail are ID. Giving ID to strangers, no matter how reputable they used to be, is like writing your phone number on the washroom wall.

           Having said that, bear in mind the American system conditions people to think they have to show ID whenever it is requested. Not so, but be prepared to get refused. Furthermore, it is one thing to show ID, and quite another to let them copy your information onto their database for some secret and unspecified future use. I find I’m often the first person that ever objected in many places, but don’t be afraid to join the resistance. UPS has no business collecting your biometric data. But they ain’t gonna change until they start losing business.
           One more thing. Change your personal e-mail to Protonmail in Switzerland. Then send only trusted people your new addy. Read today’s addendum about security. Keep in mind that Protonmail has alrady come under attack by various “governments”. It could be shut down, but until then, it is the ONLY secure end-to-end email service.

Picture of the day.
Gutter hanger’s delight.
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           I wonder how I’d fare if I didn’t insist on an early afternoon break. I think it takes a special type of person to actually retire and do nothing. I put on thie DVD “Legends of the Fall”, with Brad Pitt. It’s amazing how he plays the same character in every movie, yet with subtle twists that make it suit the part. This movie is about another rich family whose sons go off to war, but so far most of the scenes concern the outcome of a single woman out in the wilderness surrounded by men. Of course, there’s going to be trouble. Heaps of it.
           I’m by no means the radical person connected with this blog, and I’m getting increasing mail from people who feel the Internet giants are selling out to the liberals. The Internet was originally about free speech. Liberals do not believe in any such thing. It looks as if they’ve failed in the political arena and are now going for their historical standby--control of the propaganda sources, which in America is the media.

           That’s too bad if the Internet falls to them. I repeat my hope that something will come along that bypasses or defeats any controls. I am against censorship, except in extreme cases of crackpotism and the advocation of violence. I believe people should decide for themselves what to look at. Censorship is a form of prohibition, which only forces the activity underground and criminalizes the ordinary citizen.

           Interesting. Seattle has told anti-vaxxers that their children cannot return to public school unless they get vaccinated against childhood killer disease. Of course, some are screaming about it, but the bottom line is these are public schools. Public means you cannot do as you please and majority rules. This is after nearly 90 students caught measles. Enough is enough. The non-vaccinated people are free to attend their own schools. What? They don’t have any? What would Clint Eastwood have said about that?Interesting. Seattle has told anti-vaxxers that their children cannot return to public school unless they get vaccinated against childhood killer disease. Of course, some are screaming about it, but the bottom line is these are public schools. Public means you cannot do as you please and majority rules. This is after nearly 90 students caught measles. Enough is enough. The non-vaccinated people are free to attend their own schools. What? They don’t have any? What would Clint Eastwood have said about that?

           All of your e-mail is recorded. Never write anything that you would not tell your worst enemy on-line. You may think you have nothing to hide but you do not know what laws will change in the future. Change to Protonmail. And I’ll tell you why. Proton is the only service that encrypts your e-mail at source inside your computer. All other services encrypt it on their server, leaving the “last mile” of your messages vulnerable at either end.
           You should also be aware that unless both sender and receiver are using encryption, the message is not secure. You can encrypt your message, but if you send to a non-encrypted receiver, the message is not scrambled. I have used Protonmail since day one it came on the market. No spam, no funny stuff, though that may not last much longer. Some powerful people hate Protonmail, but it is based in Switzerland where the mountain passes have undoubtedly been mined. Nuclear mined. Nobody invades Switzerland and gets away with it--but the USA has surrounded the country with an electronic barrier, recording everything that comes in or out.

           Protonmail also has a feature whereby the sent message expires after a time you specify. It also has a method that you can send somebody a link that they have a message from you that requires a password. They can link back to the Protonmail server to get the message. However, this system is cumbersome and not yet up to par. Messages sent that way “look funny”.
           The Internet is changing for the worse. It’s promise [of anonymous free speech] has been compromised. The eFAG and now youTube are banning all but leftist points of view, calling all opposition “hate speech”. As if censoring is not itself hate speech. This blog is investigating switching to BitChute instead of youTube, and will report the results. I’m surprised an otherwise okay site like youTube has succumbed to the liberal overlords. Here is a link to a video banned on youTube for being “offensive”. It’s called The Great Replacement. It’s nearly an hour long. You decide: is it fact-based or just hate speech?
           One more thing. If you value your privacy, never place any files on the Cloud. The Cloud as it was originally planned does not exist. Do not use MicroSoft Mobile anything. Turn off automatic updates. (Wait until they are reviewed, then install them if you really want. I have never installed an update on this computer and it works just fine.)

Last Laugh
(When you see it.)