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Wednesday, February 26, 2020

February 26, 2020

One year ago today: February 26, 2018, the complete cure.
Five years ago today: February 26, 2014, the bassist as semi-necessary.
Nine years ago today: February 26, 2010, the same eyes.
Random years ago today: February 26, 2010, original “sun-follower” design.

           Reading the Nashville musicians list brings back memories. So many bands now specifying the same things I did fifteen years ago. They often now spell out particular tunes and artists that they will NOT be playing and it reads like the Hippie’s song list. Ha, but that 15 years is a traditional lag time in my life. The Smithsonian has announced it will release a few million pictures into the public domain. Fifteen years is how long I’ve been telling people the Internet is not the best place to be posting your copyrighted material.
           The whole copyright versus digital debate has always been plain dumb. I recognized long ago that it is the people who post things people can use for free who get the clicks. The Smithsonian is just the latest to catch on. I don’t pay for news and don’t patronize news sites that are too stupid to grasp the concept of ad-blocker. This means you, Post and Times.
           Problems will persist, however. Take this Smithsonian picture of some sort of counting device. Is it theirs? Is it part of the newly freed pictures? Do you have time to go find out? Do you even know how? Answers: No, and neither do I. Back to music, here’s a sample by a band from Hendersonville, this quote has relevance to me as it was the tune “Red House” that turned me completely off to Jimmy Hendrix. I don’t listen to Blues filler music. The ad says:

           We won't be doing Free Bird, Sweet Home Alabama, Can't You See, SRV, Joe Bonamassa, Red House and similar.

           Don’t trivialize the remark about 15 years. That is a repeat time period throughout my life. Things I avoided in 2005, people are just learning the same lessons now. I don’t smart phone. I don’t text. I don’t Facebook. I don’t buy on-line (using credit cards). Golly, I must be some hermit unaware of what’s going on in the world. I write letters on paper and send them by US Post. I buy everything cash. I could give dozens of more examples and the only possible explanation is tnnot that I know something but that I’m a fossil. On the other hand, let’s see in 2035 who was right.
           Today, I go on the two-phone system. One tired old number for incoming calls only. The other severely restricted to who has the number, no strange calls answered. Let me tell you about a total gimp by the name of Barry. It’s the guy who calls up claiming to have read in “court records” that you house is for sale. I don’t know what he’s up to, but I don’t like mouth-breathers. I told him in some detail what was going to happen to his life if he called me again. He’s sticking to the court record story, so next time he telemarkets, I’m going along with this to find out what gives with that. Since my medical condition of 2003, I will never again be foolish enough to keep property in my own name.
           Barry’’s got plenty of company. This morning I was the only car at the gas station. It was freezing, so everything was buttoned up. Parked at pump 6, walked up and slid two $20s through the gate. The clerk just stood there. I had to wait a spell until he said, “Forty on six.” I thought, no, Tyrone, I love standing in the cold Why, I was donating forty bucks to you as a symbol of my long-standing appreciation for 30-something white guys with top-knots who work the red-eye in the local Citgo beat-off booth.

Picture of the day.
Big Carl.
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           I buy my cheap junk at Wal*Mart. The boys were along but we weren’t out long in this climate. Before I left, Agt. R brought out this book from 1951. Titled “Book of Illustrations”. It is a monumental work, containing thousands of hand-drawn depictions. Birds, insects, machines, trees. Here is a snap of one page, sadly the book is coming apart at the seams. It was quite the work for that year and what is extra interesting is the groupings. It’s a much better job of it than the current era, who are clueless by comparison.
           Things you though were in a class of their own are depicted with related items. I must borrow this book, maybe scan it. They don’t make ‘em like that anymore.
The boys and I took an afternoon nap, slept till 9:00PM. Got up and went for a walk but froze our yarbles. Back inside, I began going through my new set lists to see what works and what gets replaced. Other than a leaning toward country classics, there seems to pattern to material. Entertainment-wise, that is probably a good thing.

           Devoting some thought to how the authorities accept a bank statement as proof of residency, I’m going to find the bank around here with the lowest no-fee balance. Then let it sit, just to see what happens. My mentor is Nerdwallet. They tend to report on aspects I don’t care about, but serve as a benchmark. For example, they do not report a bank’s Texas ratio. You want as low a rating as possible on that one but beware. Many banks with a really low ratio are also bad for customer service, hidden fees, and holding deposits.
           And how about this caronavirus hoax. It’s a virus. It will spread and you cannot stop it. But you can spend a lot of money and waste a lot of time pretending you can. With 150 cases now in Italy, soon it will be Europe, and then it’s on our doorstep. Quite raising false hopes. As for vaccinations? It’s a virus. There is no such thing. The vaccine probably does nothing but abate conditions related to weakened defenses due to the virus. As for the so-called “victory” over other strains, many of these viruses peter out on their own.

           Candice Owens, I’d keep an eye on her. She has a Trey Gowdy-like presence and ability to stick to a subject. Couple that with her race and gender, it’s instant electibility. While she gets precisely to a point and spells things out, there is an uncomfortable I-learned-this-in-school aura about her perspectives. Sort of, this is what she learned to say to get ahead, rather than any personal IQ she applied to a problem. I may be wrong, but I’ve seen this before.
I would support her in the absence of Trump. Her and I share the same dislike of the current education system, the same view on how colleges and universities have been taken over by liberals, and the same lack of distinction between Communism and Socialism. This lack of different is why Trump should consider the emergence of Sanders as a blessing in disguise.

Last Laugh