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Tuesday, March 31, 2020

March 31, 2020

One year ago today: March 31, 2019, a flat near-anniversary.
Five years ago today: March 31, 2015, up his argeggio.
Nine years ago today: March 31, 2011, actually, he made ashtrays.
Random years ago today: March 31, 2008, first mention Wally’s Folly?

           Look at the hits! Eleven times my normal volume, but then, adventure is a great lure. Especially financial adventure. That’s why new feeds are so popular. Always something incoming (or in the case of NYT, Post, & CNN, something made up). Now we have Forex trading over here. I’ve established and used the “dummy account” that gives you $3,000 play dollars. And very little instruction though it [the menus] would make sense to a scatterbrain. Not the commands, just the menu. What I’m reporting here is 99% learned on my own. Trial, error, and observation. So far, by blindly approving every trade, I’ve made $14.29, or about 1/6th of the 3% talking point. Why do I call it that?

           That’s an easy question. Because if it really paid 3% per week on say, $1,000, and let it ride, you’d make 14 times your money per year. As I wrote to Trent, that’s cause to drop out of medical school. Forgive if I over-describe, repeat, or contradict a lot. That is the nature of learning things on-line where most experts are some kind of pathetic joke. You can’t get a straight answer because their priority is getting you to recruit others, but lordy no, don’t you mention the p-word. I emphasize this is not totally the person but more of that is the way the system is set up. Until you recruit 3 people, you have to pay $189 monthly for the software.

           As previously said, the software, called “Expert Advisor”, monitors the Forex website and seeks conditions that work toward the parameter you set, the default is 3% weekly. The Forex site is involved and complex, the EA is not. My guess is with few exceptions, most users unquestioningly click on the “approve transaction” button. This instructs your e-broker (compulsory) to dip into your on-line wallet. Then they sit back and hope for the best. However, remember all those courses on this sort of investing that I passed the exams back in tax accounting school? Well, I’ve never actually used them, is all I’m saying.
           The photo is the peach tree in the back yard. Coming along, I’d say.

Picture of the day.
Hong Kong protesters.
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           Following on with the Forex experiment, I noticed sometime today sell orders began to outnumber buy orders. We are up to $55.02 in the pot. In answer to my own question about the all or nothing 3% setting, the software people had me figured out. Yes, you can segment your investments, but you have to purchase the module, see? It has a feature I’d like. Remember how I said the system shuts down if you reach your goal early? Well, this allows you to keep your 3%, but continue on for the remainder of the weekly trading period attempting for 5%. Take my money.
           Here’s a nice picture of the dragon plant from the Redlands of southeast Florida. Now transplanted to my yard, note Memphis II and the flower vase making her feel right at home. I have the car back, the leaking transmission problem was a $6 o-ring. I will regret that I put 3,000 miles on the car when there was a known problem. The Forex account is up to $70.82 and there are (I think) 13 trading hours left this cycle. Meanwhile, allow me to tell you a tale from the trailer court.

           This trading is nothing new, except for the fact the computer does fast trading over minor amounts, adding to up enough to make the game worth the candle. The connection here is I know a number of people that would leap into this if it really flies at 3%--but on the condition I manage the accounts for them. My instinct says no, but hold one, there may be a germ of an idea happening. My buddies step-sister has a boyfriend that was into currency trading. He used to pass around $500 as Xmas presents, which impressed a lot of people but no me. Let me emphasize some differences.
           That boyfriend was a seasoned stock broker who took years to learn the trade. He regularly got up at 3:00AM to begin his six-hour work day. By quitting time he was normally stressed out off the charts and totally inebriated. He made good money, but he also died of liver and heart complications at age 42. This Forex venture for me is, by comparison, a holiday. If I was to warn anyone at this point, it is the people who panic when prices fall. Usually they do now that computer displays put it in your face.

           I was over to Winter Haven again and met a rhythm player who wants to gig. I’ll go along to an extent, he’s half my age but has the same motivations. The planks to finish the bathroom I picked up at the lumber yard, and I’ve decided to depth charge the peach tree that isn’t sprouting. I got me some 6-4-6 since the recommended 6-6-6 was only available in $35 bags. I’m tired of pulling weeds, so I further intend to use all those yard leaves as a poor-man’s mulch. Lime, I bought a bag on Agt. R’s advice but I have reservations it could do any good. Last evening, I burned around 60 pounds of branches and logs from the yard, a new experience for me. Never had that big a yard before.
           Hours later, the coals and embers thing got me thinking. No special cases, just thinking. Kind of Plan A. A big flame, dying down as it gets dark, finally that glow in the bottom of the fire pit. Sounds almost romantical, but such thoughts for me are a long drive from Florida. Still, I lingered out there another hour after dark. Me, the Moon, Venus, Orion, but sadly not the Milky Way. The city lights even this far away are too damn bright.

           Something has to give. The economy has shut down like never before over a virus scare. They are now talking end of April, but no matter when, if one person dies after that, they’ll scream Trump called it off too soon. My focus is on how so many people will survive so long with no income. It is not lost that the largest affected group are those that have been working under the table. Waiters, servers, valets, the service industry. They work for cash that has effectively been choked off. How has the economy lasted even this long without cash flow? Do we even want to know?
           As the day winds up, the Forex account reads $81.34. On paper. I don’t count my dollars before they hatch. I threw on “Gattaca”, an old movie (1997) I’ve never watched all the way through. It’s more of a dig at scientific conception, but I agree with many of the premises. True, we are born with flaws, but my experience is that most of the things that go wrong in life are caused by other people. And most of those problems are caused by the most flawed taking it out on others. To cure many ills, it may be better to leave genetics alone and isolate the true causes. Or, as I’ve said many a time, take all the people who need people and put them together on a desert island until they get sick of each other. Then, some may be fit to rejoin the rest of the world. The movie was well done for its day. And Uma still looked like Uma.

Last Laugh