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Thursday, April 30, 2020

April 30, 2020

One year ago today: April 30, 2019, the last “old world” trip.
Five years ago today: April 30, 2015, Elizabeth Hall.
Nine years ago today: April 30, 2011, reading the bingo barometer.
Random years ago today: April 30, 2009, six women talking.

           First thing in the morning before I’ve even had my coffee, I get millenialized, damn bastards. I asked for a schedule of the Zoom meetings, so one of them kewl pricks sends me a 16 megapixel picture picture of the file. It’s a small 2” x 3” display on my monitor. I click print and go get the coffee. I can hear the printer running and running, what the? I get over in time to see it spit out a full 8.5 x 11” full page of the schedule with a solid blue background that used up 5% of my ink cartridge. All because Mr. Kewl-AF thinks colored backgrounds are on fleek.. They resonate with his ambience or what-fkg-ever.
           Now, don’t get me wrong. It is not the printing or that he didn’t he didn’t think, that is garden variety being an asshole. What constitutes millenialization is that if you call the imbecile out over it, he is bewildered that you didn’t click this or check that. Stay with me here, the problem is their thoughtless inconsideration. It’s how they are full of ideas about what YOU can do to solve the problems they cause. They ignore all feedback that would lead them to self-correct. They find correcting their own mistakes offends them.

           Here’s the schedule, nice blue background and all. I like to target the one late Friday night because, well, I get the whole room mostly to myself. Fridays, as you know, are my traditional day off unless I’m gigging. On the other hand, what sort of non-musician is home at that time? Right, somebody who has nothing happening socially. My questions are thought out and prepared, I’ve done the homework and by that time I ask, I’ve tried the easy or obvious solutions. So my presence at the meeting appears to set the pace. As long as I get away with that, Friday is my time. Since the results are super-productive to-the-point learning, it is almost anti-millennial.
           One thing—the person who pulled the printer stunt on me is a higher up in the Auvoria hierarchy, one who has designs on recruiting me. Possibly he infers I may, due to his skillful and astute guidance, become a somewhat useful ally, depending of course on whether he can teach an old coot like me anything about computers.

Picture of the day.
At the soup factory.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           The peaches are ripening. They are a kind of tart-sweet and grow about the size of a chicken egg. Tilda was okay with the comparison. I rarely eat cream but today I will get some special. There are many peaches, but this one is mine. Another day in the yard. I decided to paint only the exterior parts of the planter and put a weed fabric liner around the bin part. I’m going downtown tomorrow (Lakeland) to pick up some planting soil and such. Overall, April has been a very productive month. In a sense it was a dry run for things to come. It’s proof that this place can be used to “hole up” quite a long time.
           The State has partially re-opened some businesses. As I said over half a century ago, I oppose any law, even good law that for its enforcement uses mass surveillance. These businesses are restricted to “25% capacity”. No pubs or clubs or any such cash-flow businesses, however. Just you watch the liberals bleed this one dry. If the virus goes away, they’ll claim victory, if it flares up it is because you didn’t listen to them. It is almost like dealing with a Canadian but without the smell of mukluk.

           I spent the evening watching the burn barrel. The yard is finally cleaned up and I found the chains for the hanging planter made from the swing set. Around three loads of scraps went up in the flames when I noticed I still had two beers left in the fridge. So I had to rake up enough yard leaves to keep the fire going.

Last Laugh