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Saturday, April 4, 2020

April 4, 2020

One year ago today: April 4, 2019, Aleandria who?
Five years ago today: April 4, 2015, when ‘Now I Know’ was free.
Nine years ago today: April 4, 2011, lighting her candle.
Random years ago today: April 4, 2009, Savannah was unaffordable.

           What, no pictures? It wasn't that kind of day.

           You want the latest Forex tales from the trailer court. Fine, I accidentally shut 2/3 of the [Forex trading] system down, but that’s not necessarily bad news. You see, I did so by trying at every stage to move in the right direction, something the MLM people were not anticipating. Profusely did I apologize, the last thing an MLM type wants is somebody around smarter than he is. For example, I wanted to see the trading charts and the AuvoriaPrime trading window was in the way [of the candlesticks]. So I move it out of the way and somehow closed the window—and also closed the trading. Interesting. I was told not to do anything, and did not intentionally. However, their reaction was of much interest to me.
           What happened was rather than reactivate the trading windows, the “team leader” had to reinstall the software. Aha, a no-tech. I will not pursue that avenue at this time. Instead, I closely analyzed the reviews, got that, I did not just read, I analyzed. Hmmm, no 3-stars. It’s all 5-star raves or 1-star rants. Was there a pattern? Yes. Those who demanded their money back all said much the same thing. The software didn’t work because it didn’t trade. Yet, if you read the directions, it explains few people make anything the first while.

           Then it hit me. Odds are these people set their goal percentages too high. While 3% is the default, if you crank it up to 5% or more, don’t expect many trades. Who wants more? Greedy people. Contrary to popular belief, greedy people are usually not too bright. My research says AuvoriaPrime works by “scalping”, taking tiny amounts (pips) at a time but repeatedly. Apparently the other popular algorithm is trend-matching. So I’m proceeding and planning to leave the 3% alone, or if 2% produces a more consistent return, add enough more money to ramp it up to the same return as 3%. You see, I am prepared to lose, lots if I have to. Another commonality I noticed among the dissidents is they spook easy.
           And in a major victory for the millennial class, a district court judge has ruled that the First Amendment gives video games the right to depict Humvees with their software. Sedentary power gamers, social engagement avoiders, and ordinary recluses are now able to get back to “Call of Duty” without the prospective annoyance of having to use their imaginations.

Picture of the day.
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           Hmmm, people are a little slow waking up to the new reality. All you people who sneered and called others conspiracy theorists, especially those with nothing to hide, one question. Who’s laughing now? The pattern has emerged. Thousands of little laws have been slipped into place over the years without objection because those laws did not affect the average person. All of those laws have one thing in common—they are harmless in a society that doesn’t require ID papers for ordinary tasks. But, it just takes one crisis blown out of proportion to make the ID mandatory. The caronavirus will suffice as well as any other.
           Overnight, those little laws will morph into one big law. Thousands will be criminalized, and they will be caught by surprise as they show up to do something the way they always have, like for instance buy a money order. Myself, I’ll walk out the door, but most people will either be too embarrassed to do that, or will grudgingly comply, thinking what does one little instance matter? That’s the same question a lot of them thought about Facebook. Yet it takes just one leak, one breach, to turn you into the victim. How long before declining to show ID puts up a flag? Myself, I’ve got years of experience with workarounds. Joe “Bigmouth” Average, however, is likely to find himself in some very hot water. Pity those who don’t know the system. This information will not be shown to you for confirmation, fat chance. It will be kept secret until they can use it to construe you lied under oath. Nasty. Developed in England.

           Code-talkers. That’s the Navajos who spoke English well enough to be used as WWII radio operators. Never mind the Hollywood tales of Navajo patriotism, most were drafted. The Japanese never cracked the code, and I find that very surprising. Because was a simple phonetic alphabet sent in plain text. The Navajo words for rabbit, ice, cat, and elk are “gah”, “tkin”, “moasi”, and “dzeh”. So to radio the word “rice”, the speaker spelled the English word with Navajo sounds. The Japanese would have had a field day with that. The sound frequencies would be identical to letter frequencies, with the sound “dzeh” being used 12.02% of the time. And any four-letter word that starts and stops with the same letter is probably “that”.
           Something just doesn’t add up, what have the historians been feeding us? The cover story doesn’t fool me. What does add up is the caronavirus boondoggle. I say over a period of years, the states have been quietly passing small and seemingly innocuous laws that, with the surveillance state now being put in place, will cause widespread problems for those who were not prepared. I got my vehicles out of Florida a year ahead of the bureaucracy, those who didn’t will have a tough time now. It was a clever plan, introducing these laws over time so as to not reveal the pattern. But when the virus is over, the showing of ID for ordinary events, like taking money out of your own bank account, will find that a massive recording system is already in place. I predict this will criminalize hundreds of thousands of people who are guilty of no more than doing things their own way.

           I’ve behaved as if this would happen since the 80s, I knew it when I programmed my first database. How it takes only one leak, one breach, to reveal everything about you to people who mean you harm. There are millions in America who slipped through the cracks. The ones that denied any conspiracies, well, they deserve what they’ll get. I predict most will be snagged by a surprise situation where backing out or refusing ID looks suspicious. Like me walking out the door of the Wells Fargo when they demanded ID.
           Most people won’t do that, and the people behind the scenes know it.. What harm could there be showing your ID for a money order? Unless, under totally innocent circumstances, the national tracking database shows the total you sent your cousin to be more than $10,000. You are flagged. A series of related payments is subject to the same law a sending it at once. /Nothing to hide, huh? Who’s laughing now?

Last Laugh
(When you see it.)