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Wednesday, June 10, 2020

June 10, 2020

One year ago today: June 10, 2019, 50 yards = 9 miles in GPS.
Five years ago today: June 12, 2015, 25 pounds of walnuts.
Nine years ago today: June 10, 2011, disecting a printer.
Random years ago today: June 10, 2014, I shoot the Moon.vv

           Another trip to Miami, nothing else much to report. It was an uneventful drive, I listened to an audio book. These tapes are mostly corny to start with, this time I go one that was made for the purpose. You know how so many scripts are written to take advantage of the author’s knowledge of mothballed sets and wardrobe? The same principle applies to audio books. There are some accents and situations where supply exceeds demand. There’s a reason so many movie extras are Mexican and so many aliens land in the desert. “The Cat Who Said Cheese” is okay if you need a refresher of small town politics, and of course, cheese textures.
           Meet the possible successor to Pete the Cactus, remember him? The spring that go 15 feet tall behind the old trailer? All cuttings died when transplanted, but this picture from Alaine shows in can be done. Maybe next week. I’m more concerned with the car because there is a legend with Fords (and Chevs) with fan belts. Once you replace one, a series of other problems follow on. Alternator, water pump, power steering and so on begin to fail. And on the way to Miami, just outside Lake Placid (Florida), the car overheated. I pulled over and everything check out. I let it cool and it’s been fine since.

           I carried on to Miami, where everything is still in lockdown. That makes sense when you consider the number if undocumented types around there who have never been inoculated. Most shops demand you wear a mask, unlike central Florida which has largely re-opened. These 8 cent masks are on sale everywhere for a dollar. Said the store owner on the way to the bank, what virus? And you have to love the propaganda ministry, screaming that as people return to work, more people get sick. CNN actually figured that out on their own. I was following the demise of the BBC when an item cropped up on CBC, the Canadian Broadcasting System, another leftist commie hotbed. Seems they ate one of their own. One of their stooges said the N-word. Even though she was quoting somebody else, she got canned. Hypocrisy is so funny from the outside looking in. Don’t bother looking, the news has been suppressed, Justin Bieber style.

Picture of the day.
Blue mushroom.
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           Arriving three hours late in Miami and as usual, JZ wasn’t home. The backup plan didn’t work, all coffee shops are still closed. The solution? Easy. Most balconies, swimming pools, walking paths, and common areas never get used. Knowing his condo meeting room doesn’t close until late, I set up my computer in the kitchen area and had the place to myself for hours. There is also a big shelf of donated books, but not that great a selection unless you are into Korean bibles and large print diabetic recipes.

Last Laugh