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Monday, July 13, 2020

July 13, 2020

One year ago today: July 13, 2019, Wthe anti-termite campaign begins.
Five years ago today: July 13, 2015, the bigger the user manual . . .
Nine years ago today: July 13, 2011, a rougher ride.
Random years ago today: July 13,2005, wisdom of a 12 y.o.

           It was a Miami day, every place I went, everything I did, there was an AOL in the way. It put me in the mood to tell you about it so you’ll know what to expect if you ever get here. There is a way Americans do things and when there is any departure, only the person doing it thinks they are improving things. I’ll tell you the top stories only. I drove out to the lumber yard 15 miles from here and found fence panels, though not the kind I wanted. I had a cart where I could load 36 at a time, so I needed two loads. I told the flunky standing there I would be right back for the second batch. As I walked up, he was pulling a gate across the aisle.
           Hold on there, I said I was coming back, I’ll just be a minute to get 36 more planks. What would a normal American have done? Well, this prick was obviously itching to turn this into an issue. To wait a minute while I grabbed the boards was his power issue. He said I would have to return in “about two hours”. This, folks, is what the radical left calls “equality”.

           Here’s another indication of 90% inflation in my lifetime. This size chocolate bar, when I was a kid, cost 25 cents. The next AOL was at the dollar store. I know the layout, I had a list, and expected to breeze though when this fat bastard started getting in my way. What the? You just know some people are such total losers, you back out the aisle rather than ask to get through. I went down six aisles and he got in my way four of them. I wish I had my camcorder out, when I started for the single open checkout, that tub of lard actually broke into a half-trot to get ahead of me. He’ll teach me to ignore him.
           I didn’t say anything. You know why? Because he had his grand-daughter with him. I’ll stand in line behind her any chance I get. There she was, visual perfection in a tank top and cutoffs, obviously over 18 of course. I had to try on eight pair of sunglasses from the impulse rack. The blob of whale blubber started an argument with the clerk, which just gave me more time to make a full inspection of the goods. That was nice, my friend, but later today you get some gossip. Most women are not nice.

           To balance things out, as I was leaving the lumber yard with half a carload, the blond babe from last time comes running up. She remembered me. It was like she was starved to have a decent conversation since the last time I was here. She even told me how she saw me leave when the goof standing around finally elbowed me out of the way. That says plenty about America, when a 35 year old checkout clerk has to wait two months for me to show up to get excited about anything.
           Trivia for today is the word “zuckerberg”. It is German for mountain of sugar. Facebook was always sinister, did you know he got his startup capital (Five Hundred Million Dollars) from the CIA? My FM batteries went dead so I listened to the dreaded Tampa radio for nearly an hour. It was a white house briefing, the ones where the leftists stock the room with their sorry excuse for “reporters”. This press secretary, Kayleigh, it would be fun to hear her privately comment on what she thinks of the shit-heads who keep asking her the same question over and over—why is the president ending the shutdown when tested cases are going up. They never ask about the only death rate that is soaring, the ones in their Democrat run cities. Yep, I’d like to hear her opinion of having to deal with those mental degenerates, each one thinking he’ll trick into saying the wrong thing. Reporters, my eye.
           Or how about the Democrat outcry about that sports team called the “Braves”. Even though it is not an Indian word, the Indians don’t use it, and have stated they are okay with the name, the left wants it changed and banned because, get this, somebody in the future might find it offensive. I’m not much into politics and that is not the way I view that pack of idiots called liberals. I view all idiots as the same mob regardless of their politics. But okay, I admit that words like leftard have overtones. So what?

Picture of the day.
View near Churchill, Manitoba.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Then JZ calls and he’s had the same type of day. This guy cuts in front and JZ says no way, and the guy is like, “You don’t have to say it like that.” A shouting match ensued, but since JZ is pretty passive, most of the noise was from the other side. I found a neat thrift in Mulberry, and got me a bird cage. I thought it would be an easy search to find what size of opening stops squirrels. Wrong, all the first page listings only said it can be done. Others had blueprints of ever measurement except the entrance diameter. Welcome to the American Internet mentality. The worst site found is, a total low-effort pack but somehow the useless site comes up on every search. I know the cardinals nest in a box, so I may have to find out by trial and error. Here’s a picture of a wooden motorcycle because I don’t have anything better. Odds are, but I don’t know, this was built by my pal in Miami.
           No progress on the shed today. I watched another one-sided documentary on the U-boats. The big lie for this theater of war was the wolf pack. The fact is, the largest number of u-boats ever in one attack was six, of which around half could operate at once without danger of collision. Hardly overwhelming. The US attacks on the submarines is barely covered. The reality is, Roosevelt had always had a hidden agenda of helping England. When the war started, he sent supplies under “cash & carry” claiming any nation could buy American arms if they came to get them—knowing that the English fleet controlled the sea lanes. When the English ran out of money, he went for “lend lease”, essentially giving them a credit card to keep fighting. These things do not happen by accident.

           JZ was on the phone, he’s seeing that woman again. I cannot figure him out on that count. It’s been hundreds of times he’s sworn he’s dropped her. He has that same ancient defect as most guys, that spending money will get you the chicks. I have not seen her in at least 15 years, I’ve told how I barely recognized her. He assures me she has gone downhill from there. Don’t get me wrong, she is not a diamond in the rough just waiting for her Mr. Right. This is one that needs to borrow $20 just until she can get downtown to cash her $100k lottery ticket.
           If I didn’t say, she shacks up with old men in North Miami and one of them died and actually left her (I heard) $40,000. She didn’t need JZ no more so this lady, who normally phones him several times a day for money and car rides, she disappeared for two years. I was sure it was finally over. But you know instinct. Nice guy that I am, I’ve pointed out that for the same money he wastes on that woman, he could have the best call girls in town—this is not an idle comment, he’s asked me to review his costs many times. To put a dollar sign on it, she gets him for an average of $81 per week, although he only sees her a couple times a month. Do the arithmetic.
           The phone call was not about all that. Instead, it is now confirmed the sore or inflamed joints are a flu indicator, not arthritis or rheumatism. Bursitis was also discussed. This flu, if that is what it is, has had a long string of minor conditions, nearly three weeks so far. Does this mean the joint pain is over, or is it due? These and many answers from the blog that dares. Trivia. Did you know the guy who invented instant Ramen noodles was named “Momofuku”. Yeah, that’s what I thought, but hey.

           Forex trading. Some of you are here just to follow that, but sorry, I cannot answer individual questions. The past three weeks have averaged over 5% per week, all on the kiwi (NZD – New Zealand dollar). While my confidence in the software grows, it is a finicky piece of software. Even the available parameters change from week to week, and the Austrian coders are no better than millennials when it comes to descriptive labels. The newest one says “Must hedge positions before using dual sequences”, such items are best left at the default even considering the penchant coders have for getting things exactly in reverse.
           Since June 28, we are up $550 on an investment of $3.400 “dummy dollars”. There is something wonky with the USPS, the mail is not getting through. Letters mailed before June 26 have not yet arrived. First class mail is supposed to be next day. Everything is copied and logged, that is not the concern. Rather the delay in the mails makes in nearly impossible to do business that way. And every other way is vulnerable to electronic snooping. They are just money orders with no discernable purpose, in round numbers so they would match a zillion other deposits made the same period. But better safe than Internet sorry.

           Tell you what’s nice. Wal*Mart is turning 160 of its parking lots into drive-in movies. Brilliant. Where’s my hotdog stand? That beats IBM who is advertising a job that requires 12 years experience in a language that is only 6 years old. What’s the big deal some Catalonian politician’s WhatsApp has been hacked? Is this a threat to the USA? If you said yes, quick, point to Catalonia on a map. Gotcha! A new Internet site, Atlas of Surveillance (no link) displays markers of police drones, facial cameras, license plate readers, and other data-gathering at 5,300 “datapoints” in the USA. This just confirms what this blog has been warning all along. Remember the time a few years ago I lost a bet.
           I drove a motorcycle cross country using only side roads and some of it was rough going. I had bet that even driving through nowhere, I could not cross this country without being photographed or documented 30 times that I knew of. But including a gas station camera in rural Oklahoma (I think) and an abandoned toll camera on the Wyoming border, a parking lot in Colorado, the Eisenhower Tunnel, and so on, I was snapped only 27 times. Nobody knows the real total.

Last Laugh