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Thursday, July 9, 2020

July 9, 2020

One year ago today: July 9, 2019, doing some wiring.
Five years ago today: July 9, 2015, the message
Nine years ago today: July 9, 2011, heat-shrunk & ruggedized.
Random years ago today: July 9, 2016, an English invention.

           That was really nice of somebody to curbside the exact pieces of lumber needed for the work counter in my new shed. I haven’t measured because I had to move fast, but I think they are at least 12- footers, they hung way out the back of the station wagon. But I know all the side roads home and there they are. Use your imagination. If they are 16-footers I won’t even have to cut them. The chickens from downtown found their way over to Agt. R’s place. There are three of them, I think a rooster and two hens. He wasn’t home but I see he doesn’t know a thing about feeding chickens, so I mixed up a concoction of sunflower seeds, dried worms, corn, scratch, and budgie seed. They are just beginning to molt. And he’s got them in a cage three times smaller that recommended.
           Between hauling this lumber and dragging a 2x6” into the shed area, I got out of the heat. Stay out of Florida between May 15 and November 15 unless you like melting. I’m inside with all air conditioners and fans and I think that’s where I’ll stay. I’d always heard that cheddar cheese was difficult to make, so I thought I’d find out why.

           Turns out there is an extra step called cheddaring, which amounts to kneading in some salt. The whey is drained and, judging by the taste, sold to health food companies, ha! The cheese is stored for nine months minimum and becomes progressively sharper after that. The zesty kind the Reb & I like is aged three years. Trivia, about half the cheese consumed in Britain is cheddar. Around here, it is 75%.
           EARN-IT, the new law, will crush the Internet as we know it. I forget how it was packaged, but it’s either apple pie, national security, or protecting children, take your pick. It could result in the shut down of every blog that even hints at anything they don’t like. It targets the service providers, turning them into watchdogs. The law is not aimed at the causes of the purported problems, so it is really an excuse to monitor everything that takes place on-line. The ultimate goal is to force a backdoor into encrypted transmissions, and the result is the same old merry-go-round. If people want any privacy, they may have to start visiting in person and writing letters again, heralding the downfall of millennialism.

           I’ll compromise with the lumber and the sun. There’s a time slot 6:30 to 8:00PM when the shadows get long enough to tolerate some outdoor exertion. You are welcome to join me. Then, I’m going to take a half hour hot shower. This is the high planning for a day like this. I’ll measure the long pieces and take a crowbar to the rest. It’s day two, let me check on the beets. The package says keep the soil a little moist or the beets come out “woody”. These only take up a third of the planter box, the rest is still too shallow. Flowers? What would you put there?
           I found another documentary of interest to me. Jan Smuts, known as a political general, he was also a scientist and spoke a ton lf languages. He was destined to be a farm hand when his older brother died, putting him into the Victorian world where only the eldest son received and education. What? Well, yes, I grew up in the tail end of that era, but in the end, the only education I got was the one I paid for myself. I thought to give an hour’s study to this guy’s life if only to see what we might have in common. He studied plants, evolution, and is the guy behind the holistic concept. I began by watching available videos on-line, but the libtards infect those in the first few minutes. He was a great man, they say, except he didn’t include enough not-so-great tribes and races into his philosophy. Right.

           That’s an interesting point. While the left screams that there are no superior races, nobody is denying there are enormous and intractable differences between cultures. In this realm, each culture believes it is the one that should prevail. I have yet to meet a culture that admits to following any path but its own. (But they have no hesitation to copy western cities and adopt our technology, no hypocrisy there.) If you seek a source for the intolerance many confuse with racial prejudice, cultural differences are a good place to start looking. Cultures are different as just noted, but is there a way to decide which ones are superior and which are inferior? Possibly. You may have noticed which cultures are rioting in the streets demanding “equality”. Some cultures try to achieve it, others demand it--you can decide which is the better.
           The documentaries keep showing Smuts as prejudiced. Boers have a long tradition of restricting the rights of foreigners in their midst. It’s doubtful he would have been elected if he’d adcovated any other stance. The bottom line is when it comes to where you live, you have every right to exclude others for any reason you deem and without explanation or criticism. I must continue to study this person, but I’m already up to the point where he lost the 1948 election to a real right-winger.

Picture of the day.
Magdeburg library.
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           None of the thousands of keys fit the gas cap. It goes zag-zig instead of zig-zag. How do we get that thing off? The mechanisms are usually cheap, so a screwdriver may work. Did you catch that article of scientists reviving a flower that last grew 32,000 years ago? The seeds were embedded in permafrost, bringing into question the wisdom of the entire concept. What else can be grown that no longer belongs? Duly noted was the seeds have a 100% rate of growing against only 90% in modern plants. They no doubt say the research is safe, you know, like they said about Africanized honey bees.
           I did get out in the yard at 6:30PM but lasted exactly one hour. I managed to salvage the lumber, the long pieces were13-1/2 footers, so I’ll have to trim them. Still, that saves me close to fifty bucks and the trip to go get them. That skid was put together alright. There were up to five spiral nails at each joint, around 400 nails total. To remove the cross-pieces took up to five solid whacks with an 8-lb sledgehammer, often breaking the wood. But the good ones will make excellent cross-bracing on the shed roof. See nearby photo with tractors in the background.

           Good things rarely last in America and youTube is fighting back the anti-ad movement by embedding the ads directly into the video. Frankly, I’d rather have the older videos which were less well made that the glossy ones of today laced with political ads and some of the most weird-ass plastic junk cooked up by what passes for intellect these days. A jaw exerciser, for example. When what they need is a brain exerciser. Just think, if Trump gets in this November, they are collectively going to have to face the reality of the horror they’ve created, admit tactical defeat, and worst of all, go get real jobs.
           Mr. Trump, you kicked telemarketer butt, now go after the intrusive advertisers. First law to pass—you cannot telephone anyone with a sales pitch unless they specifically requested it. One call per request, and they must destroy all information if your don’t buy. If they scream there are no other jobs, remind them it was liberals, not rednecks, delaying the wall and shipping the good jobs overseas. It may already be too late, for no nation or empire has ever been number one more than once.

           I’m hearing about the new polymer-ion batteries. I keep finding lithium polymer sites, but the Internet morons don’t seem to know that is not the same thing. Give me time to sift through the search results bullshit. From what I can find, the battery is no better than others, introduces a new voltage standard but, get this, only costs 10% as much to manufacture. From a description of the lab from a Japanese web page, I wonder if this could be a 3D printed battery. And how about that Sony personal A/C unit you wear around your neck? It is reputed to cool you down by as much as 23 degrees for two hours. I’ll take five. Seriously, avoid this device until it is available in a form that does not require a smart phone app to operate. The price is $175, you wear it inside your shirt.
           The police are getting a taste of their own medicine as BlueLeaks spreads the leaked files from the Houston police station. Watch for new laws. The existing ones say newspapers can publish stolen material as long as they didn’t participate in the theft. But ISP providers can be leaned on to block data that’s been hacked. Rumor is the leaked information shows how the authorities were using social media to track violent protesters. Anybody dumb enough to take a tracking device to a protest probably deserves what they get. But they make it bad for everyone by encouraging the state to pursue such technologies.

           Tampa radio had a Biden feature. What a puppet, but I had fun listening. He’s rewording Trump speeches, promising to re-energize the economy. Sounds like MAGA to me. Something funny is going down, the Democrat party is far too entrenched to be backing a weak-brained dodo. Who’s behind the curtain? Bernie? Hiillary?
           I took a closer look at self-driving cars. They promise to make driving smoother, which makes sense when you think about how most people drive. They are idiots and that will never change. What got me is a short video of how the cars will change driving habits. Ha, they’ve finally programmed a car to drive the way I always have—all you need do is presume every other person on the road is an uneducated, easily distracted proto-moron and like me, you’ll never be in an accident that is your fault. Tall claim, but it’s a true story, a true tale from the trailer court.

           That reminds me, last month I drove past the old trailer court, the one where I lived to save money to buy this place. The trailers are still there, painted. The other units are unchanged. What’s moved on is the land all around. Condos mainly, and the businesses are all franchises. Pizza by the slice, cell phones, and such. It moves business away from the old beach area with Wal*Mart and Starbucks. It moves things inland a halff-mile to where Biscayne Boulevard passes the casinos, which were supposed to revive the area. Suffice to say they did not.
           The survival of that trailer court and two more, now surrounded by development, indicates they are not getting their hoped for bonanzas. Simple, the only people in the area who can possibly buy them out are the casinos themselves and they ain't falling for it. Trust me, they have acres of unused parking already.

           Flipping real estate is kind of a dud if it each sale takes half a lifetime. Seems to me even if they get their asking price by now, well, they were old men when I moved in. My unit was next to the office and I testify they never once had a party, I never heard a laugh or saw anything interesting. They showed up for work every day, plugged in the hours, and left. By comparison, I now understand why they paid so much attention to every move I made. It was their only excitement—a scenario I grew up with.

Last Laugh