One year ago today: August 6, 2019, canned asparagus.
Five years ago today: August 6, 2015, have you told me everything?
Nine years ago today: August 6, 2011, a snow shovel.
Random years ago today: August 6, 2007, too much information.
I’m now taking steroids for my bass shoulder. That’s the news unless you want to know how I managed to not notice the local pub has been open for three weeks. I gotta start getting out more. Here is something for contrast with the wimps of today. It’s a 1950 radioactive lab kit that included a few pieces of live uranium. Found that while checking on another element called silver. It’s climbed past twice its average value in five years, now over $28.50. Come on silver, hit $50 by end of this month and I’ll eat a steak for the first time in 25 years. The bigmouths said silver could hit $30 by year’s end. I say next Monday. Stay tuned.
I got the weed whacker to turn over but not keep running. Then the worst possible thing went wrong, the starter cord will not retract. I fixed one of these once and swore never again. But I didn’t have a work bench back then. And I spent the morning boarding that area in, well away from the elements. The short range goal is to wall in the work area so I can begin leaving the tools I’m using on the bench instead of having to lock them up every time.
That’s when I discovered a mistake. To make the bench flush, I put a rail in the wrong place. That’s several hours to correct, so I carried on with the wall. I left the three spots where the new rail has to go held in by a single screw. We shall see how long it takes me to get back to that and finish it. Tampa radio is non-stop anti-Trump and succeeding only in convincing all but the hard core communists that the Democrats are getting beyond desperate. In another self-inflicted injury, Jose Biden described himself as “the most progressive president in history”. Oops, big time.
You see, the word “progressive” in Latin America is associated with oppressive regimes (this fact was reported here before the big media caught it). The Trump machinery were quick to jump on that one. Another stupid error on the left is their creepy attitude that your political agenda is not complete unless you do everything to bring everybody together, and we know what that means to them. They are not out to win the election but to destroy Trump and they have shown a tiny matter like losing the election is not going to stop their vicious attacks. Therefore, if Trump wants four years to get things done, he should aim to crush the Democrats as an entity. Another opposition will arise and anything is better than socialism.
The Democrats have shown their true colors. If they don’t do something drastic and soon, losing the election will be the least of their worries. Get ready for real organized violence. It wasn’t Trump supporters seen dropping off pallets of bricks along the protest routes. If they’ll support such aggression now, what will they do when they no longer have anybody to vote for? TMOR I do not support Trump in any direct way, nor am I against the Democrat party itself. But I am against any form of bleeding heart liberalism. I say it again, I view the radical left as a mental disease. Any who side or identify with them, including the Democrat party, are by association, equally as depraved.
Nor am I a redneck, although I would have no qualms about that. I still believe in helping others, the greater good, and a lot of charitable work. But only if it is voluntary and that is what I have against the radical left. The will not ever leave you alone or use their own money. Mr. Trump, keep a list of the “Republicans” who spoke out against delaying the election. Every one of those simpletons said because it had never been done before, like that’s a valid point. There has never been a mass small business shutdown before either.
There is another sham poll campaign backed by the left-wing media. I don’t trust the polls themselves, but my real disgust is the media who only report such polls as support their socialist agenda. I could not have named them in 2016, but now I can: PBS, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, and ABC. I admit to not reading their articles, but a few times a week I scan all major newspaper headlines. Let’s not pretend any of these outfits is interested in facts or truth. Trent and I fell off our chairs laughing back when these jokers were still blasting out a 92% pro-Hillary sweep an hour after preliminary vote counting showed she could not win. Yep, the left can’t even win their own rigged election. And this time we’ll be watching.
Last election left the Democrat power base intact and all they’ve done is foment sabotage. If Trump is wise, this is an ideal opportunity to crush them so badly they have to start over. Destroying the powerful cancerous American left would be much more than an election. It would be an historical event that rivals the Magna Carta and the Declaration of Independence.
Bunkbeds, stairs, & drawers.
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I’m getting somewhere. At one point I was working away in the shed for twenty minutes before I realized it was raining. That is something I would enjoy on a regular basis. The new steroid prescription eases the shoulder to the level where I can tell all the pain is coming from a single source area. I have more freedom of movement but a lot of that movement is due to a variety of side effects, the top of that list is I have to go pee-pee every half hour. I’m working in the hot sun and I’m the sort that can get severely dehydrated without getting thirsty.
I think one of the first things I’ll do after that shed is in operation is erect a radio antenna that gets something other than Tampa. My trees to the north are all over sixty feet tall, I wonder if that is an aspect here. I know I’m at the fringe range of Orlando. Who knows if that town is any better? I needed a laugh so I twirled the knob to hear that New York mayor, Columbo or something, say Trump was using social media “improperly”. Ha, a slopehead who likely knew nothing about computers before he was nearly 40 is lecturing like he is an expert on how others use them.
Look at these opera glasses with mother-of-pearl casing. This isn’t the Lightner, since I’m hold them myself. It’s over at Becca’s. Everything in the showcases is in this condition, it would take hours to see it all. And that’s after she’s given stuff away to family and friends by the wheelbarrow so far.
Tennessee was on the phone for nearly two hours, we are having second thoughts about the AuvoriaPrime, I think the entire organization got hit hard. Even so, the scheduled meetings should continue, and maybe they can reconsider their policy of not sharing bad news with everybody in the circle. Somebody somewhere must have been aware a drop was eminent, yet we never got even a head’s up on that. She suggests I might use the trees themselves as antenna masts since there is a height ordinance. The actual receiver part is a small dipole and a 40 foot height gives line of sight eight times greater than what I have.
Eight hours later in what I hope to become a fairly regular situation, I got all the hard parts of the lean-to lighting installed. Of course it looks like nothing happened, it’s the nature of the beast. I discovered over the past year there is a type of switch connection I’ve been doing wrong, but it stays because the way I did it eliminates one potential problem. I still could have saved considerable effort if I’d paid attention.
Here’s a preview of the main work area in the fading light. Big thermometer, small clock, signifying the priorities of working out there. You can see daylight in the cracks for now. Dry and shady, who could ask for anything more?
Current events. Japan’s 60 foot (unknown of that means the headless version) has taken it’s first steps. It breaks no new ground. To bad they spent so much money trying to turn it into a big deal. All hydraulics are standard and it makes no difference to a microcontroller how big the actuator is. MicroSoft elbows users for yet another forced upgrade by defunding Windows 7 blaming the very security threats they promised us that version would prevent. Millennial-think includes the ability to lie to get sales. My basic systems all continue to use Windows XP and I have no intention of installing your spyware.
By quitting time silver has breached $29 per ounce, almost passing $30. Time to crawl up in the attic and see just how much of this stuff is really up there.