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Wednesday, October 14, 2020

October 14, 2020

One year ago today: October 14, 2019, too many politicians.
Five years ago today: October 14, 2015, now $67 sounds cheap.
Nine years ago today: October 14, 2011, remember Xoikers?
Random years ago today: October 14, 2016, I was ducking.

           It was my second spending spree this month, but I have 25 feet of direct burial cable to experiment with. This can be run underground without a conduit, although I tend to use any real cheap plastic piping I have left over for that purpose. (This cable is new to me, so it gets a headline, this is the blog that dares.) That scooter shed is turning out t be far more useful than I imagined. So are the neighbor’s kids across the way. They’ve discovered my yard is a lot more shady to play in on hot days, which I don’t mind because they most ride bikes and play tag in the far corner. But they always ask for things. Can I have your old cycle helmet, can I play the black guitar, can I, can I? I don’t mind because that was me so long ago.
           Everybody else had so many things they could leave them unused for years it seemed. I never understood that for the longest time, but then again, look at my environment back then. The few things that did work got overused until they broke. The biggest difference around here is that everything works. The chronic borrowers catch on to that real quick. So what is the news today? Pelosi had another meltdown? Come on, give me something new. Biden’s bunch is trying to shut down the Trump rallies over what they still refuse to call the Chinese flu. And Trump is scooping the “suburban housewife” vote, the last Democrat ace in the hole.

           He calls them “suburban women” and he may have trounced the traditional barrier where these women who didn’t really follow politics always voted against whoever was in power when money got tight. Very few people today believe the bad economy is anything but the Democrat’s fault. It’s mostly hotheads and fanatics who refuse to admit what really happened. Talk radio is making an excellent point; Trump is not pursuing his statements about bringing back the billions from China. Why is this a problem? Because they say he is assuming the facts are being reported in the media. If anything, they are downplayed. Good observation, Rush. Mr. Trump, give us some details how and where that money is leading to a recovery.
           I think it important because it is an effective counter to the Democrat plan to prevent a successful Trump administration. Myself, I think some of the record gains of his term have been due to the reversal of exporting our jobs and know-how. He should double down on and begin giving examples, like pointing out the lack of terror attacks since he banned travel to countries that harbor terrorists. Myself, I got a shed to fix. I may not be a political scholar, but damn, I love a free circus. That, and my one true hatred is those who distort true compassion into enforced compassion and call it liberalism.
           It’s really something to be here during all this. If the crowds are any indication, it is over for the radicals. The left can’t get fifty people to rally so they claim it is the virus. While the Trump crowds are visible from outer space, which is something else I want to say a few words over.

Picture of the day.
Single women.
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           NASA is up to its old publicity stunts. Instead of getting the damn job done, they have pledged to put a woman on the Moon by 2024. Why the hell not? It’s your money—notice how they’ve sold it back to us as “diversity”. Somehow I don’t get a warm fuzzy when they should be using the same amount of cash to put a man on Mars. They already have volunteers for a one-way mission. But NASA is as corrupt as anything in the DC Deep State, having learned full well now to implant programs that necessarily have to run past the term limits of any administration. They have turned the gravy train into a space station, running around in circles, powered by bales of thousand-dollar bills in 46 pork-barreled states. Quarter-million dollar toilets so women can poop and pee at the same time.
           Trump may be right about keeping American in the lead for space travel. I say he is wrong in trusting NASA to do it. Privatize the venture, leaving maybe a rump of NASA around to act as safety consultants. No more idiotic flights to nowhere and handing the taxpayers the bill. Root out the shuttle-minded people and send them packing. Focus on Mars, since humans will never, in out time, find living on the Moon convenient or productive, use it as a space platform only, think of it as the only Earth-orbiting space station we really need. And the only one that can supply it’s own building materials. Enough NASA nonsense, we could have built four mega- moon stations with what was wasted on space stations and shuttle flights.

           I thought you needed to see another properly prefabbed pair of duplex outlets. These are the only 15 Amp in the shed and they are switched. When the west bank of lights are switched off, so is anything plugged into these. It cuts down on walking back across the shed because a fan or radio didn’t get turned off. I don’t conserve electric, but nor do I waste it. I got three loads of laundry done fixing the window opening, including a sloping sill. Maybe I’m getting the hang of it. Most of the afternoon was consumed running in the final two light sockets and this outlet. My bum arm ensures working over head will always be a challenge. That, and all those tiny electrical screws that never go where you want them.
           While this sounds a lot, now that the shed is 50% functional, I can get things done simultaneously. That explains the laundry while I’m wiring lights and framing windows. The shed centralizes the work enough to get me out there every day. If you’ve done any renovating where all has to be done inside or wait for a cloudy but not raining day, that’s what I was up against before. And everything took three times longer. Here’s a view of the shed showing six of the eight lights now functioning.

           Do not believe any claims that the new bulbs last longer. That is complete and utter bullshit. It’s the old Phoebus cartel all over again. Since I did the wiring myself, it was a long time before I began noting the bulb installation dates. Many of them last less than 300 hours under perfect conditions. The numbers are so wrong you’d think it was a Rasmussen poll. Anyway, I’ll breeze through the other event so today for the record. I still cannot find my Zoom drum box. I measured the shed for an air conditioner, which I should explain. It is not to cool the shed, as it would be an insulated room. It is simply to take the edge off the noon-time radiant heat. A five degree difference is enough, since I’m in the market for a real shop fan. In Florida, second hand A/Cs in great shape can be had for $15 at most Thrifts. (Why do I keep capitalizing Thrift? It’s a habit I can’t give reasons for.)
           My new microwave, 1200 watts, that’s a winner. But the faceplate is millennial. For instance, there is a button for pizza (they still eat that junk?) but no button that boils one cup of water or melt an ounce of butter. Then again, who’s ever seen a millennial bake anything? Not me, but sales stats show they must still be buying Ramen noodles by the case-lot. And no way are they boiling water on a stove in their self-imposed gig economy where everything, including their attention spans, must be instant. I’ve found some great looking flooring for $1 per panel. It has locking metal flanges, a design from Belgium. It works out the whole kitchen would cost less than $90.
           The panels, around 48” x 8” are substantial and heavy. That’s the only color available, but hey. The brand name is Berry, who are another pack of emeffers who won’t publish prices on their website. Then create a web banner that says “70% Off!”. Where do these people get off? Ah, I got it. I put in for a fake estimate and was able to extrapolate the Alloc cherry panels are $2.46 per square foot. Except, the bastards don’t sell it by the square foot, but by the panel, which vary slightly in size. A better comparison is total price. Alloc panels retail would be $489 plus tax, my price would $72 plux tax, a savings of some $450. I think I’ll go for this though I do not know when I’ll get to that floor. I need the shed fully operational so I can survive without a kitchen for a reasonable time.

           You don’t remember Usenet, but I do. I first communicated on-line back in 1980-81, which means my opinions on what went wrong with the Internet easily pre-date any of the so-called experts out there today. It was a cumbersome affair of text-only chats and the same problems existed then. Obvious to me anyway, is that the people behind on-line never had any intention of protecting privacy. The system worked with a dial-up modem which tied up your phone line. The same problems as today were already present in 1980. On-line scams, pornography, lack of content, and too many anonymous experts. I was one of the first users to run in a separate phone line for the purpose.
           Did you know there are still people out there who think because I won’t allow certain things that I’m behind the times? How about that lady who’s “last $177” disappeared from her bank account and now she can’t feed her kids. (Hey, lady, why not get your husband to feed them?). I got one question—has she been paying her bills on-line? Anyway, some Canadian joker is uploading millions of posts beginning in 1981, so poo-poo to anyone stupid enough to have put their real name up even back then. I was never that stupid, but I can tell one of my pseudonyms. I went by “Goink Fission.” That name has since been used by others. To those forced to ask the question, “Did I have anything to hide back then?”, it serves you right.

           By late 1981, however, I was already leery of the paths being taken by the system. It had degenerated to chain letters, hair-grow scams, and “chat” lines that had one woman and fifteen teenage boys. As for intellectual content, nothing—unless you wanted to pay toll fees (long-distance) to connect to Seattle or one of the new other cities that had any thing to offer. That phone line, which back then had to be in your own name, was too weak a link to consider for serious use. It was not until the Internet arrived when things, at least at first, were anonymous again.
           I did have private lines run in after I worked at the phone company and knew how to do it, but the bills were still attached to an address. I had opportunities, yet also had such a high-paying job I did not need them—but I had a lot of fun just watching. There is nothing new on the Internet today, just the usual layer of criminal minds to can take advantage of each innovation. It’s an unrecognized art form. But, I consider it like prostitution in the following sense. It is impossible to be really rich in America without being known, it does not matter how you try to stay a secret. So how come you never see any rich old prostitutes or hackers out there? (Actually, you would if they tweaked the definitions of hookers and hackers just a smidgen wider, right,Kamala?)

Last Laugh