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Tuesday, October 27, 2020

October 27, 2020

One year ago today: October 27, 2019, via Athens, Georgia.
Five years ago today: October 27, 2015, on motorcycle travel.
Nine years ago today: October 27, 2011, sort of imitation.
Random years ago today: October 27, 2014, dangers and intentions.

           The election trounces everything, so I took the doggies for an extra long walk. No pics today, there is a two-day rainstorm pending, and I’m not leaving any time soon. It was a long walk at the lake, they’ve drained it a few feet in anticipation of the storm, so we were able to get out on the rocks. I wish there was more to report, I really do. Everything is all about the fake polls that are saying the same things they got dead wrong last time.
           TMOR I am not any authority on politics. That doesn’t stop me from opinions and this is what I see shaping up. Around a third of the total count have already voted, showing 60% for Biden, 40% for Trump. What this does not show is that a large segment of the Democrat party faithful have already voted. This could mean the massive “hidden vote” for them is just not there. Also, it’s looking more like Trump’s strategy to encourage people to vote in person, the largest element that cannot be manipulated.
           Thus, it is looking like a huge turnout at the polling stations could produce the one thing the left fears the most: an actual head-count majority at the booths. If Trump gets just 12 million more votes than 2016, it would not matter how many fake ballots are cast. If that’s his plan, it is brilliant.

Picture of the day.
Fake N. Korean propaganda village.
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           I’m still hoping to see mass firings of all civil servants who played partisan politics. They are hired to serve, not to form voting blocs. I don’t know of anyone who cares a twit what happens to career bureaucrats. I would not give a hoot if all of them were axed, starting with the DMV, then open season on the departments like Agriculture, Education, Regional Housing and Development, and end funding for leftist organizations like NPR, and others I don’t wanna say. Like exactly what does the Dept. of Forestry actually do, anyway?
           Today the subject of business ethics came up. This is always a lively topic around here, today’s example was Ray Kroc, the McDonald’s guy. I’m informed he did not give even 1% to the people he got the idea from, and eventually opened an outlet near their old location to drive them out of business. I’d heard a similar version that he’d bought them out for a fair price and then put them out of business because they would not stop suing him for more. This is America, it’s up to you which version you believe.

           Myself, there is a place in the world for people like Kroc just as much as other sorts. I don’t automatically side with the underdog and that is the case here. It could be said Kroc was uncaring when he worked his way to the top by taking other people’s money. But for every Kroc, there are probably a million unequally uncaring people who worked their way to the bottom. Welfare is also taking other people’s money. The question needs to be asked, which is worse, the person who worked hard for his money, or the person who sat back and took an unearned share? Sure, that’s an oversimplification, but why move on to complications until that searching question is answered?

Last Laugh