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Friday, November 6, 2020

November 6, 2020

One year ago today: November 6, 2019, foil-lined envelopes.
Five years ago today: November 6, 2015,I still have that radio.
Nine years ago today: November 6, 2011, a disbelief.
Random years ago today: November 6, 2007, an early look at Python.

           It warmed up enough to find me and the boys out for a three-hour hike around the lake. Turns out that was the high point once again. I’m beginning to identify with the other side of being retired. So let’s take a look at some nearly-random photos over the past short while. These are the things that become permanent memories and with my memory, I should pay more attention. But you know. Here’s the store in Smithville, owned by a family that retired to it a few years ago.

           I see the system is finally waking up to what this blog has said for years, the left has been stealing elections a along. And the population let them get away with it, thinking it would never really matter who was in. Wrong, the left is like cancer. By the time most people realize it’s a problem it is too late. Too many people think the left is all about politics. Wrong, it is more about the system of operation. They take over key positions of administration, like happened in every communist system. Politicians are just their foot-soldiers.
           Now social media as well as the mainstream media have blocked Trump. They are working together to suppress the huge amount of news and evidence of voter fraud in states where Trump passed the election date with a victory. Part of the problem is Republicans are historically spineless. How do you get 500 Republicans out of the swimming pool? Just have somebody yell, “Everybody out of the pool.”

Picture of the day.
Prototype crewless ship.
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           The definite rural air made for great photos. How’s this for a shot of November pumpkins? The restaurant has a spring in a cave that supplies the whole operation, but I believe I told how we took the wrong fork in the road. Lots of horses and cows, and the farm paraphernalia of ages. Funny how the strong aroma of horses has no effect on the dogs. These ones go loopy at the scent of other animals. I especisally worry about Sparkie. Last day he did not even see a deer that was sleeping in the yard when we stepped out. Poor old guy.
           I had the doggies out for three hours. It did wonders for their appetites. And their power naps. Rather than wake them for walkies later, the Reb & I sat on the sofa and listened to another three chapters of the dill pickle recording. Did I ever admit I reuse the tapes, which are of super quality, more than I can say for this audio book. The plot has gone to mush.

           The boyfriend, Todd, is dead and Amy whom he got pregnant, has turned lesbian with a hulky Apache woman. This is contemporary literature, we need all this kind bullshit everywhere and all the time. The Apache is also a computer whiz who apparent hobby is forensic accounting. It should be obivous that when your factory accountant is cooking the books, the forist person you turn to is a butch Indian woman who lives in a one-bedroom trailer over in the river flood zone.
           We got to the beginning of tape 6 (of 8). Allow me to ponder what sterotypes have not been covered yet. There are no black characters. No queers, either. The women are all pushy types, so let’s loosely say they represent feminists. Missing are the altrusitic illegal immigrants, the hooker with the heart of gold, the gifted autistic pre-teen, and the white racist. But we still have four hours of tape time to go. The dead lady was rich and turning out to be much more evil that thought, a common enough situation in American literature.

           This is the poster on the wall of the Button store. They have a stage set up, there is plainly live entertainment. It was also sure that COVID had put a lid on that. There was a Steck piano off to one side, which I prompted the Reb to give us an imprompu number. There were only a few customers, but it was not long before all the staff was around. Then the staff from next door. I have the complete video which sadly you cannot view.The Reb was hired on the spot, although the details are still in negotiation. If I’m around on the 13th, I’ll be there.

           She’s been recovering rapidly, we danced for a bit. I’m saying I must also consider heading back. The changes out west mean I need to sift through a ton of important papers. The new guitarist has not contacted back with the requested song list. This is the mainreason I’m counting on my solo work. Not another wasted moment, I’m too old. By now he’s had to time to realize that all that went well last day was the country-like tunes we’d agreed on in advance. And what went worst was the bag of guitar show-off tunes he tried to drag into the game after he decided I could play bass after all.

           That approach is so wrong, but it is nearly universal. And it rarely works. You see, the other guy is also drawing conclusions. So far i can work with the guy but he has considerably less real-time with music than he is letting on. Playing for 40 years is absolutely not the same as playing in a band for 40 years. I don’t think he’s been on stage any meaningful amount. The giveaway is that he does not consider the audience to be king. That’s a fairly serious disconnect.

           The Button has a lot of crafts, things that sell to outsiders. I would not doubt if it loses money. One item is this jar of local honey. Not many locals will shell out that kind of money. But I did for the Reb. I’m not much into honey, but the Reb is worth it. Also shown is a glass of water for the doggies, and that free coffee I mentioned.
           The federal government has “cleared the way” or debt collectors to send unlimited text and messages to social media platforms. That’s your government at work for you. Calls are limited to what is it, seven per week per debt, but there will be no limit to contacts by social media. You may not be able to use your phone for any other purpose. And with profiling you can’t just change your phone number. Once you’ve made as few as three calls on your new phone, they know it is you.
           Tell me again those of you that you have nothing to hide. Ha, if this clobbers your cell phone until you pay up, I can only say it serves your right. If this law affects you in any way, time to review your I since you have not been reading this blog.. Even my bank does not have my phone number. Think of it, why would a bank want your phone number? Have you ever received a call from a banker? And if you ever do, it won’t be to say, “Merry Xmas”.

           This blog has cautioned people since the last century about posting anything personal on line and since 1992 the lack of wisdom in getting a cell phone in your own name. That’s one thing I’ve never done and my phone service works just fine. Complacency never works in the public favor and I think this may be just the beginning. If they can track you, they can begin hounding you in public. Imagine your first date as a couple of goons walk up and suggest you settle up pronto while cracking their knuckles. True, one would have to be incredibly stupid about technology for that to happen, but stupidity is in vogue these days.

Last Laugh