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Sunday, November 8, 2020

November 8, 2020

One year ago today: November 8, 2019, on the Flettner concept.
Five years ago today: November 8, 2015, JZ vs. biting insects.
Nine years ago today: November 8, 2011, two hours nine years ago.
Random years ago today: November 8, 2010, the rich ain’t rich enough.

           Another perfect Tennessee day, we took the dogs for an extra long tour of the neighborhood. There maple trees near a school across the power lines. Most of the leaves had already fallen. No great pictures. We were out there three hours, it actually got hot by early afternoon. I had to walk in the shade. To anybody freezing their butts, tough luck. I worked more than half a lifetime to get away from cold winters. It’s been long enough that I barely remember I used to walk to school when it was 35 below.

           I like to have my birthdays in shirtsleeves, an impossibility much further north. Here’s Sparkie near a typical gas pump of the 1960s. These were the standard for a long time before digital readouts arrived. This model always left a little gas in the hose after shutoff. If you knew the location of two or three of these units, your motorcycle would never be out of gas.
           I like to have my birthdays in shirtsleeves, an impossibility much further north. Here’s Sparkie near a typical gas pump of the 1960s. These were the standard for a long time before digital readouts arrived. This model always left a little gas in the hose after shutoff. If you knew the location of two or three of these units, your motorcycle would never be out of gas.

           Politics, and this isn’t even a political blog. You can’t get around it in the present climate. Trump has simply done a Biden. Go inside and stay there. Now that Fox News has abdicated in cowardly fear after the announcement of internment camps, there is no source of even semi-reliable news left in America. Again, I point out that this happens here for the polar opposite reasons in other countries, that is, it happens because the media is free to change. It still stinks, Fox News. (I don’t really mean Fox News, but that it affects Hannity, a commentator I will listen to.)
           A number of rumors are circulating. Most that Trump stood back and let the illegal ballots be cast. There are countless concrete cases of fraud, yet the MSM says all such claims are unfounded. The general feeling is that Trump is letting them talk themselves into a corner. In all the so-called swing states, hour by hour counting totals show that toward the deadline, Trump’s vote count was actually going down. There is another rumor that the fake ballots were printed in China, and some sharp operator had them watermarked each with a unique block chain number, proving they are counterfeit. A corelated report says they have so far uncovered 450,000 of these phony ballots.
           There are on-line posts of Democrat states blocking the view of poll monitors, of counting rooms consisting solely of black women, long lists of dead voters, and screens full of voters all born on January 1, 1900. I’ll let you find those on your own.

           Google has again penetrated my system registry defense, but they look only like persistent cookies if you know what those are. Not to worry, even if they get in, they find only spoofed information. These days it is better to have poor information on file than none. It was this my original examination of the early retirement of Windows XP that confirmed my suspicions that these people were altering your computer’s parameters behind your back. They quit supporting XP because it was not designed from the ground up to support this mode of subterfuge. Since then, it has been a cat-and-mouse game between us. Careful about simply deleting the infected items, it is better to restore them.
           This invasion has some disturbing features. The changes did not create an automatic restoral point or change memory allocation where expected. I doubt anybody at Google is smart enough to make the byte count match up in this manner. What, you say they are pretty smart over there? Are they, now?

Picture of the day.
Singapore, 1942.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Because the news closer to home is more instant. Sparkie, for the first time, had blood in his urine. It could be he is expelling due to a change in diet and the latest medication. We’ll take him in and let you know. This situation changes other parameters and we know how it helps for five or ten things to go haywire at once. I’ll think twice about describing the changes once I know if they become permanent. But I can state for sure the budget is straining but will be okay to year’s end.
           And back in Lakeland, the code enforcer has been spotted doing the old “water meter inspection”. This does not affect me other than the fact you can’t tell me he confines his snooping to that single element. For distraction, I took a look at various trade schools. Most states have lower-cost or free college courses that I keep an eye on. In 2021, I’ve projected spending as much as 18 weeks in Tennessee. How should that time be spent?

           The snag is that the courses offered either don’t interest me (medical terminology, graphics design, humanities, dance, patient care) or offer ony basic introduction material at a complete beginner’s level. One item that caught my eye was MRI technology, but not for veterinary interest. It seems the only lady who does these scans in this entire area is quarantined for COVID. She does the scans only, she does not interpret them. I would like to run some numbers on what she charges and look into what is available for equipment.
           There is a wide range of used equipment for sale, many of which include training. This picture, borrowed from Getty for fair usage educational purposes, shows Kiki the Koala in a leased portable MRI scan unit. It also shows the part that kind of scares me. The pet needs to me anesthesized. The second scare is the lack of prices on most of the advertising. In America, that means ony one thing. In this case, you might need an MRI after the shock of the sticker price.

           Getting further off topic, it turns out our pets did not have MRIs, but ultrasound scans. These are so cheap I’m tempted to get a used unit to fool around with, see how well if finds wall studs, etc. I should have guessed when I learned the price was less than $400 for an abdominal scan, hey, I’m starting from scratch. Here is an ultrasound happening to a walrus, remember you saw it here on this blog first. Jokes that the walrus is on the left are in bad taste, so I won’t say anything.
           Soon methinks, with these used scanners (in mind], we will soon enter the realm of trying to get a firm price out of these emeffin millenials. No, you may not take my phone number and call me back. You can’t possibly be that stupid. Now back to tech schools.
           One should also avoid for-profit campuses where too many students are “on scholarships”, give credit for life experience, or have compulsory subjects like religion. Watch out for career counsellors as well, they are no such thing. I hardly want to change careers at this juncture and should not have to pay enough tuition to supply counsellors for others. My stance on that is much wider than just stated. I’m user-pay all the way.

           Europa Report, the movie. I mistook it for a science fiction tale. It opens with decent if outdated special effects, then reverts (as far as I watched) to psychogical and interpersonal problems of the crew when something goes wrong. Hardly sci-fi but more a visual form of click-bait. Read my lips. Outer space is an inherently hostile enviroment. I don’t have a complete list, but you don’t send pregnant women, clinging co-dependents, gender-puzzled extroverts, recovered addicts, and socially repellent outcasts on long journeys through the cosmos where all manner of catastrophe is expected.
           Don’t bother with this movie. Where it would be enough to know the mission director got news of the events, this plot wastes a half-hour going over what time it was and her extended emotional reactions. Sci-fi, my eye.

Last Laugh