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Tuesday, December 1, 2020

December 1, 2020

One year ago today: December 1, 2019, on digital AM radio.
Five years ago today: December 1, 2056, 25% rape rate.
Nine years ago today: December 1, 2012, wow, since 1974.
Random years ago today: December 1,1981, the “such a jam” quote.

           Last evening concluded with a telephone conference (not Zoom) of the core group over here. Times have seriously changed and the original item was how to take advantage. Nobody go loopy on me, this same activity goes by any number of euphemisms. Damage control, disaster prepping, sales projections, brainstorming, and even retirement planning. We are just more honest about it. This illuminated the fact that although I’m not the richest member and have not been active, I remain firmly in control of strategy in one sense—people will do what I do. Even when I warn against it.
           The goal is to get ahead but not sell out and it’s a tightrope. Go put in more hours, work harder, spend less. You will have more money—until you calculate how much of that you have to do to get “ahead”. It’s not worth it. That was the both the thrust and conclusion of the meet-up. We’ve lost a key member along with his location, resources, and advice. Irreplaceable. My contention has been for some time to shorten goal times by leveraging what we do have. A small amount of money you can afford to lose is better than safer and larger which takes forever, at least once you are over 55. The response was easily categorized by which side of that number one was on.

           These meetings play a minor role for me any more. There is one area I have the most experience but I cannot stress the condition that makes it possible is overridingly important. You must have zero debt and it helps to have ten grand in the bank as well. What I’m referring to is taking finances to the limit. You are aware of two such instances, when I bought the mobile home at the trailer court and when I bought this cabin. That’s episodes where my entire spot cash in the world was less than $200. What you don’t know is that I made both those moves at most two weeks before I had triple confirmed more was on the way. Like I said, don’t copycat. But if you do, careful you copy the creator, not the creation.
           Food is marked on the calendar, it’s a food mention day. That’s part of my algorithm to make theis blog something for everybody, provided you are a somebody. Since I had spaghetti and peanut butter cookies for breakfast, I won’t go there. How about this shot of Whole Foods gluten-free onions. I did nto know they had any gluten to begin with. One of the ways I stay financially solvent is to not shop at over-priced food stores with products that made spurious claims. Tuna-free potatoes. Cabbage-free milk. If only America could product a sawdust-free Big Mac.

           Getting back to money. I think I can risk over-spending on a vehicle. This time, I need the practical advantages of a small delivery van. Move lumber, haul band gear, sleep-in when traveling. The selection of the usual seven-year used is too limited, so I’m pulling closer to current models. My current 1997 car has nearly 125,000 miles on it and requires more attention than it should. I will have to replace both rear tires to get to Tennessee. I’m considering a one-way trip and ditching the car. I’m getting a lot of wheelchair vans, but that is something I’m not paying extra for—unless they remove it. There is one with a ramp instead of a lift. The kind you can drive a scooter up. I’m looking.
           So how do you know I’m really practicing on the guitar? Simple, there are questions I would not have otherwise. For example, Bryne says to go easier on the fingertips, tune the strings a note lower and capo everything. Except, this confuses the hell out of me on some chord progressions. True, I’ll get used to it. In the meantime, I figure, why I’ll just tune down two notes, where the patterns make more sense to me. Except, my guitar will not tune like that. And my tuner does not like accidentals. They aren’t really accidentals, but it still won’t display a tuned sharp or flat. And I’m one of these type that simply cannot get a guitar exactly in tune without a tuner.

Picture of the day.
Meanwhile in Jamaica.
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           I’m out of everything. So I’m going shopping, either in Winter Haven or there is that new ALDIs in Bartow. Catch up with me later. I was also reading up on programmable gates. These are the rage in some areas thought the concept is old. I independently derived the idea during my RAM project. These gates are really general purpose chips that are not burned at the factory, but can be set by the end user. My RAM used only simple diodes. I first thought to replace those with transistors, but if so, would I need separate wiring for each “on” condition? Just something I’m pondering. Soon, I know I will be finding boxes of robotics components in the shed.
           That’s interesting. The birds that feed in the front yard seem to have associated that human activity means better feeding. This isn’t the first time I’ve noticed they don’t feed much at all when I’m away. And somebody remind me to build another cardinal seed feeder. I have four species sharing the canary seed, including the cardinals who used to love that feeder. It was designed so larger birds could not quite get at the seed. You remember that one, it was a generic design I modified and forgot how I did it. Then it fell one day and poof, became history. No replacement has ever worked as well.

           I made it shopping which took half the day. I forgot it was Florida, don’t plan on getting anything done in a hurry. When the American way is gone, it will be places like Florida that led the way. There are two kinds of slow. One is when you don’t move fast, the other is when you stop others from moving fast. Florida has mastered both. In news you don’t hear, remember the Polk newspapers are leftist, a black lady listed her smart phone for sale. She met up with the caller in the parking lot at Home Depot, where the black guy shot her dead in front of her black kids and stole the cell phone. Not a peep in the news.
           The photo shows two phono cables I purchased to connect my chorus pedal and drum box. One is five feet long costing $13.99 and the other is ten feet long costing $14.99. Plainly the cable itself is practically free. So, with tax we are looking at over $36.00. I find that interesting because the pedals I’m hooking up cost less than that. Yes folks, terrible inflation is on the way.

           The big election fraud continues. Evidence is mounting on one side while the MSM led by CNN provides an equal and opposite force of denial on the other. They cry there is no evidence and when it is shown to them, they say it is “Russian”. My old neighbor across the way honestly thinks Trump is behind all the awful things the Democrats are doing. He does not question why all the fraud favors Biden. He’s too old to change but occasionally I’ll ask where he heard that and it’s always, “everybody knows”. You know the type. And how about that cock & bull story of Biden hurting his ankle while walking the dog. That’s a SCRAM bracelet if I ever saw one. He’s not even limping and the bulge is nowhere near his ankle. According to the first reports, he’s got it on the wrong ankle anyway. He’s under arrest or something.
           Come to think of it, has anybody seen Obummer or the Hildebeest since late last week? Either way, they both sure shut up in a hurry. Anyway, TMOR, I would like to go over the story of the server raid in Germany. It was not an attack by the US army on a German business, as the press is letting on. The facts are the server was sitting on US territory, as under international law, embassies are sovereign territory of the given country. I would like to see that law changed, but anyway, somehow there were servers located in the US embassy linked to the Dominion vote-counting machines. And the servers were being operated by the CIA.

           What many don’t know is that CIA operatives are never declared by the US, rather they go under “military cover”. This also places them in the position where they have to take orders from the military. And right after the election they were ordered to hand over the servers. Instead, they formed a defensive ring and tried to shoot their way out. Five US soldiers were apparently killed, but no news agency in America has mentioned anything. Turns out the head of the CIA was in the computer room, I mean, what the hell? First rumors is that she was killed.
           Second rumor is that she was only wounded and was being flown to Gitmo when she saw the light. And she’s been singing like a canary. Not a word in the news. I’d say this is big stuff even if it does initially come off like some tabloid splash. Please let this signal the roundup has begun. The millions of ballots that went out to Michigan voters who never requested them has now been blamed on a “programming error”. That’s quite a different tune than when they denied it ever happened at all. The voting system has collapsed like the radio telescope at Arecibo. Structural failure.

Last Laugh