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Wednesday, February 3, 2021

February 3, 2021

One year ago today: February 3, 2020, I’ve been AARPed.
Five years ago today: February 3, 2016, entertainment $274.
Nine years ago today: February 3, 2012, perfection is scarce.
Random years ago today: February 3, 2003, a day at work.

           Petroglyphs. What’s with all the religion theory? They were painted on the rocks by Indians to tell other Indians where and when the hunting was good. I’m back from therapy and I also have a theory. Big Loretta, she gets her inspiration from watching late night wrestling re-runs. They have isolated the exact spot of the most recent injury and the routine has now brought my neck and lower back into the equation. Otherwise I’m fine and darn near kept driving up to Jacksonville to kidnap Trent for some beers. But that chilly windstorm that’s been rattling the windows I have not repaired yet has changed my mind. Here’s the Smithsonian parked at Southgate shopping center. Note the 1960s design, it’s their main draw.
           Staying inside, I might get that cat house ready without the final roof covering. And watching the Australian news feeds. June 14 is proposed as President Trump Day, which I hope flies if only because of who it would infuriate. The Polish government has warned America that cancel culture is bolshevik. It makes people afraid to air their views and conform to a government-approved politically correct model. That’s why my cat house gets mentioned. This cat house has a much impact on the average American as the science has on flu vaccines.
           However, for those that get a vaccine, it is probably true that it alters your DNA, but that is because so do viruses. The virus takes over your DNA to replicate itself instead of you. Implicit proof that life can arise from non-life, as one or the other had to occur first and the odds are 50/50 at that level.

           By skipping breakfast, I was able to stop for a small order of fries and The Five Guys. The dining area is closed. Oh, you can sit on the patio, says the squirt behind the counter. Yeah, you stupid little shit, you go sit out there. It’s 51°F in case you didn’t notice is was freezing when you got up for your dead end job this morning, Brandon, or Tyler, or Josh, or whatever. I hope you make assistant manager by the time you hit 35, and get a bigger name tag and nicer cardboard hat. What can he do about it?
           Come on, somebody out there defend the little prick saying at least he has a job. At least until 11 million illegals appear in the next short while. Nothing, but the company could put a sign visible from the roadway about no indoor seating. Up yours, Five Guys. There is plenty of well-spaced seating available indoors, but they don’t want to pay for staff—I saw employees on their breaks using the same tables.

Picture of the day.
Saudi Arabian farm house.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Looking closely at the lithium battery for the van turns out more complex. Interior space is always limited, so what about just putting a lithium auto battery under the hood? Isn’t that what the otherwise useless ACC. Key setting is for? The one that can drain your lead acid battery in a wink the first time you get distracted. I kept getting matches with batteries designed for electric vehicles. I want a regular size and shape but with all the extra lithium power. So I can fry eggs in the back if I need. I’m finding that lithium and lithium ion are not the same, another techie-topknot ruse to confuse the consumer. It’s the only way techies ever get any—via a confused bad decision by the other party.
           My concern was two-fold. One is how to monitor the battery from inside the vehicle and secondly, I do not know my needs on portability of such a battery. This would not be a concern on the first units I looked at, but those contained a variety of outlets for most purposes, while the automotive units had the standard two posts. The vehicle is wired for 110V but limited to 15 amps. While I’m looking, here is a package of rainbow pasta on which the package says not to boil the product in hot water. Or what, you get white pasta and colored water?

           I confirm the west bedroom naturally stays cooler than the rest of the building in both hot and cold weather. I rigged up two space heaters, since this is the temporary location of the blog computer. I may have to go for three, but the two bedroom are the only places in the house not wired for 20 amp. Meanwhile, the van is so comfortable, I drove around a bit to sightsee, a chance to relax before this afternoon, when I learn “Refugee”, a song I never liked. I found the Songsterr bass tab, meaning a song I’ll play to spec rather than arrange for bass. But not so fast, the tab shows some double stops. Where there a none, I put doubles, where there are doubles, I put triples. The tab further shows many single-note measures. Maybe I’ll circle back to you on that one. What? She said that circle back thing? Yes, but I can speak in full sentences and as far as spokepersoning goes, I’m much more photogenic
.            Depending on the Refugee song, I’ve later slated a DVD. Probably 9:30PM, the jacket says a theatrical presentation of “Beowulf”. That epic was assigned reading in my day but I quickly forgot everything but the Grendel part. There was a time England was a full of dragons as Miami is of arrogant, conceited types of a nationality I can’t say. If there’s time, I’ll play Mellencamp’s “Paper In Fire”, all six notes.

           We have too many movies about people don’t want illegals here, but get converted when they see all the suffering. Folks, that suffering originates on the Mexican side. One they get here it’s a free ride by comparison. We need more movies about how American taxpayers get a real break when they no longer have to shoulder the troubles of the world. Oh, I’ve heard the theories that those are caused by American interference, but the problem there is I’ve been in those other parts of the world. The real problem is lazy people who want American things without giving up their so-called superior ways and ancient cultures. Things that in some cases have not worked right for 3,000 years means they hate us but want cable TV.
           And what’s with AOC’s timely revelation of sexual abuse? Is she lying to politicize things? Let me think. She’s never said a good thing about America, she sides with people who discredit opposing points of view, and she has cried wolf every time she thought it to her advantage. So even if she is telling the truth this time, she’s been courting distrust from the word go. The liberals are going flat out to convince people who are unemployed, locked down, and canceled that their biggest worries are climate change and wearing two masks.
           Bottom line: AOC is only claiming she is a sexual abuse victim so people will have to stop criticizing her. Everybody knows it, including her fans who refuse to admit it.

           As for vaccinations, I’m willing to risk the life of every liberal that they don’t work. It’s sadly amazing to see the horrible faces on these Democrat party supporters as they slowly realize the entire hidden agenda behind what they thought they were voting for. I agree Mexico is a bad place, but you never hear of the valiant heroes who overthrew their repressive regimes back in history. Why bother, when it’s far easier to vote with your feet. Mexico, the ZeroHeroLand.

Last Laugh