One year ago today: July 10, 2020, I watched “Emporer”.
Five years ago today: July 10, 2016, mouthpiece of the uneducated.
Nine years ago today: July 10, 2012, a busy post.
Random years ago today: July 10, 2019, boozing at the Titanic.
Two bloggable events this morning, that’s it. First, I did a search for the ten top historical museums in the Jacksonville area. It took nearly a half-hour to get rid of all the African outfits. I want to see old tractors, furniture, and gadgets. You can’t get away from that slavery crap these days yet they are the most empty buildings you’ll ever see. Museums of science are pre-school oriented rubbish. The only train museum, in Green Grove, is closed for repairs. Wait, I want to see the trains before they were repaired, oh never mind. That’s weird, my system monitor just showed all the WiFi signals in the area went off the air except mine. They’re back, but I never even lost contact. Must be FBI. Time to call Tucker Carlson.
That Morse broadcast from last day was somebody practicing. Another transmission kept repeating, “There are only ___ apples on the tree.” That is apparently some standard routine and not some intergalactic message telling me what is inside the Sphynx. Search it if you want, I’m busy cutting lumber. That also means I had the radio on, with the Tampa stations drowning out anything conservative. At first, I thought they were having trouble getting rid of all the white noise in the background. Turns out it was Trump supporters. These Democrats are having trouble reading the writing on the wall. Leftoids, it is game over. All people asked was to be left alone, and you could not allow that. Run, Nancy run.
I went to get my saw and stubbed my toe, cancelling that part of today’s work. I hobbled to the van and took a drive to Bradenton for coffee. At Burger King, there are no nice roadside diners left anymore and Starbucks is too lowbrow for me most of the time. I spotted a Thrift, which can have DVDs I’ve not seen so I limped over there. Ah, a super nice headset microphone in an unmarked box, them things are worth twenty bucks these days, so I bought it for $3.99. On the way home I stopped for a sandwich, leaving my glasses in the car. So I ordered the item lowest on the menu, usually the least expensive.
Not this time. It was a steak sandwich. Cost me $12.08 but man, that was something. That’s twice this year I’ve eaten steak and that’s my quota. Yep, what treat. Then I get home and unpack the mic and what do I find? I have a brand new complete package of Dragon Naturally Speaking, complete with manual and it is the Preferred version. Didn’t that retail for $99? It’s compatible with my office system. I last gave it a try back in 2006-ish. This package says 2011 (copyright 2004), so maybe there’s been some improvement. According to the manual, I have a couple of Sony digital recorders that direct connect. The headset works beautifully.
Part of my interest is that writer’s club I used to attend weekly. Were they using Dragon? I’m certain most of the people there were not really typists. They regularly showed up with four or five typewritten pages for people to review. One or two of the members had some talent, but none of it matched the daily quality of what you are reading now. Further, I had nothing in common with the others, nobody to share thoughts with or gain much. The rule that you “write what you know” had a scary side-effect over there. These people knew next to nothing. Either that, or they believed most of what they were told. So they all had little trouble teaming up with each other, which only doubled the amount of weekly bullspit about the woes of slavery, lost causes, and being a woman. And you gotta love MSNBC for saying Tucker Carlson is “un-American” for objecting to being spied on. Their take is the look at his e-mails was incidental and he should have considered it, what, a patriotic duty to have himself cleared? As Rumble put it, the left went from “he’s lying” to “so what” in record time.
Another victim of
(13 y.o. shot in back, zero news coverage.)
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Has that steak sandwich ruined my reputation as a vegetarian? Of course not, because I’m not one. I simply choose to avoid foods that I know darn well cannot be healthy for you or that I have reasons to shun. I don’t eat tuna, fr’instance, and pork is rare. How about that society in England that says you can no longer cook live lobsters? And your trivia for today is of course you can keep bananas in the fridge. Their skins will darken, but the inside will keep as long as most any other fruit. Once I quit eating beef almost daily, I noticed I only needed one nap a day instead of two. So there, enough proof for California to declare it unsafe. Here'a photo from my junk bin, because there's nothing else today. The context is the lid was rusted on so I had to peel it back. Yeah, well, let’s see if you can do better, Elliott (my blog’s top critic).
With my toe in cold water, I clicked on a series of photos from the 60s and 70s. What a change in perspective for me. It was still a time when you had a shot at fame and fortune by simpler means. People distant enough from each other could do the same shtick and be considered unique. One thing has not changed for me, it is how motherly the lead actresses of the day looked. Sophia Loren and Marilyn Monroe were almost matronly compared to what was really sexy—the slim blonde hippie chicks in either cutoffs or miniskirts. An era never to be repeated, and just think: no tattoos.
I felt compelled to flip through hundreds of these pics, as I often recognized people I’d long forgotten along with their big events. I recall John Lennon’s Rolls-Royce. I took time to read many of the captions and I was reminded how poverty-stricken I was at the same age as these people. I never understood then how they could simply announce they would be a famous actor, or rock star, or magazine model. At age 20, I was totally absorbed wondering if I’d have food the next day. Of course, now I understand most of them had something I didn’t, namely access to resources (like free money) that the rest of us could only dream of. It did not help when they were billed as your average American teenagers, carefree and frolicking about.
Those ten lost years I spent to catch up had a lasting effect on my perception. If you don’t recall my history, most poor people around me plunged into debt early and paid for it by slaving away the rest of their lives. I chose to build as much of an infrastructure as I could, but not to the point where I’d sell out to the man, as it was called back then. It meant I basically had nothing during my twenties, hence, ten lost years. There’s an entire ten years of movies I never saw, car models I can’t identify, music I never heard, and actresses I could not identify with. I mean, I know them today, but I’ve never seen Bay Watch, or Dukes of Hazard, or Charlie’s Angels. Singers like Madonna and Lopez had already peaked by the time I could name their music. I barely managed to keep up with the movies.
More things I’ve never seen: an Oprah show. Whatever those Karsadashian people do. An entire Justin Bieber video. And you know, I’ve never seen the Simpsons or Family Guy except on youTube. Here’s some TV shows I’ve never watched:
Hill Street Blues
Laverne & Shirley
The A Team
Knight Rider
Growing Pains
I am, however, kind of aware that Laverne & Shirley were some comedy show and that Taxi had Danny DiVito. I gather Knight Rider was some form of robot car, that Chips was about gay California cops, but the rest I could not even tell you the themes. Just, as we used to say, not my bag. The plain truth is I could have watched these shows but there was always something more interesting to do.
That ten years was a wake up call. Most of the people from before then who I could spot in a crowd are already dead. The good news is that at the time, most of the women were still good looking without makeup. Nowadays they look like Godzilla without it.
Last, I’m hearing a new term “ex-white run cities”. Is this a passing phrase or something I’ve missed? It refers to places like Detroit, Philadelphia, and Brussels that were formerly great and beautiful cities, now degenerated into slums of the worst kind. This photo is a corner store in Johannesburg, South Africa, before and after. What they have in common is clear to anyone with a pair of eyes. The big problem in America is that after they kick out the white man, the welfare checks continue. They say you can’t cut off the welfare, to which I say you don’t know that until you try. The liberals cry, what will these people do for money? Um, you don’t really think they are living on $784 a month right now, do you?
How about Trump in Las Vegas? The real entertainment was the leftists trying to present his attendance of a boxing match as footage of a rally. The boxing match lasted one round but the stain left by the by mainstream media lives on. The crowd broke into spontaneous cheering for the country’s true leader, that much is true. Then the fake media takes footage of the crowd rooting for their favorites and presents it as Trump “met with cheers & jeers”. Sick, sick, sick.
I ruined a perfectly good tablet by installing Google Chrome. I may eventually be able to uninstall all the additional bull they put on there. It will take time, as I’m trained in preventing Chrome, not fixing it. The computer has slowed to a crawl, the Key West weather report blocks the screen with no close button, the line-out plug quits working and the only way to get it back is play an MP3, which can take up to three minutes because commands don’t respond. Screw you, Google. What? Get in line behind who? Donald, be my guest.
The process is tedious. You must uninstall all your anti-virus protection, disabling it is not enough. Then go through a lengthy list of Chrome statements in command mode, changing the values. You cannot delete these items, only trick them into disabling themselves or similar.