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Friday, July 2, 2021

June 2, 2021

One year ago today: July 2, 2020, we reject Parler.
Five years ago today: July 2, 2016, Nigel Farage.
Nine years ago today: July 2, 2012, a closer affiliation.
Random years ago today: July 2, 2004, fake, but still blue.

           Let me relax, I found a K-cup of French roast in the back of the coffee drawer. The yard is totally alive with birds, yes, six species. I may try for photos but that computer wall needs cutting in today. I layer the seeds as shown in previous pictures with the intent to vary the diet but did not allow for their favorites. They’ve learned to eat away at one of the ports so the upper layers of seeds fall more rapidly to that location. I’m at the window, listening to my news feeds as the Democrats go into full panic mode. We know they are unimaginative but it’s beyond stupid that they are actually planning on stealing the 2022 elections by the same methods they are now under investigation over.
           Before we continue, a word about coffee. I’m not keen on flavored coffee but I do glance at what is selling. The most popular seems to be vanilla, followed by hazelnut, then Kahlua. These are on-line results, which list by brand rather than flavor, proof once again that bribery works. I thought to glance down the list to see if I’d like to try any. Yes. Mint chocolate, but you can have the Salty Caramel. There’s a point you are no longer drinking coffee. Here’s a pic of the new drill showing where they eliminated the handy clip to hold a bit while you were changing it out. No doubt an efficiency expert involved. Back to the news of the collapsing Democratic regime.

           Sure, it’s an audit, but the general feeling is that any wrongdoing uncovered will be Democrats. Their latest howl is that the funding for the audit is “private” and making a big deal that some of that money might be Republican. If that is their best shot, I want to stick around to watch them dance. That, and the grandstanding against Trump’s newly-indicted financial manager, shows these Democrats are shameless. TMOR, allow to explain what a Grand Jury is. Around half the US States have them, they are a cobbled-together group of legislators who are not necessarily lawyers. There are no criteria, they could be Martians.
           This Grand Jury listens only to the case presented by the prosecution, the person accused is not allowed to defend himself. Thus, to be “indicted by the Grand Jury” means nothing more than an accusation, which has very little legal meaning other than you should show up in court or they will get their way. (For clarity, they will rule against you in your absence.) The problem is the make-up of that Grand Jury, which in New York State could be a pack of Never-Trumpers, who it is said, would indict a ham sandwich.

           Waiting for paint to dry, I looked up “Locals”, as some authors have used it to push their printbooks. It’s a small site and likely to stay there. Describing itself as a crowd-funded subscription-based service that, depending on your needs and objectives, combats manipulative algorithms and shadow-banning, so you establish a community and make money off your supports. I don’t imagine they have a lot of over-40s in there who only speak English. Your free account costs you $3, $5, or $10 per month. That’s free, you see, depending on their needs and objectives. I also looked at Parler and you can keep it. For an eye-opener on how Democrats handle opposition, watch this chair banging video and somebody tell me that fat bastard in the yellow tie is.
           NASA announced in April they had extracted oxygen on Mars, but let the story drop. For a fraction of what was wasted on the Shuttle program, we should have had full-fledged oxygen factories on Mars since 1990. The experiment was hailed as a success, yet the process is very well known and not original. NASA repeatedly does this to distract us from their overall lack of progress where it counts—the establishment of a Mars base.

           Sorry, Davenport police, we are not going to help you or the radio stations that covered that Mercedez and BMW theft last night. Catch them by yourself. Why? Because we know when you use guarded language, you are covering up the race of the thieves. If they were white, their names ages and photos would be plastered all over the 6:00 news as if already convicted. If you are not going to tell us the whole truth, then your jobs just got harder. You blithering nincompoops, times are changing fast.
           And reports from overseas show that this “delta variant” may be a coverup for a bad situation. Vaxed people are catching it eight times more often than the unvaxed. Call it what you want, people were warned and warned, it is not a real vaccine. And it compromises your immune system. Let’s see how many would rather die than learn. This rule seems to apply with yet another “Telsa Barbeque”. Seems this time the door locks had the latest youTube “skip ad” twenty-second delay enabled. I can see the occupant punching the flatscreen in a panic trying to remember if he hit it an even or odd number of times while his nuts were getting fried.

Picture of the day.
Wine marmalade.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Today has an historical meaning for me budgetwise. Had I got the place I wanted by taking out a mortgage, this would have been the final payment date. During that time, Wallace, if he stuck around, would have been living for free in the second house purchased my savings in rent and my court settlement. Poor old guy, he’d be in his mid-90s by now, if alive probably in some windowless basement suite. Because he never understood going partners with him did not include his crazy ugly daughter in the mix. Man, did he lose big time on that.
           Here’s the computer wall after being cut in by hand. This is how to do it right, but don’t expect perfection. The house either shifts or expands slightly depending on weather, so tiny spots sanded smooth a couple days ago are already showing protuberances I can see. This job should have taken one hour, instead, I was at it for and hour and a half. Tomorrow, it gets painted whatever color is free at the used paint store. Except orange. I’ve got a dislike for orange rooms. Too Halloweeny.
           Later, this is the KILL2 brand paint & primer. Don’t waste your money. Primer alone should leave a non-transparent coating, I mean, that’s what primer does. But this product states it is also paint. Once dried, I could see through every coat. The final test is how well it paints, but that is not the point. Any reputable paint inspector would tell you to prime this over again.

           As Pinterest, which I don’t use, bans weight-loss ads, Norway bans edited ad photos of slim women, Facebook forms its own “Defense of the Revolution” block spies. It is asking that you turn in people you suspect have been “exposed to harmful extremist content”. Let’s see how well that works out for them. Meanwhile, I’d say Pelosi is an extremist. Hmmmmm. I deserve a Writers Guild scholarship. You see, I just wrote a sentence about Pelosi that did not use any adjectives containing the vowel “u”.
           Ray-B got through his first day on the new job. I’m surprised they still use salesmen these days, but some industries are not known for progress. They started him today, just before a long weekend, with onboarding sessions. That’s what we used to call job orientation, primitive as we were. I’m the go-to guy for questions on how to thrive in the telecom industry. Rule one, watch for euphemistic job titles. And get in inside job as soon as possible, unless your temperament prefers work in the sun and the rain. Much as I did not like company politics, inside it was safe, secure, clean, comfortable, and just occasionally, you met a gal who was not some leftover head-case sleazebox.

           For the record, my blog has made reference to Blackthorn as the corporation buying up properties in anticipation of turning America into a nation of renters. This should not be taken literally, as this blog has an aversion to naming certain entities directly. My autocomplete is set to intentionally replace words like BlackRock. So while there is usually doubt as to who I am naming, there is no doubt about what I think of them. Soon, the corporations will own the houses and Gates will own the farmland. Both of these entities have anti-white agendas. I think I’ll sink another $5,000 into my house. I may soon be in the shrinking minority of owners.
           A copy-key error in my accounting system may have over-reported the amount I’ve spent on this house. It will only affect a few months over the years, but I will have to root them out. An accounting formula somehow got pasted into an arithmetic cell, then copied and pasted. Don’t you hate it when that happens? To those who spotted that Blackthorn was mentioned in this blog long before the media began to pick up the story, I guess you hare used to that by now. This blog regularly reports news a good year in advance.

           There is another facet not yet considered. The amount of home ownership in America’s smaller towns is generally well above the national levels. Most people in my entire neighborhood own their houses. If Blackthorn tries to buy in these areas, I’ll be the last to sell for millions. Blackthorn has $9 trillion so they can afford me. I’m hinting that the big housing buyout could shift buyers and focus back to some of these smaller cities. I would not recommend anyone try to enforce any socialist agendas anywhere near this vicinity. Around here, you don’t work, you don’t eat. I have yet to meet anyone on welfare in this city, on this side of the tracks, I mean.

           And the question of what can the States do if election fraud is proven may be partially answered by what Georgia is considering. My contention is that over the years the Democrats have slowly passed seemingly innocuous bills that make it difficult to decertify the fake election. This is in keeping with their tactic of “go home, it’s over, nothing to see here”. This has worked so well, they are not going to drop it just because it is now in the open. Most legislatures, it seems, have the right to recall their electoral votes. This means they are still in, but cannot participate in the processes. While they could not vote for Trump, nor could they vote for liberal agendas. The Democrat margins are so razor-thin that this could herald catastrophe for 2022

           Liberal fraud relies on nobody paying attention until they pull something off, then locking out anyone who complains. The downside is Liberals are dumb and creating a new method is above their pay grade. They tried one of their stunts in New York, attempting to feed 135,000 “test ballots” though the machines before the counting started. Stupid, stupid, now that people are watching. Their mistake, in my opinion, is that they never could manage a real majority, so they tried to fake one. Then tried to use the fake to push through a massive block of nasty laws to consolidate power. Their problem is, the majority of Americans are not low-IQ inner-city welfare cases and the disarray could spell the end of pushy liberalism in this country. We can only hope.
Last Laugh

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