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Saturday, September 25, 2021

September 25, 2021

One year ago today: September 25, 2020, COBOL, t-shirts.
Five years ago today: September 25, 2016, I fixed the PA.
Nine years ago today: September 25, 2012, carburetors, silver.
Random years ago today: September 25, 2013, Margaritaville, soon?

           Not so fast, the two bedroom has been relisted. It would not be the first time a confirmed buyer never came up with the cash. I sent an e-mail just to check. I’ve low-balled the guy by $10,000 figuring if he’s been just disappointed, he may decide to get rid of the thing. My agent tells me that housing rentals are so tough these days, they hold an open house to find the right tenants. She went to such an event and said there were 21 parties to rent, it was a three bedroom asking $1400 per month. Things don’t look good for anyone with less than a perfect history. And you have to sign a year’s lease minimum.
           I foresaw this, the abuse of public records by landlords, but why shouldn’t they when places like Florida favor squatters and quitters? There are too many instances of people moving in and just not paying. Eviction can take years. This is why I don’t put utilities in my own name. You could get stuck paying that for the duration. That, plus I’ve long since discovered other wonderful things about putting your utilities in a company name. Let’s just say it is amazing how people who will fully abuse information are still so protective of their files. It’s almost like they know that door swings both ways.
           Here’s a picture just because I think it’s totally creative. I don’t have an imagination that can picture such things. Never have had. Um, but I’ve gotten 100% several times on college exams, if that counts for anything.

           That was JZ on the phone, we’re planning a meeting for next week. If he doesn’t invest money, it seems to fritter away. He still insists if we buy, it has to be something that needs work, and what he means is work he can do. The guy who will not admit he isn’t 25 any more. We will discuss the option anyway, I’ve also looked again at the mobile home in Winter Haven, still on the market after a month. The story seems to be the neighbors owned it and were going to put on a new roof. They stacked $10,000 of building materials in the yard and next morning it was gone. I subscribe to the theory than whenever it’s a big theft, it’s an inside job.
           And what peed me off this morning was a formula. I could not calculate the present value of a series of $400 monthly payments over ten years. I finally did it backwards with a spreadsheet estimating an APR of 6%. That is, what is the equivalent amount of cash right now of 120 payments adding up to $48,000 in ten years? Without my old Texas Instruments calculator, I’ve forgotten. I guess I’m not 25 any more.

           The plastic bottle has been millennialized. They are now so thin that if you don’t open them on a counter, the pressure of your hand causes the contents to shoot once the cap is removed. Way to go, Brandon, employee of the month, passing a problem on to the next guy. This is not a new invention and does not contradict my contention that millennials have never invented a thing. Like the lumber tag, these ideas have been around forever but until now nobody as AOL enough to do them.
           Things at DC are out of hand, it may be only a matter of time until the government attacks the wrong person, that is, shots fired. Once that line is crossed, things will escalate quickly. All Trump needs to unite people is for the Democrats to make one false move, we’ve seen what Americans will do after a Pearl Harbor. But careful, don’t advocate violence, even posting an anti-vax twitter can now get you red-flagged. TMOR that’s a law passed y’day that anyone can accuse you of being a threat and have your guns confiscated. They pay vaxxers to lie, so it is entirely possible they’ll pay for agents to make the accusations.
           While I do not support violence, I recognize there is no other way the present government will relinquish power. They’ve planned for too long and if they don’t pay off their donors, they know what will happen to them. They are also unsure of what the military might do they will likely attempt to weed out the officers most likely to have independent opinions, that is, anybody pro-Trump. We hear of many soldiers quitting just before their pensions, which is one hell of a sacrifice, but not near enough are doing it and Biden knows this.

Picture of the day.
Hacienda Bay, Egypt.
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           Remember December 22. I’ve declared it to be Martin Shkreli Day. He gets out on December 18 next year. How can I do this? Well, by the same right anybody else has. Dit you know that today, September 25, 2021 is also
Bunny Day
Comic Book Day
Cooking Day
Daughters Day
Fish Amnesty Day
Ghost Hunting Day
Hunting and Fishing Day
International Ataxia Awareness Day
International Lace Day
International Rabbit Day
Lobster Day
Math Storytelling Day
One-Hit Wonder Day
Psychotherapy Day
Public Lands Day
Research Administrator Day
Save Your Photos Day
Seat Check Saturday
Tune-Up Day
           By way of the same authority that created these days, I’m preparing a small campaign that recognizes Shkreli was vilified for a crime he never committed and jailed for doing something banks and insurance companies do every day.

           Friday passed without much ado over the audit results. This was predicted here long ago, because there is no agency that goes after political wrong-doers. The MSM made fools of themselves plastering the airwaves with fake headlines that the audit confirmed a Biden win. Their credibility just slid another notch or two, and the good news is these tactics represent their best shots. While the Constitution contains no provision for decertifying an election, it does not prohibit it either. Other laws make it clear when there is fraud that the goal is to restore the situation to before the harm.
           Zero motivation kept me indoors, studying electronics. These days, I generally read a lot rather than wire much. I’ve never been clear on bitwise programming. I get the concept and just as quickly forget it. Maybe with the extra space in the new shed, I’ll have room for some small projects.

           Now let me explain this picture. This broad is considered an Internet model. In a way, I’m glad because it confirms that I have nothing in common with millennials. I rate this woman as too old, with thunder thighs, rumples, sags, and generally not something I’d glance at twice if it walked past my stage. Oh, I fully understand how some snorting millie likes women that look like somebody’s mother, maybe their own. It’s just not for me, and I had a tough time believing this side of beef actually has a following. Alternatively, the picture could just be here as a lame attempt to bolster my recently poor readership count.
           Having said that, JZ thinks she is a goddess. That’s why we never compete for the same women. He says no way he is travelling here unless he has $10,000 in the bank. Which will never happen. He drives vehicles that are comparable to mine, but constantly worries about breakdowns. Seriously, he thinks a wheel could fall off without notice. Or a transmission could sieze up without any warning. These events are so rare I’ve never personally seen such a thing. If it happened to me, just junk the car and buy another one, this is America for crying out loud.

           You know the movie “Rounders”? I’ve never seen it all the way through. That’s my plan for this evening. I’m not keen on these gambler movies, but I’ve got coffee and I’m baking a crumb cake. I’ve had a lot to think over and I have to move fast on an investment before inflation eats up more value. I’m also off balance over some social issues. One is that I have a trusted friend who is revealing an entire half-lifetime of missing experience. Put another way, suppose I had been married to say, a doctor or businesswoman instead of an actress. Would you not be shocked if, twenty years later there was not a shred to indicate I had ever learned anything from her? Well, that’s what I’m dealing with and I’m in no position to assist.
           Without giving away too much, this friend was in business for quite some time. Yet mistakes are made today that show a disconnect with the ordinary conduct of operations common to all ventures. Instead, it’s bad decisions, no experience, and a strange reaction when shown some everyday procedure. That’s all I’m saying. If this person wanted any help, the time is long past when I could have. I’m content with hanging out with the Reb these days, there is absolutely never, never, never a dull moment. It’s synergy, however, don’t expect it by getting in my checkout aisle.

           Hmmm, that makes me reflect a bit. We still have the potential for music, but when together it is sort of like something we do all day and hesitate to carry it over. Like right now we could instantly form a crackerjack lounge duo. But that would make some days pretty long for us. It’s bound to happen in some form, so we regularly talk business Yet we are not an item so we both tend to have our own notions. For example, she wonders at my bookkeeping which tracks every cent every day, and I wonder how she gets by without it. We are not rich, well, not yet.
           She is comfortable with residual income on-line while that is something I still have to learn to trust more. She’ll spend money over the phone, something absolutely prohibited in my operations protocol. But nowadays, I just ask her to pay for me. That’s how quickly, and seamlessly, we meshed. I’m planning to get back into the publishing software if nothing else comes up for the month of October. This represents another curiosity in our approaches. The way we deal with the software. It works like so.

           I will investigate every function, drop every menu, and familiarize myself with every feature. What works, what doesn’t, and why. She [on the other hand] can skim over the same software without any in-depth knowledge and intuitivelyget the same results. Well, I should say apparent results. The real difference always show up when something goes wrong. My point is, her background on computers is totally post-Internet. As late as 1995, I recall, she had never been on-line. Thus, she is able to follow the most hackneyed instructions and know what they are talking about.
           Myself, I rely so little on others that some of my notes are like small user manuals. I do not feel sorry for people who never learned to spell and I laugh when I see instructions written with the wrong homonyms. By that I also mean homographs and homophones. English is full of such words and the problem is they tend to be used when exactitude is required. So while crap-typing is fine for text messaging, you got a problem with it starts showing up in flight manuals and launch codes. If these people think they are going to Mars in safety, guess again.

           That wonderful aroma is the crumb cake. It’s a mix I got familiar with in the heyday of the robot club. The package says 12 to 14 servings. Maybe at the bingo hall. I know Agt. M was hooked on the recipe. Oh, what’s the name, it’s the one that starts with a K. I buy it by the picture. Krusteaz, that's it.
Last Laugh