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Tuesday, October 26, 2021

October 26, 2021

One year ago today: October 26, 2020, Mars in 12 weeks.
Five years ago today: October 26, 2016, Mitchfruit.
Nine years ago today: October 26, 2012, when women were smarter.
Random years ago today: October 26, 2019, US food warning label.

           Here is a hearty breakfast, for everyone including the pooches. These dogs love powdered milk, which I use for baking. And that’s top story this morning, as I decided it was time for biscuits and gravy. Shown here, these could be called “now biscuits” because of the prep time. They are cut square with a knife under the theory that when one has a hungry crew at the table, there is no time to go looking for rolling pins and cookie cutters. These are kneaded and flattened in on continuous motion, as in now.
           Shown also is the pitcher of powdered milk. I had no sausage so I made chicken gravy. This is how the dog’s crazy appetite for the product was discovered. I had a small amount left over, so I poured it in the pan. They went for it like puppies. So, thinking a bit, I spooned a little of the chicken gravy on their breakfast dishes. That was something to see.

           I got out in the morning sun and worked on the shed, finished the door. It’s installed with a small window. The opening has both a wire mesh and bug screen and the hasp is installed. I treated the hillbilly to the biscuits, I guess he’s not seen them made this way before but there are no special ingredient’s. Also, hot chocolate and scrambled eggs. Why, he ate almost as good as the doggies. They are, after all, guests for a bit. I pet sat while he went to a job interview. Both now follow me around and have become protective of my yard.
           Inflation. Listening to the radio, those people think it is going to be a few percentage. Bull, prices are going to triple for necessities. I’ve been unable to find a property as a store of value, which I want to explain even if it makes for a dull party here. Two choices are left for me. One is to invest in something that produces income faster than inflation. Ha, good luck. This is the traditional American reaction but that costs more money than most people have. Unless you have millions, I cannot think of a single investment whose return will keep pace with inflation.
           The other method is one that’s worked well before. It’s to lose money at a slower rate than the herd. For the most part, real estate does this. You just have to be careful it is the right kind that doesn’t become an albatross. This is why I’m looking at a vacant but serviced lot. The difference is, I never have to sell. Getting strapped for cash is too common to chance. I’m watching for just that situation in others and there have been several near misses.

Picture of the day.
Lab-grown meat bioreactors.
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           It was high 80s out there as I worked straight through. By now you’re tired of hearing it, I get it, but for me it is the headline. Not so much the long days because I know better than to over-exert. But even at a good pace, I’m not drained. There have been moments in the past, but not two solid weeks. I’ve even felt a spark or two of energy. My promise to you is if I make the Olympics, I will not endorse any vitamins or cooking ware. Parson called and I recounted the situation, asking him to scout for an opening. Within the hour, he was back on the line and it sounds like good news.
           Dom, the guitarist who passed away, knew the husband of the club owner for the past twenty years. Ha! I immediately asked Parson to contact Randolph, the drummer, who didn’t actually play in the same band as Dom, but rather over the same twenty years. My one searching question was whether the club owner had ever heard Dom play. Failing that, Dom has mentioned he had some recordings. Within the hour, yes to both. Randolph has met the club owner and there is a batch of recordings, only without me playing the bass, but so what.
           This picture shows the doggies breakfast in the making. Boiled chicken, rice made from broth, and soon to have all the leftover gravy, which does not keep. And they are in more luck, as I am rotating stock and have around 20 quarts of powder nearing its best-before date.

           Hence, from no chance to almost a sure thing in 18 hours and nobody suspects I was even in the loop. It is a quirky thing, since I don’t normally play places I patronize. I’m not ready and I’d rather bomb in front of strangers so this is a test of nerves. It is late afternoon and no word back yet. Parson called back several times to say things are going fine. Good, I like either play or manage, but not both. Leaving matters in his capable hands, I think it’s time to take that walk, pretend it’s Tennessee and I have my own dogs.  
          In a similar tack, my shoulder is quite improved. Keeping up the exercises helps though it sometimes leaves me with a dull but ignorable ache. In addition to the work this past while, and some of it has been, marvelous to me, heavy labor, That chain saw workout was the best. I realize after on most occasions, I did not have to stall or strain to use my right arm for most of the work. I’d stand back and realize, yes, I did put that tarpaper up by myself, something impossible not that long ago.

           Once more, the situation becomes that if I make an investment, I will be left with nearly nothing. In this case, I would have $45.92 to my name. I think you know my reaction to that. I won’t give the long explanation, but it is a spot that has fallen immensely in price since 2014. But so has everything nearby, and those locations are showing a remarkable recovery. I’m new at this, never having the opportunity to learn the ropes, but the prices seem rock bottom. I have one solitary experience at that, and I still live here loving every minute of it.
           A second option is a place twice as far from town, but with two structures. The second is a one room log cabin some 90 feet from the main building. I sent the Reb details and directions on both. I prefer the one that is inhabitable now and may purchase even if she does not want to live that far out of town. Once again, the advantage is that I would owe nothing and be under no pressure to do things except my own way, which is the only sreal thing even the stupidest rich kid has over you.

Last Laugh