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Thursday, October 28, 2021

October 28, 2021

One year ago today: October 28, 2020, Tennessee $9 inspection.
Five years ago today: October 28, 2016, unicorns, whistles, choice word.
Nine years ago today: October 28, 2012, remember these puzzles?
Random years ago today: October 28, 2014, I like cheese.

           The forecast is rain all day, so I’ve scheduled time in the shed. I know the hillbilly will be over before long. I’ll set him to work on the pallets. How do I know he’ll be early today? Easy, look at the picture. Hot Girl has brought me one of his cowboy boots as an offering. Good girl. The dogs have figured out the formula, that over here their diet has variety. This morning they got chopped sausage, eggs, rice, and lamb in gravy. They’ve likely never had lamb before and it went fast.
           The auction real estate strategy has a name over here. Formula Six. It won’t stick, but if you hear that label, it means the action of forcing up bidding prices at the courthouse. Recent developments and a lot of interest from my other postings (you know this blog is just a hobby, right?) show some ahead thinking individuals are very keen on the concept. Problem is, my posts made it sound simple and without risk. Still, the idea is very scalable and if I had say, 20 people with $10,000 each to gamble, we could all be rich if the upcoming housing scrunch repeats the 2006 formula.

           This is interesting, a first. Some white guy who got fired so his office could hire a woman and a black to meet a diversity quota has sued. And he walks away with $10 million. Is this a turning point? I was wrong, the hillbilly did not show up until nearly noon. A break in the weather gave us time to clean a bunch of the pallet lumber. In fact, here is a view of the progression from pallet, to lumber, to siding.
           The first photo is what it looks like, then each piece has to be cleaned of nails. I get a chuckle with that term as one of the first jobs I had the boss told me to clean some lumber. I had no clue what he meant. The pallet lumber averages just over three feet in length, which is useless to me. It gets trimmed down to fit on the studs. You can see me pointing to where a corner has been started.

           The downpours were intermittent and one caught me inside the new shed to wait it out. High and dry, the shed passes the Florida rainstorm test. It was noisy enough as the roof is also under tree branches that shed the water in blobs. I managed only a couple of hours today. Still impressive to me, because I was left with the energy to skip siesta.
           That was two hours with Tampa radio, and NPR is still the strongest signal. It’s comedy to me, how they are now backpedaling on dozens of issues they were recently fanatic about. They are leftists, so they will never admit any wrong-doing. It’s how they have to contort like snakes to keep going. For instance, it would seem Biden has caved on his deadline for vaccines for Fed employees. They try to make it spin like it is just a delay. Bull, Biden regime is collapsing from the inside.

           Or the container ships now arriving at Miami ports. Joe and gang were not expecting that. Possibly the worst news for them is polls that keep showing Trump is winning in so many of their once solid states. This is the Democrats worse nightmare, seeing as Trump isn’t even running for office. The big news is Hannity is about to release a documentary that covers the entire spectrum of Democrat dirty tactics. They had it coming. I can’t name the date for the release because America’s news reporters are too dumb. They keep saying the news is “on January 6”, and move along. Duh.

Picture of the day.
Clearwater River, Alberta, Canada
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           The latest in crime-fighting is the Bluetooth tracking apps. This may make headlines because, as I found out when my scooter was stolen, finding your property isn’t the same as getting in back. The police are plain not going to help you. They will not arrest or charge the criminal without some other reason. Here’s the best picture of the afternoon, a view inside the new shed, or the north shed as it is becoming known. The white panel board was a bargain, ou can see the work counter being installed. This is not for storage, but a clean work space. Everything else tends to get dusty or cluttered, this is my first single-purpose unit since I moved here.
           Win XP, which this blog has always supported, is in the news. Because it turns 20 years old this week and is still used on many military and security systems, not to mention it is the core of my entire operation. Countless consumer reports confirm my original reports that Vista, Win 7, Win 8, and Win 10 are substandard and bloated with spyware. There was a Win 9, but it was so bad they could not give it away.
           I got back inside the house in time to dodge the real rainstorm. All neighbor are in danger of flooding and even my yard is collecting real puddles that look like the water table showing through.

           The fun report is the SETI signal that was reported as the flash of a new galaxy being created. It turned out to be a derelict USSR booster transiting past a radio “dead zone”. These objects often reflect back “intelligent” radio signals. Could be Oprah has been echoed back off the Moon for twenty years, but nobody spotted it as intelligent. Another reason I want my nice new shed ready is to return so some of my work that requires a “clean” space. The latest Raspberry microcontroller is priced at $15, cheap enough to leave embedded.
           The unit has some significant advantages but not enough to change my loyalty away from Arduino. Do not look to me for any breakthroughs, my interest in these boards is amusement. But I’ll try to read a manual on the Raspberry but I’ve found it boring before, a kid’s kind of literature. I prefer programming to the mechanics and electronics. Did you know only about 1,000 people per year take Computer Science course in all of England? I read more stories than ever about whiz kids these days who are exposed as frauds when asked to do even basic programming tasks. I would like to see a return to real programming in my lifetime, though right now that seems hopeless.
           To see what passes for expertise, I ran a search for the definition of MicroSoft Silverlight. The best reply I got was: it is the implementation of cross platform framework and cross-browser which allows you to produce excellent web applications which can be embedded in the websites. The browser is 6 MB in size and it is a software which is free from client side. As a former programmer, I’d just say it is a small program that lets you write web pages that display on most phones.

           It was a given, but some scientists have proposed using water (frozen), sunlight, and carbon dioxide to manufacture methane fuel on Mars. This won’t excite many, but it opens the door for funding for a simple reason. The cost of taking fuel to Mars is impossible. It takes something like 30 tons of methane to launch a rocket off the Martian surface, and taking the fuel there from Earth costs $270 million per ton if you let NASA do it.
           The cost instead would become a one-time lift of the bio-reactors to Mars. I’m not so sure the idea of have cyanobacteria do the work is all that wise. Introducing an Earth life form on another planet is always risky, since there would be no balance of Nature. In a related vein, the fake Moon landing people are at it again. In a recent interview, Aldrin said the photographs were staged, meaning the astronauts posed for the pictures and Armstrong directed some of the scenes. The trolls are twisting it to claim he said the landings were staged. We will never see the end of these idiots.
           I checked for any new documentaries on military history. It’s a sad time for this topic. Most of the highest rated material is just re-hashing of Allied propaganda and the videos are either cartoons or simulations. The millennial posters of that can blow it out their obviously distended, um, nostrils.

Last Laugh