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Friday, November 5, 2021

November 5, 2021

One year ago today: November 5, 2020,Smithville.
Five years ago today: November 5, 2016, gorgeous womanhood.
Nine years ago today: November 5, 2012, sigh, I miss Limewire.
Random years ago today: November 5, 1984, day 28, Thailand.

           The doggies ate well this AM, mainly due to a drizzling rain that put everything else on hold. Chicken & cheese on a bed of rice made with broth. They can’t get enough of it. Several cups of coffee later I’ve located a property for sale in my price range. That’s cash money, folks, so we are not talking downtown real estate. It’s another cabin, half the size of this one but the lot is a good size. Plus it is rented for $800 per month. I sent out a feeler saying by and large tell me what is wrong with it and I’ll make an offer. But that offer will go down over each item I have to dig up on my own. Here’s a reminder real gas is now over $4 per gallon. Yes, I burn premium in the scooter.
           Meanwhile, I’m enjoying the rain inside with all I need for comfort. If you think that’s nice, yeah, well, thank you because I certainly worked for it. I would have settled for even a smidgen of this ease when I was young, but the bastards would not stand for it. I’m due for learning two new tunes and rain always helps me stay inside. Twenty years on the west coast and I never got used to working in the rain. We have another visitor, looks like from the same litter. The trap is set, these are the events of the day.

           It let up a bit before noon, so got up the ladder and refastened the tarpaper. Yeah, I’m going to reinforce that with pallet lumber or if there is a deal on anything better. In the shed I finished wiring in the outlets except the one where I trapped myself with a wire just four inches too short. Nope, I never said the electric was finished, only the rough in part.
           I got up that ladder more than a few times and we have everything working. The hillbilly has disappeared for a while, so the doggies are now around here most of the day. I don’t mind because they are nice doggies, but this had not best spell anything beyond that. They have certainly turned into a couple of shiny, healthy looking animals. I won’t even mention the persistent cramp behind my right-side rib cage.

Picture of the day.
Snakebark maple tree.
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           Taking the evening off, I went downtown. Nothing happening, not one single decent babe in the place, and I don’t do married. Not even a sexy babe to look at. Good thing I brought all my homework with me. It was unique how I was the only one who kept busy. The crowd tonight was even too cheap to play the juke box. All that happened on my sketch pad is I’ve decided to stick a small closet in the new shed. This is so near necessary to take the pressure off the other two closets. If the Reb ever showed up, I’d have to build an ark. This photo shows the yard in typical Florida winter conditions. We are in a cold spell.
           What’s this on the overhead, more news on Biden’s plunging ratings? It’s almost as if there is anybody out there who does not know he is the worst President in history, and an even worse person. The Democrats are in full damage control and if things get any worse, they’ll be in full retreat. They have to consolidate their power and it’s forcing them to play their hands in ways they would rather have kept under wraps. There are Soros-backed candidates in almost every government position of every State, old George knows so few people follow such elections that they can be infiltrated far easier than funding a presidential candidate.

           There is something plain fishy about these published margins, you know the “49.9 to 51.1” statistics that keep showing the reds and blues are neck-in-neck. The reality is, there are just not that many left-wingers in the country. And stock up, them bastards are going to try to pull a fast one before Xmas. They are losing ground rapidly and infuriated by the mass non-compliance with their illegal mask mandates. Florida seems to be the most defiant but except for the bigger issues and personalities, I’m not the guy to ask.
           I was up late reading about wartime shortages. Since I cannot possibly predict all that would be needed in a supply chain crisis, I was thinking of stockpiling some trade goods. It’s an angle not pushed by the preppers who are more into the self-reliance part. The list of what to barter astonished me. Nearly every source said jewelery, garbage bags, and spices. Maybe I just landed on sites with like-minded authors, but in an emergency you won’t see me suddenly wearing bling.

           Argentina. I chose to look there for what happened during their last war. Shortages and a collapse of their money system says that is who to study. So I did and it turns out the top barter items are alcohol, cigarettes, and condoms. I guess it tallies. Other top non-food items include batteries, toilet paper, and fuel, all of which I would find trouble storing. Top food items include peanut butter, powdered egg, and spaghetti sauce. I have not eaten powdered egg since I was three years old when that was all we had. The nearest chickens were 759 miles away, I’ll let you figure that one out.
           A new one to me is these on-line silver mechants now wanting a password to view many of their products. I saw this a few years ago on a Turkish jewelery site and thought it was an anomaly or just a bad idea. When you go to their sites, you are offered a choice of regular merch or “password protected” stuff.

Last Laugh