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Wednesday, December 22, 2021

December 22. 2021

One year ago today: December 22, 2020, TMOR: to my overseas readers.
Five years ago today: December 22, 2016, at the Limestone.
Nine years ago today: December 22, 2012, still my best grinder.
Random years ago today: December 22, 2018, just another workday.

           Brrr, and due to using one of my email accounts to join the webinar, I’m barraged by Internet ads for miracle business startups. You know the drill, work from home, no risk, all you need is a desire to succeed. One they are plugging is flipping real estate. That one sticks around because most people know the mass evictions and foreclosures over COVID are bubbling under the surface. The deal is you find an undervalued house and take it “under contract”, then relist it for a higher price. They claim this uses none of your own money. Yeah, until one single deal falls through and the contract expires.
           Is that a picture of a rat in a trap? Yes, this is the blog that dares. I don’t know where the vermin are getting in my cabin yet, but now I know it is near the front door. This lively creature took the easy bait sometime past midnight and is getting lots of exercise panicking while I get ready to transport him. The possums get a quick ride to near the Civil War cemetary, but rats go across town to be released near the Code Enforcement guy’s house.
           What? You heard me. That’s not Code Compliance, that is Code Enforcement, so he gets the rats. I mean, you don’t think it wise to go protest at a City Hall so they can put your identity on file as a troublemaker, do you? Now, you may well ask how the Reb, an animal rights person, views this activity. She says since it is Xmas, I should first tie a little red ribbon around the rat first.

           A successful search of Florida reveals bad news. There is already some outfit working all the big counties. Scanning the lists is a chore but you quickly find after 120 days, all the really large claims disappear. My guess is the former owner is just waiting for the moment he can file or more likely, somebody is doing it for him. That would also explain why Florida is not in the Guide List, so for now unless I find a county that’s overlooked, we go back to Georgia, who are not answering their phones. This is dismaying because that’s a burden on the Reb.
           I’ve got a Plan B ready. If still not answers after to day, we file a claim, even if it is just a fake. Huh? You heard me, these offices are full of government workers who are mostly expert shirkers. Looking for reasons to do nothing is the profit at such a job, so my guess is they will look for any missing pieces of paper before they begin to work on the information contained therein. Hence, we’ll get a notice of what is required, and I get to snarkily tell them, sorry, I guess I did not read the directions on your web site closely enough.

           If she warms up enough, it’s more work on the laundry deck. Meanwhile, let’s check the news feeds, see what got through my BS filters. Ha, here’s one, the dictator of Belarus said it was better to be a dictator than gay, responding to flak from a German queer. I’m not anti-queer, I’m anti bad behavior in public and I don’t give a damn about anybody’s sex life other than my own, with the possible exception of Taylor. Florida moves to ban retirement funds from Chinese investments. Several sources say Trump could become the Speaker when the Republicans gain back the house in 2022, which they will do unless there is voter fraud on a massive scale.
           The wait was past noon, it plain stayed cold. The time was used to look deep into the real estate situation. It looks again like that situation where something has to give. The big companies that stockpile have quit buying. Some say it portends a market crash, but I say it could also mean they know if prices get much higher, nobody can pay for a house in one lifetime. The national average is something like $375,000, or twenty times what I paid for this cabin. (This is the source of the rumor that I got the last deal in America.) I’ve seen this many times in my life, knowing something will happen but it never happens until later than anticipated. The 2008 crash should have happened in 2002. And the government is talking about another scheme to “help” with mortgage payments.

           The January 6 Committee is showing its true colors. They were supposed to look for facts. Instead they are nothing but anti-Trump activists, a sure sign the Democrats are aware of the rising red wave. Same as prior to 2020, they know they cannot legitimately beat Trump so the plan is to prevent him from running. But that dang Trump won’t say, and even worse for the Biden Bunch, the backlash over the fake pandemic is growing, although passively. The claim that 2/3 of Americans a vaccinated is being openly called out and people are not buying into the Omicron variant warnings.
           Nobody likes or believes Bill Gates any more and Fauci may be in serious danger if he shows up at the wrong place. And a desperate Biden has resorted to telling people if they don’t obey him they will die. Worse for the libtards, surveys of the 2.2 million illegals who poured in shows they would not vote Democrat. Oops on that one, Brandon.

           Having an interest is such things, I watched several landings of space boosters and it struck me how light they must be. Those shots of the SpaceX stages landing on pads show no dispersal of the fumes. Do they require windless conditions because they lack weight?

Picture of the day.
Zin River flooding.
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           I curled up with a good book and looked at the chilly back yard through my double window. The room is still a mess, but hot chocolate always helps. Did I mention, for the second time in a month, Wal*mart was out of coffee. That’s insane considering what they sell it for, I’d bring it in by the wagon train. The book was part of the series on SEO, the British clandestine or stay-behind operations during the Japanese invasions of 1941. Remember, the Europeans regarded those nations as their rightful personal property and playground. The book is amusing if only for one fact. The British who trained these guerillas and saboteurs figured once the war was over, they could untrain them.
           This brought back memories of grade school, where we were often given an assignment report on “current events”, and the British like myself, who could not tell a Korean from a Chinese or a Japanese, could so easily identify the enemy leaders. The Reb’s dad and I would chat about how the British were the only western army in history who defeated Asian rebels at war. It makes sense, I think, now that I realize the British knew their strategy and tactics.

           At mid-afternoon, I got out there with a sweater and mainly moved and sawed lumber. I finished the first 8/13ths of the joist work and most of the remainder cut so size and laid out before too dark. I was tired alright and one old-guy feature I’ve got is the way I get winded just kneeling down and getting back up. I know this happens even tying your shoes after you get thirty-something, but I mean I have to stop and take deep breathes. I’ll be glad I don’t black out like some people. The photo shows the section I finished, hoping the hillbilly would show to help with the ledger. That part will be tough because I want the slope to match the existing roof.
           Here is a pic of my progress, you may note nothing is fastened to the wall as I found I’m out of the right kind of flashing. I can’t find my pack of lag screws either, once again because I did not build that storage shed first like I should have.
           Odysee. I never heard of it until now, but I certainly appreciate any alternative to youTube, which has become a disgusting advertising platform. It has an easier to use menu reminiscent of Rumble. Odysee must be new because they don’t have much to offer yet. My current beefs with youTube is the latest documentaries are no better but are packed with ads you cannot skip for up to 15 seconds and ,the growing ratio of millennial bastards who don’t know a cartoon animation from a real video. And Hindu music, far too much Hindu music.

Last Laugh