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Saturday, April 30, 2022

April 30, 2022

One year ago today: April 30, 2021, Palatka, Florida.
Five years ago today: April 30, 2017, define retirement.
Nine years ago today: April 30, 2013, American one-room hotels.
Random years ago today: April 30, 2009, eventually, I do.

           Up a dawn, but not happy. What happened to last evening? I slept through it, something that does not happen since I quit me job at the cubicle. A breakfast of eggs and cheesy grits fails to rally me, as does my second cup of coffee. But today, we work until we run out of lumber for the shed wall. At that point, the rest of the day is time off. Who’s with me on this one? Good, an you should take the dogs for an extra walk, too. Like I would if I was in Tennessee right this moment.
           There’s the hummingbird feeder, though
I’ve seen no hummingbirds this year. That back yard sprayer was worth the extra work, the birds had taken over. Predominant are the cardinals and those small tufted birds. I’d call them tits but according to the booklet, these are somewhat smaller. This photo shows several bird feeders plus just visible at far left is one of the misting sprayers. The yard is in full view now when the curtains are opened in the back bedroom.

           Jimmy’s townhouse got sold to some outfit who had to replace the floor joists. The turned it into a rental property, now for the first time in nearly 15 years we have strangers in the neighborhood. Remember that prize maple tree in the front yard, who knows how old that was but I estimate 45 feet tall, so nearing the max. They unceremoniously cut it down last month. That was the only tree whose leaves none of us minded raking.
           Jill Biden’s biography flopped. Not even a dead cat bounce. It sold 250 copies in the week after release, possibly worse than the worst week ever on this blog. In fact, let me check on my worst week. The stats only go back to 2012. Yes, in March of 2011 received only 511 views. But then again, isnt’ she the wife of the most popular president in history? I’m going to get an apple out of the fridge and put cinnamon sugar on it. Talk to you later.

Picture of the day.
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           The front bedroom is about to get filled with stuff again. I’ve now two guitar players with potential and one would have to rehearse here, meaning the kitchen has to become mostly empty space. That’s actually a days’ work because I would want to put up curtains or something over all the cupboards and such. I admit I was an idiot to try working to a clock but I suppose I had to learn someday. You can’t plan ahead without some idea of one’s maximum output. So, I’m disappointed, not discouraged.
           Three hours effort today got this much of the silo siding done. Don’t look to close, I’m not as fussy with the sides. I’m staggering the joints again and this picture shows the work done in hours, not weeks. I don’t have as big a selection of lumber to match up sizes, but that’s where the extra layer of foil adds weatherproofing. I’ll need around six more pallets.

           It’s been a week since I went out on the town, so I headed for Karaoke. It was a small crowd (maybe 30 people) but a gal I know was there and we went for every duet we knew. I tried two new songs, new for me at Karaoke that is. “Next Broken Heart” and “Hot Dog”. The Karaoke version of that last one was total “ticky-bop” but never underestimate the value of novelty. I don’t. None of my tunes are what you’d call Karaoke standards around here. I thought that song was so old I’d be the only one in that room who knew it. Wrong. It brought down the house.
           Can I find anything wrong with that? Yeah, not one single doable babe in the entire room. But if either of the two guitar players who’ve responded work out, I’ll soon have a much larger selection. When it comes to contemporary women, the larger the selection, the better. Since the only advice that works is pick the youngest, prettiest one who has a job. I can’t believe I just said that but not for the reasons the average idiot out there would think. Rather than immaturity, this could be hard-bitten good thinking.

           I have theory why most jazz music sounds alike. If you read the scores, you see there is a relationship between what horn instruments can do. It amounts to a restriction to either classical or jazz. The patterns that can be played are restricted to smooth flowing passages, or rapid scale notes. I say patterns because you don’t hear it as much as see it if you stand back and look at the music sheets. Rock and blues bands, or country bands don’t so much read notes and this in a sense removes the restrictions. So if you get horns or various strings in a stage band like I would be in, the restrictions reappear, but now restricted by the guitar.
           That seems to be why you get two styles of fiddle breaks. I don’t have time to supply the details but any of you who read notes, take a peek at the sheet music and there is your pattem.
           Trivia. Do you use vanilla flavoring? The real thing is expensive, so make sure you don’t get vanillin, which is not the same as artificial vanilla. Vanillin is made from cow poop. And this new search engine, They’re all the same. Their ads go on about searching with confidence—yet the first thing that happens when you open the site is they try to pin your location and pump you for information.
           As for my wee experiment to see if I could work just one regular day, failure. First day okay, the second day I barely managed, and y’day I fell asleep for 16-1/2 hours. Lesson learned, even being active several hours of every day has not earned me any more recovery in the past ten years. And I mean work active, not propped in front of the TV. At least two hours of chores every day, no matter how light duty. You can’t get much lighter than shopping and even that has become tougher lately. I know, I have not had a day out of town this month. That always perks me up.

Last Laugh