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Wednesday, July 20, 2022

July 20, 2022

One year ago today: July 20, 2021, jam session means “guitar”.
Five years ago today: July 20, 2017, weird European politics.
Nine years ago today: July 20, 2013, sidecar slouching @ pump.
Random years ago today: July 20, 2008, Windows Media Player sucks.

           Today 53 years ago, we reached the Moon. NASA has done little since. You already know how unpopular that outfit is around here. In the beginning, they were gung-ho but now they are just another featherbedding civil service, non-elects that is, bent on job preservation and a fat government pension. I’ve heard about how society reaped all the benefits of the Space Race but pal, that was long ago. Nothing since, in fact it is now NASA that imports technology from areas like robotics and quadcopters. This UFO Report site is more informative. No filling out fakes just because you can.
           Now that space launching is privatized, we may again see progress, but NASA held that up for at least 30 years. China as been unusually silent, they are up to something and I guess it to be a Moon landing. Millennialized America has produced nothing to compare. Not one discovery or invention that shakes the world like it used to be. Today, instead of writing you from Mars, I’m putting pallet-wood siding on my silo and top story of this AM is this glossy paint job on my mower handlebars. See pretty picture.

           No luck with the chain saw, it simply will not turn over. The whacker, I can get it to fire on occasion. It won’t stay running, In a sense, I’m happy since few other owners appear to get this far. I also mixed gas to discover the proper oil turns the mixture a light blue, nice to know. I spent more time than I should on the engines, so by the time I got to the yard, she was warm. Nonetheless, I uprooted six of the seven pylons from the front yard, destined to repair the incinerator. Man, that is nice topsoil at least two feet deep, how I’d love to spread that over the yard. The pylons are solid triple bricks, too much to lift by mid morning. I shifted two of them into the driveway and said, “This can wait till the sun goes down.”
           It’s vermin season and I got the rat leader in the attic. Whap, all over. Mice are a different problem and harder to deal with. That’s slated for late this afternoon. We have yet another bird in the yard, this one eats the suet blocks. He’s so occasional that I’ve never been ready with the camera, but it is a deeply camouflaged bird, dull with black & white squares, slightly smaller than a robin. I looked at the pile of pallet siding, ready to go, and said, that’s for later as well.

           Later, I dug out the old electric chain saw. That’s to trim branches and make stuff fit in the fire pit. It’s a six beer fire on schedule, I just have not had the gumption while it is still over 80°F out there even at night. I took some measurements around the house and found a weak spot on the plumbing. Unfortunately or me, it is on the main feed into the old hot water tank and cannot be delayed. It’s a joint where the old iron piping changes to CPVC so I hope I can find the correct pieces.

Picture of the day.
Kamela Harris National Park.
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           Purely happenstance, but I caught Agt. R at home, working in the back yard. He’s as frenetic as ever. I think I got him to help move those pylons. He’s in mortgage trouble again, the major part of which is signing documents without telling me. But as far as locals go, he’s the best of the lot. Just don’t leave him in charge. He learned very little from the last round of repo events. And our old half-acquaintance Petunia, has appeared. Yes, that Petunia. Agt. R is very quick to trust others with his deadlines and payments.
           I’ve planned to recycle the pylon blocks in the incinerator. Several of the original blocks were still green enough to crack, shown here. What you don’t see is the eight foot high back wall that deflects heat away from the neighbors garage window. The fire pit works fine, but I’d rather not take any chances at all because sparks often sail twenty feet up. That’s high enough that you have to set down your beer to look at it.

           Somebody posted a Juice Newton video, which I watched because here is a gal with one original hit tune in 1983 that has never had to work a day since. (The other tunes were not originals and nor did she wrote the song.) She lives in San Diego raising and selling European horses and occasionally goes on tour. That was the last record album I ever bought, otherwise I would not recall this lady, who was 31 at the time. I pulled up a recent photo, I would not recognize her as the same women.
           I drove over to Bartow for building supplies, then stopped at the old club. This was already getting late so I stuck around for the game shows. I forgot the names, but the place was full of helpful people who knew. Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy. Keep the right company and this information is at your fingertips. Always, at lease if you need to know what’s on TV weekdays. Shall we say the following hour was an interesting study in differing aptitudes. The fun-est part is that show with the blanks (Wheel of Fortune) where they are stunned when you get the phrase with 2 or 3 letters. Not the answer, but stunned that it can be done. You just know I do this on purpose. Let some candy-asses claim they have no egos. I got the shopping over with including the lattice sheet for the building skirt.

Last Laugh