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Sunday, August 21, 2022

August 21, 2022

One year ago today: August 22, 2021, Pegram Station, TN.
Five years ago today: August 22, 2017, $3,000 each.
Nine years ago today: August 22, 2013, I did that!
Random years ago today: August 22, 2011, Fort Knox facts.

           Good thing I had a hearty breakfast omelet (cheese, onions, SPAM). Because the radio is making America so sad. It seems Congress just voted themselves immunity from the upcoming national audits and the CDC whistleblowers are giving the vaxxed six months to six years life expectancy. I know of less than a dozen people who got the vax and they did not ask first. Mainly these are people who generally supported a false narrative through their own ignorance, and who alienated family, dropped friends, and caused people to lose jobs and homes—they are going to wind up feeling sorry mostly for each other.
           I could care less if lots of a-holes die. It’s too hot to worry about stupid people. Stupid? Yes. In the sixth grade we are taught basic virus behavior. Like vaccines and masks don’t work and the viruses spread no matter what you do. So, they did not just “get the vax”, they stood behind a hoax that tried to force the vax on everyone. Now, the unvaxed who refused for valid reasons, can sit on a hilltop and watch the die-off. Sounds harsh, but that is what the vaxxed tried to destroy the unvaxed There’s not much middle ground on this one. One must take whatever measures needed to prevent that from recurring.
           Besides, I have other matters of concern, such as why my new birdfeeders tend to clog up. These are factory made and recommended for the very birds that can’t use them. Remember the papaya tree? It took to the transplanting but dropped all the leaves below eight feet. Dang, it is healthy & green though, even if we’ll need a ladder to harvest anything. Why would a picture of the patched up shed floor make my headlines? Because if you look at the far right, a kudzu vine had actually found it’s way inside the silo and is still growing some six fee long. But I can’t get garden flowers to grow outside.

           Out here in the semi-country, there are no Democrats. So things are safe but there are a growing number of people who consider we are already in a civil war situation. That is, if the government tries to move in here with certain policies, there will be trouble. I figured out in 1980 the reason the government was making the IRS all-powerful was because they one day intended to use them, so my books are 8x10” glossy. My old silver algorithm, the one I made after I “lost” money on silver in 2010, shows that prices are again “jiggling”, that is, moving up and down faster and further than expected. I will watch closely.
           Various “medical” sources have now warned the following could be responsible for the massive increase in heart attacks among the younger generations: traffic noise, moving the clock forward, skipping breakfast, falling asleep, and the one that is sure to get us all—sock lines around the ankles. It’s way too hot for work, so what would I like to study today? My first choice was a home-made centrifuge only to discover that is lunatic territory on-line. Every half-baked idiot out there thinks he can make one out of old soda bottles and crazy glue. Centrifuges are dangerous equipment.

Picture of the day.
Greenpeace deforestation photo.
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           The music accessories purchased this century are all problematical. I continued testing cables and worst are the MIDI patch cords. They have molded ends so they cannot be repaired and all have developed tiny leaks that sound like scratch noises when the cable end in moved. Decent quality new plug ends cost more than a new cable, so that’s planned obsolescence. I ran through part of my song list and I’m getting more consistent but not any better. Unhappily, I cannot use my bass headset. The guitar requires that there is no way I can clip it to the strap like I do with the bass. It has that heavy box that must be supported. Clip it on your pants and you are constantly hiking them up. Hang it anywhere else and it is either in the way or the short mic cable won’t reach.
           Another half-day will be needed to fix up the lyrics. All manner of things have gone wrong with that since I last had time to update it. For example, the two colored tabs that looked best on the binder both show up as black under stage lighting. I’ll further dig out the heavy duty music stand as the lyrics need to be at least chest height.

           Polk Country has finally followed the rest of central Florida. Instead of raising property taxes by 36%, which would provoke an outcry, they increased property assessments by that amount. It worked, of course, Florida being a dim-wit majority State. Oh look, Martha, the value of our property just keeps going up and up! We are geniuses. My own taxes have gone from $412 to $566 since I moved here with no improvement of services. I pay a bus tax in a city with no bus lines. But I planned on these taxes ahead until 2040, an arbitrary date.
           It’s probably nothing, but most British universities have removed public access to their research into “liquid stone”. This is the evidence that the ancient pyramids were not made of carved stone, but rather poured in place like concrete. The consistency of the stone and the way it contains so many elements not found in regular volcanic rock suggests the blocks were made in place from an ancient but unknown mixture. Anyway, to get the real good data, you now need a student ID and a password to unlock the files.

Last Laugh