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Sunday, November 13, 2022

November 13, 2022

One year ago today: November 13, 2021, nobody to practice with.
Five years ago today: November 13, 2017, I’ve got ‘heavy lung’.
Nine years ago today: November 13, 2013, more motorcycle camping.
Random years ago today: November 13, 2010, that apartment.

           By mid-morning I got some lumber cleaned, the skids use a different process called a hammer claw. The neighbor came over and his tractor, a John Deere, will not stay running. He reports a persistent problem that’s been supposedly fixed several times. But what happens is it starts great for a month, then won’t stay running, then won’t start. Aha, I can help with that last part. I took off the cover and hit the air cleaner with starting fluid. It starts, but runs rough and quits. At least it didn’t rain, but that’s on the way.
           Following Lems instructions to the tee, but without removing the carb, I checked the gas filter, the lines, the choke mechanism, the spark wire, and the spark plug. It is all good but the machine will not turn over. Without checking the carb, which I won’t do except on my own machines, that’s the limit of my skill. The neighbor is rich enough, he just replaces the whole mower and I think that’s what he’ll do. I’m back to contentedly cleaning lumber and such, so check back around noon. I made a bucket of iced tea, and yes, I know that is not how to make real iced tea.

           This was the big deal for this morning, a mini-rack for sized lumber. The picture is supposed to tell the viewer how the lumber for the rack had to be hauled, cleaned, sawn, measured and the general five hours of work that went into it. Those boards don’t stack themselves oh so nice. Another long day, and I paid for the last such stretch by having to sleep almost 21 hours in the past 36—but I did not have any heart or health issues at all. I know better than to claim all is fine, but wow, I’m most content that the biggest issue was plain old tired. These racks not only clean up the yard, they make it easier to plan when you can see what you got. Anybody who’s blind-dated in the Internet era can tell you how important that can be.
           Those who go back far enough recognize this object, it is the old robot club stepstool. Or I call it a stepstool to avoid confusion, this good old companion has lasted at least a decade of rough use. It was never high enough to help reach or strong enough to stand on sideways, but it was there and, as the bottom panel shows, it has at least another small lease on life. It’s been painted beyond counting and the holes show are so it can be used as a tool caddy to the site, then a seat to keep your tush off the cold, cold ground.

           Until today, I avoided any bracing because of the added weight. It was time when the plywood began to separate and parts of the solid wood began to warp. It is now retired out to the white shed as a convenience, I can’t bear to chuck it in the fire. Which is another thing I’d best get to. Why no bonfire, I mean, there is enough Yeung-Ling in the mini-fridge. The burn is scheduled for the first Wednesday of each month, but I have yet to really adhere to that. Yes, I have a planning calendar that maps out things that should be. I’m fairly on top of that with expensive things like starting gas motors, but the smaller stuff can easily throw me off by a rainy day or said fatigue.
           I cancelled Karoake. On Friday, I planned out the tubes for the shop vacuum. It was predictable there is no easy way, since the sheds were not planned or built as a cohesive unit. The logical spot for the blower is a good thirty feet away from the planned limit. I have the option to run the pipes outside. I’ll need to think that one over, since it would be tricky to camouflage against the city drone. On the other hand, I may accept that as a challenge.
           I’d say America has itself a real big problem. Watching the place go down the tubes but nobody doing anything about it. One thing about the commies, they are organized and dedicated and highly motivated to make sure nobody else gets that way. It is no longer the Trump for president issue, as the left has openly shown they know they can get away with cheating at elections. The country was warned but they seem to think embarrassment would stop a second blatant steal. This is the blog that warned you a fire-breather will emerge and he’s going to be ruthless. There are already a couple of candidates and don’t forget about the Idaho people who have seemingly disappeared.

Picture of the day.
Smart potato irrigation system.
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           Here’s a bit of progress, this is the first attempt here at mass producing the saw ponies. This is wholly experimental and a no-go does not signify failure. These was a test to see if the items can be precut in batches that can be economically stored and assembled. This is enough cut lumber to assemble two saw ponies and enough to indicate an easy pace can produce 12 pairs per hour or 24 individual pieces. Evident is the way lumber can be matched up toward a matching set, I’ve learned to not worry about an exact look with the I-beam and that the only thing to watch for is the angle of the legs.
           I tore the first jig apart since it worked only on 2x3” and most of the pallet lumber varies. They can be built as two sub-assemblies, but the legs have to match and it is preferable if the I-beam does also. Good luck, as that does not work out to a compatible size of pallet. You’ll need two identical pallets as things are. The nice original sets were built from store-bought 2x3”s, not random reclaimed pallets.

           That’s plenty of work today, so let’s take a couple hours and see if there is anything new in the world. NATO has declared its enemy to be climate change. They seek additional funding for the necessary weapons. Here’s a racy French soda commercial. The four-year-old poster child for the Brazilian vaccine campaign died of suddenly. And what a laugh on the crypto-currency collapse of the Biden money-laundering machine. Apparently some people still think the war in the Ukraine is the real thing. Romania’s sports team announces a ban on vaccinated players because they “lose strength” and die too often. Trump is now elevated to Savior of America. Malaysia has reportedly executed a doctor for killing a patient with the COVID jab but no confirmation.            Later, wide awake, I did some reading on the French military prior to May 1940. To this day, they blame their loss on blitzkreig, which is not really even a German word. I have a contrary view, that the Germans where outnumbered and outgunned, but they knew it. There was nothing new in Europe about the concept of winning a war with a single decisive blow where the enemy didn’t expect it. The Germans did this without realizing it. Since then you get a mountain of theories about tanks and planes where the German side was inferior except in one aspect. I side with the faction that points out almost every German motorized weapon had a radio and they knew how to use it.
           I had been watching another short how-to on tank treads, not the most common topic for study. Interesting how little has changed since the first units appeared on farm tractors. One aspect I can read without understanding in detail is ground pressure. I rely on others doing the calculations and just read the numbers. The tank can cross soft ground but can’t drive over a bridge. I get it but she’s not a clear concept.

           I’m working on another algorithm. Once again, I do not claim to be original, but that the concept is independently arrived. I’m only an hour into the thinking so I’m recording it here. It concerns how a robot would soved a maze. There are several concepts, the one that stands out is the old trick of putting a finger on one wall and eventually finding the out path. Since the correct path must connect to the outer wall, it would not be defeated by a circular path. It is that connection that interests me, because all false paths must therefore connect also.
           My plan is to count the length of the wall, keep going until it ends. My thinking is that once you find the longest wall, the correct path must go around it at one point. Do this for all four walls of a rectangular puzzle. Like I said, I’m still thinking. It’s a charmer for A.I. buffs.

           During this, I read articles that concern the state of the Internet. It is certainly not what it was or ever intended to be. Every site in some way is a scam it seems. Social media is swamped by bots that are miles ahead of the detection apps. Sites who’s sole purpose is to get your information and sell it and millions of fake accounts to boost ad revenues. It’s settled down to a squabble just like cell phone plans. Everybody wants a bigger slice but nobody wants to bake a bigger pie because then they become the target. I’m okay seeking out specific documentaries and information but for most content, the rest of the net peaked around five years ago.
           Everything “new” just rehashes what was already there. Truth and fact by majority rule dominate all search results. Everybody is on the make or on the take. Even on a good day, I just use the feeds to get the headlines and rarely bother with the editorial. I ignore sites that want anything, including memberships or even cookies. I think it only a matter of time before generated content knocks out most writers—with the exception of blogs, I say. You can’t fake some things and I am proud that this blog has never had a “zero” hit day in at least the past 15 years.

Last Laugh