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Tuesday, November 15, 2022

November 15, 2022

One year ago today: November 15, 2021, lady girl R.I.P.
Five years ago today: November 15, 2017, all Nashville is noisy.
Nine years ago today: November 15, 2013, Sonora, TX.
Random years ago today: November 15, 1984, my Delhi visa stamp.

           My feed awakens me to the news that on one hand the Traffic board has determined the Tesla hard-braking is due to operator error, and another committee is considering charging Tesla with manslaughter. As of today 16 people have died in self-driving car accidents.The Democrats bald-faced stole the election of Kari Lake and that could be the tipping point. If America doesn’t do something about that, they will lose the capacity forever except by means nobody in their right mind wants. But, that’s how balkanization works. Keep the majority squabbling and sure enough, nobody wants to die for the other guy’s cause. I’ll fight for the other guy’s right to work hard, but not to march down mainstreet in drag.
           Today is Trump’s announcement and don’t be surprised if he gives some marching orders. After what happened in Arizona, nobody really believes in a voting solution. The left has basically declared war saying they’ll take anything they want because you are too chicken to do a thing about it. Since merely announcing he’ll run in 2024 is meaningless now, all ears are tuned to what the majority of Americans think is the true President. Myself, I’m making another coffee. I’m basing a bit on how many people tune in for the broadcast, as a week’s notice isn’t his usual style. My guess is more than 130 million.

           Because that is how balkanization works. I’ll fight for any American’s freedom—to work hard, carry his own weight, and matters of that sort. But I’m not lifting a finger for anybody’s right to smoke weed, go on welfare, or seduce children. The bad guys have spent decades inculcating that kind of thinking that such things are rights of which they are being deprived. It works only when other people are too busy to hit the squelch button, until some common cause unites the majority. And that could be today. The MSM is tripping over itself to downplay what he says no matter how it goes. Why, they say, Trump is “on the defensive” and “trying to catch up”.
           I got three full hours on the yard and am ready for more. It was mostly tidying up but I did get some of the concrete blocks moved for the base of the compressor stand. I’ve decided to make the stand 16” high, the dimension of the blocks stood on end. This meant raking a path to the north wall of the work shed, which I used to justify a nice big breakfast. Not exciting like the links above to even five years ago. But I made up for it all along the way. I think about that a lot while working because I’ve seen both types of men over 60 those. I poo-poo those theories that work isn’t exercise because I know it is a damn good substitute for no exercise. Question. Will I feel that way when I’m over 70, or 80?
           Later, here’s a picture of the setup taken tomorrow morning. Visible are all the parts. The blocks, the stand, the compressor, and threaded through the top of the fencing the power cable and orange air line. There is a tarp over the compressor.

           I finally got to the article of Christina Applegate, now over 50 and over 40 (pounds overweight) from her award ceremony last year. How many conditions can one person get? Anyway, if you wonder why she was so oomph in “Married With Children” it’s because she played an 18 year old when she was 14. As for working her way up, no, that didn’t happen. Her father was a record company exec and her mother best described as “a dancer”. The marriage didn’t last any longer than her figure.
           The left is pushing the angle that Trump did not “win” the mid-terms (they are still counting funny ballots), that it means the Trump era is over. A secondary angle from the radical left is that Trump “lost the spotlight” and is now desperately trying to get it back. They’ll do anything they can to stop him running in 2024 and they behaved all along as if he was running in the mid-terms. He did surprisingly well and the general tone is that if cheating were stopped, the Democrats would have got their arses kicked. And apparently running an on-line Ponzi scheme is legit as long as you pay the Uniparty their cut. Somebody snuck into an Israeli army base in the Golan Heights last night and swiped 70,000 bullets and 70 rocket launched grenades.

Picture of the day.
Schoolhouse, Cahawba, Alabama.
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           We might inherit a John Deere lawn tractor. The neighbor is totally fed up with his and it’s his second unit. The first one had the same problem. You have to take it in for carburetor repairs every few months at $300 a pop. So, when the last one konked out, he just gave it to the lawn maintenance guy. His second unit is doing the same and I said if he was going to give it away, I’d like to take it to Tennessee. He’s okay with that, so let’s hope. Those things retail for around $3,000 but he’s got the money a hundred times over. The yard in Tennessee is pretty small for a tractor but I’d use it anyway, as in status-symbol land.
           Braving the mosquitoes, which arrive in late afternoon, I moved the concrete blocks into place and build a wooden platform for the compressor. That is a heavy beast (for me) that had to be wheeled around the entire shed complex and manhandled into place. Dang, the platform is a bit too small, but I’ll fix that later. Then I measured out much of the electric and such, I have most of the materials already. This begins to encroach on the doggie garden but face it, that part of the yard has never really been used. While there, I checked the fencing and also propped up the fence in the laundry area. It was a good workout.

           Then the never-ending chore of raking leaves. Tired me out enough that I did not have a bonfire although the pit is piled up six feet high. That old tree in the corner is not missed, the one the two neighbors cut down because of the kudzu. It brightens up the whole back yard over on my side, I gotta like that. For a break, I hauled out the bass and ran over some of the Parson’s material since we’ll get together on the 19th and it’s his old favorites that will sell him. I don’t think his concept of heavy harmonies is going to work so the issue is to play or not to play.
           That’s why I’ve played in so many bands that went nowhere. The direction wasn’t an issue. Often I get a laugh listening to pro musicians talk about it being lonely on the road and the lack of a home life when away for long stretches. I do not identify at all, they are failing at comparing that to a wasted life working in a coal mine or lumber mill. Some do it because they like it, but that just cannot be the case for the majority. For them, it is the best paying job they can get and we know what happens when you drop out of school for the first such job. True, I’ve never been musically successful enough to go on big tours, but that is so infinitely preferable to being stuck in a cube, I can’t tell you.
           Putting on the coffee, I scribbled out the plans for the vacuum and compressor. So what if it isn’t ideal, proceed anyway and accept the tradeoffs. Here’s a picture of the silo door, showing a vine already creeping up to the hasp. The good news is that it isn’t kudzu.

           Listening to NPR, you’d conclude the state of Tennessee is racist for disenfranchising 21% of its black voters. Wrong, Tennessee has a law saying felons can’t vote, they had nothing in mind about what ethnics might be affected. Myself, I think felons should be allowed to vote under the right circumstances. The Constitution forbids on-going punishment, that’s my motive on that. Once that sentence is done or fine is paid, it is over—except for repeat offenders.
           Food. Back when working men packed a lunch, the bottom of the meal was often a piece of stale bread. Called a trencher, it was meant to be thrown away, but along came the Danes. Apparently German pumpernickel does not agree with them, they noticed the trencher would soak up things from whatever was on top and the next thing you know, they are serving it at sidewalk cafes. I was looking for the ultimate lunch sandwich and it keeps coming back to the only good thing that ever came out of Cuba. Except, I suspect the Cuban sandwich was invented in Miami. You know, since you need electricity to make it right.
           And as for the big Trump announcement, it was just that he’s going to run again. The left press is going nuts, adding a deprecating phrase after every mention of Trump (“who cost the GOP the midterms” or “who tried to overturn an election”) and so nothing has changed. Trouble ahead.

Last Laugh