One year ago today: January 17, 2022, 628 people.
Five years ago today: January 17, 2018, 39 people.
Nine years ago today: January 17, 2014, the rest were worse.
Random years ago today: January 17, 2015, the old Churchill’s.
The blue paint was whatever was in the shed, not a fashion statement. I don’t intend to fix that step again until 2043. Some web page called Pocket is saying the blue cap mushroom is humankind’s salvation. It will rejuvenate our forests, as if Mother Nature does not already have those bases covered. I’m in the mood to drink coffee and work, let’s see what gets done today. First thing, I fertilized and watered the few plants around there that survive, including this monster agave, still sporting the water beads.
“Baby Blue” by Badfinger is on the list, so I took a look at those classic runs. They are patterned on a guitar C chord, which is difficult to emulate on bass. That’s why I’m going to give it one hell of a shot. There may be a way to fake it, just stay away from complicated studio runs on stage. I’m more wondering if the new guy can really sing all that. And from the on-line funnies this morning, here’s the one I liked best: “Why argue with a vaxxer, when you could just wait.”
It stayed chilly well past daylight so I leaned into that “Leroy Brown” song. I hope the guitar player really likes that one as I quickly figured out all the bass tabs don’t show the trick of playing the notes as they would be on a piano. I found a guitar backing track and without that driving bass line, it is just ordinary music. One day I may even learn to like that song. One more thing this AM, the pundits are saying soon 90% of on-line content will be A.I. Remember what I warned, it is not real A.I. You get the crappy code that today’s average mis-educated mush-heads can’t tell apart.
And forget even glancing at BitChute, it is choked with spyware. The US has another valuable export—the largest pool of unvaccinated airline pilots, the ones who quit or worked for airlines that did not mandate the jab. A mafia dude on the run for 30 years for killing prosecutors was nabbed in a health clinic. It is not known how they found or recognized him. The Webb telescope as been functioning long enough that it now suffers from a word I’m trying to coin. That’s where every azzclown on the Internet posts some month’s old information as the newest and latest, like he’s first. And you waste time sifting through the junk.
Here is the morning’s progress on the new steps. Note they are reinforced more than needs be, but the building has sunk enough that part of the wood must either be in the soil or cut too thin for strength. The paint job is optional, the plank over the steps in the middle panel is temporary to get into the house while other parts are drying.
At the base of my peach tree, there are two sprouts that look like baby pear trees. While the rest of the tree dropped leaves again, this looks like vigorous new growth. Not a work about this appears on-line (typical of today’s experts) so I’m leaving them to see. Pictures to follow. Instead, we get a dozen websites saying that gold is soaring. Huh, it is up a few dollars in the $1900s and it took a year to get there. It’s silver that I want to be worth its weight in gold, a little bass player humor.
Solid brass guitar bridge.
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When it rains, it pours, I got a call from a Nashville band (think, that’s the last time I heard of them) and they have relocated to Florida. We now know this is hardly unprecedented. Just this morning, my own guitar player e-mailed to say he’s greatly recovered and ready to continue. The Nashville band goes by “Gunner” or something like that but the singer’s name is Tod, I’ve seen this guy. Anyway, they invited me to an audition at 6:00PM tomorrow in Audburdale. That’s one weird anomaly of a town. Nowhereville, but they product top-notch bands. We shall see.
Other than another coat of paint, count the day lost. I fiddled a bit with the microscope stand, finding the focus has to move 3” max, and the highest and lowest ranges never to focus right. What’s worse, it mounted directly above the base plate, the internal lighting of the scope causes a terribly distracting reflection. I may make the mounting off perpendicular by 22.5° either because that is the ideal optical angle or because that is the type of fittings I have on hand. This won’t be pretty, with exposed pipe edges and hose clamps. I’ll bet if I take a siesta, I’ll remember where I saw a plastic fitting that was just the right size. Here's a photo taken through the lens of an R44 battery, the kind I don't want.
I had time to watch a video on house-to-house fighting, the kind that will likely occur in the USA if anybody really tries to take over. The military estimate a defended house of average size, taken by current assault tactics, will result in 30 casualties. That makes even most large towns in the country too expensive for this form of attack. Yet, if you blow the house up, you are conquering rubble. What’s needed is a new form of warfare and I doubt I’m the first one to think it will be electronic.
So along with many, I say the next big change is robots combined with A.I. Having robots duke it out is expensive gaming, so the target has to be the centralized control, be it another computer or human operators. I foresee autonomous weapons to a degree, say surrounding and knocking out a target, but overall strategy will still have broadly recognizable end points. I’m still waiting for the first billion dollar heist performed by robots, drones, and data processing. Even Hollywood hasn’t come up with anything yet, but they’ve touched on aspects. Then again, some say the heist is the 1600 formerly rare diseases that have taken off since vaccinations began.
The body count of vaxxed deaths in the USA has reputedly reached 7,500. But the media focus on athlete and celebrity deaths has pushed the matter into the background. M&M is introducing a new large size purple candy so fat women can have a better body image. The CDC is claiming up to now they did not have “enough cases” to study any link between their vaccine and strokes. Texas 7-Elevens have found playing opera and classical music keeps queers, nogs, and the homeless from hanging around. Democrats are suggesting the classified documents over at Joe’s place were planted.
Some 1,450 top prostitutes have rented hotel rooms near the Davos summit, with the average stay being three days. Some of the top supporters have cancelled out this year, something funny is going on. And if California has its way, each black resident of San Francisco will get $5 million lump sum, $1 million in debt forgiveness, and a guaranteed $97,000 per year income. It’s so easy to spend other people’s money. Get ready for one big chimp-out.
Madonna fell off a stage set, some say not nearly far enough. In a millennial-style news release, Chile has the fastest Internet while the US is sixth. All five Chilean neighborhoods with service say they like it. Genexers continue to argue over which credit card has the “best” rate and which on-line password manager is “safest”. In the best one yet, the head of a prominent group has called for social media to begin censoring people who claim that group has indulged in censorship.