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Monday, January 2, 2023

January 2, 2023

One year ago today: January 2, 2022, too much like work.
Five years ago today: January 2, 2018, play everything in G . . .
Nine years ago today: January 2, 2014, spare parts.
Random years ago today: January 2, 1982, a date with Frances.

           Decent weather by dawn. Let’s see if we get any work done today. Here’s an item, the Biden people maintain there is nothing to see as four Michigan townships logged nearly 500,000 more votes than they have total population. All for Democrats. Move along, invisible voters have their rights, too. This illustrates a point—that there are no police or authorities in America to deal with election fraud. It is technically not illegal. I’m still reading “Butcher’s Moon”, I may have skimmed through it before.
           That was Nashville on the phone. Chooks is going in for a checkup at 11:45 their time. He’s down with something. He’s gone from near total neglect to a home where he is doted and he always follows either of us from room to room. Exceedingly protective of the Reb, so when he stays still, off he goes to the vet. I’ll let you know.
          Meanwhile, my eyesight showing signs means I’m to the eye doctor next week. I know it is just age, I could not read the back of this battery, even with a handheld microscope. I could get it to the right position but my eyes could not focus that closely. And I’m not going out to the van to get my bifocals. Instead, here is a photo from the PC scope, sharpened a little with photoscape. It’s an LR41, and one of my first projects with the lock miter bit is a custom box to keep all my coin batteries. I know there are some of these around this joint, but it’s cheaper to go buy new ones at Dollar Tree.

           The Insider published an article on what I call “Billionaire Bunkers”. Presumably these rich folks would want to live underground instead on top of a mountain, where at least your machine guns have a better field of view. The link is that they said a better option for the rich would be Mars, like I told them years ago. The real Mars list doesn’t have too many stinky people making the trip. They know who they are. And nobody is going to notice that Twitter hasn’t been paying its office rent in months. Musk fired the janitors, so there is no toilet paper. A fun place to work. Google is pouring millions into a phone camera that makes darkies look whiter.
           OTH is for “over the horizon”, the type of radar they quit making after the Cold War. A company in Brazil still specializes and it looks like the US is setting one up to cover the South China Sea. We remember how suddenly places like Guadalcanal and Okinawa became vital to our national interests. And good news for millennials. All their mini gear accessories for their cell phones is now available in a new larger size. Other than waiting for news on the doggie, the only concern is the number of news links I get now from one source. That’s a field that should be getting larger, and it’s contracted to two or three. That’s not a great sign, it’s like having three TV channels. Get suspicious if they all agree.
           And for using their packaging to promote COVID vaccines, I will avoid McDonald’s forever, except for coffee and there is nothing else available because they’ve run all the real restaurants out of town. Here are the top eight comments (from GAB):
Mc Stroke, Mc Coronary, Mc Death, Mc SADS
Ooooh, did McDonald's just do a Salvation Army?
Nothing spells "healthy" like a vaccine & a side of fries.
I guess not enough children have died.
They can McF_ckoff!
Get 2 for 1. Clogged veins & clotted arteries.
Would you like a heart attack with that?
Fast food and poison shots, what could go wrong?
Picture of the day.
World’s worst flag (Uganda).
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           It may be a disk in his back. Originally they did not want him going to a home with stairs, which we have three flights. Oddly, it’s going down the stairs that seems challenging, but not painful. For instance, he will run upstairs just to look out the window, which he would not do if painful. It’s some minor treatment for 48 hours, then back for possibly an x-ray. Imagine a pet, if you would, with better medical than I ever had during my upbringing. No more sprints until we find out what’s doing.
           Much as I don’t like the Reb chasing around on my account, it seems we have a mailbox that cannot be checked outside business hours. That explains the lower price. I spent a couple hours getting the kitchen happening so the new guitar play can get over here for rehearsal. That was a task, and there is a mountain of dishes simply because, with the cabinets jammed, there is no place else to put them. It’s a shame how little I got done today But a guy I know who works at the local salad shop came by and gave me three gargantuan salads they can’t keep overnight. I should pay the guy a retainer to do that all the time.

           Here’s another microscope photo, this one you will never guess what it is. Even with a hint, it is a closeup of some very high quality printing. Even at this size, you cannot see any color dots. It’s the hand-held again, so no data on the magnification. It either focuses or it doesn’t. This is the logo on the lid for a frozen Minute Maid orangeade. The crisp outline of the printing impressed me and I threw it under the scope. I then switched to the “coin” scope, which does not take pictures, and even at 60x, no dots are visible. Seems an odd bit of overkill. There is a regular pattern but the color is solid.
           Clearing a practice space until after dark, I opted for coffee and a few documentaries. Much on line material is shallow and full of accumulated untruths. One battle that should have been won was he Arabs against the Mongols in 1258(?), the fall of Baghdad. It doesn’t make sense even if the Mongols had 100,000 men that the walled city should have fallen from the very style of attack it was built to counter. Western Europe has many examples of tiny groups of men successfully beating back vastly superior numbers from inside castle walls.
           I was up late and caught the 11:00 o’clock news. Why would I pray for jabbed athletes who collapse? I don’t hate them, I really just don’t care, but they did support the worst threat to humanity in the modern world. And if Trump becomes house speaker, I will celebrate for a week, because that’s how long it will take the Democrats to stop screaming. And up to the COVID jab, 21 pro athletes died on the field per year. Now it is 30 per month. Yes folks, it was time to cull the herd. Spain reports 13 women murdered in the past four weeks but refused to name non-whites as the killers.

           After a number of years (with gaps) of trying, I may have a minor breakthrough with navigation. My focus was narrowed to calculating the GP (geographic position) in the northern hemisphere west of Greenwich. Several books talked about the importance of the noon sight, but each had a different approach. I did dozens of these calculations, the largest portion of the hundreds of total calculations and today something clicked. Up to now, I knew the was the simplest but not why. Aha, it isn’t simple, it’s the same calculation with parts left out. It hit me which parts and why. It’s because noon is the one time of day your Meridian Angle is zero.
           This MA (meridian angle) can be a monster to wrap your head around. That’s when it dawned on me at noon, you could go through the motions to calculate the MA but you know in advance it must me zero or close to zero. I can see it in my head, it would work even if the Sun moved backwards. All the lessons were from the top, looking down at the maps. Now I am looking up from the map and see how that angle (in this case angle is a distance) is moving constantly from east to west.
           Give me time to process this, but now instead of working toward my position, I am viewing the objects in the sky as to how they “change” when I move, not the other way around as presented in all the textbooks. If that’s not clear, tough. It took me seven years. Yep, I went back and looked at calculations I knew I’d done wrong years ago. Yessir, I got this. I will wisely do a booklet of practice calculations since there are always twists, but this represents a dozen small mistakes I will not be making any more. I’ve done a couple examples and find I have to do it the old way and then step through it the new way, but that should get easier with practice. This has not been fun or easy; it was done for the challenge.
           Trivia, the candidate for worst flag had a lot of equally ugly attemps. Flag trivia, the English Union Jack, was not permitted to be flown on land before 1915. It's a naval flag.