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Thursday, February 2, 2023

February 2, 2023

One year ago today: February 2, 2022, dating rich.
Five years ago today: February 2, 2018, I’d have 4 girlfriends.
Nine years ago today: February 2, 2014, hooked on handouts.
Random years ago today: February 2, 1982, a ‘calendar’ type entry.

           Unloading the truck before dawn, I’m slowly concluding that even if I can’t work a schedule, I can approach things that way. Put in three to three and a half hours and [I find] I don’t need a break the next day. Let’s try that and see. I got to thinking about the new guitar player. He didn’t just quit contact, he disappeared. He volunteered that he was happy enough with our sound that he would take down his ads for a band. But, he didn’t. So today, I read them for changes, nothing, but a curious phrase was still there, that due to his living arrangements, he can’t practice at his place. Aha, the guy is in jail.
           It adds up. He left an expensive guitar cable here, and never responded when I said I could drop it off. Aha, he doesn’t have access to a phone or the Internet. Is this a kershmozzle or is it an opportunity? Today we do yard work, the forecast for the weekend is rain. This is the metal cable the raccoons managed to break. That metal clip was not strong enough for whatever it is they managed. And checking the mail, I still get junk addressed to ‘Occupant’ after all these years. That’s a success story.
           But do you think if I answer the junk mail, it would stay that way? Here’s an offer from Capital One, saying they will give me a one-time cash bonus if I let them simplify my life. Oh, and spend $6,000 with them in the next three months. Such a deal. If they had not included a plastic insert for guitar picks, I might have missed the offer all together. Fortified by a great breakfast of sausages and gravy on toast, I’m ready to tackle the chores.

           One Morse code letter that gives me trouble is W. I just can’t “hear” it as well as others, but I’ve learned when that happens to just write W. The point here is that one of the easiest things to do with Morse is go on-line and find an app that plays the code for any key that you press. Try it. The amount of bullsh you get back is a phenomenon. Everything except that. The closest you get is apps that you type in a paragraph of text and it will chirp it out. But they take as long to use for one letter as a whole string, or always something that makes them useless in this regard.
           Before I go outside, America rejoices to hear that CNN has had to shut down their headquarters. They’ve been caught lying so often, even their core readership has abandoned them. It was their HR center, so maybe no big deal, but nothing will stop the Trumpists from thinking they caused it, a huge psychological win. And as for Indian land claims, the oldest known DNA found in America shows that Whites were here first, and it goes back so far anything earlier was not human. So that’s that.

           There’s the latest work on the silo, the ceiling cross-members in place, 2-foot on center. There’s no telling when I’ll get around to that unless the raccoons can somehow still get inside. I set the trap again in case the raccoon triplets are like my family and don’t learn from the experience of others. Once again, a light three-hour work day leaves me enough energy to enjoy the evening without fatigue. As long as this is the case, I’ll see how long I last, you see, my lifelong habit was to always work until I felt tired. Can’t do that no more.
           Today is out of chronological order, due to an unplanned siesta. Look around and I should have you a picture of drilling air holes in the burn barrel. I may ream the vent holes out larger if I ever find that tool that’s never around when I need it.
           Silver, the most manipulated commodity of our era, still lags around $23.70 per ounce.

Picture of the day.
Fake airplane movie prop.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Oops, I decided to read a chapter of my latest book again, ‘The Lock Artist”. I fell asleep until past noon. To me, it’s a retirement thing, I have no resistance to the situation, nor any desire to get one. Tired? Sleep. What’s this NetFlix in the news again? I’ve never used Netflix, there’s enough free stuff. I’m not cheap, but today’s movies are just not worth that kind of money. Big difference. Netflix, as predicted, will track your ISP, which means they will track you. Every 30 days or so, you have to log on with a code they send you—again, more tracking. Expect to see sites offering the codes for half price before too long.

           Show of hands, how many people recall how I warned the world in 1984 that computers should have built in secrecy from the word go. Now, the system is so huge and unstable, that can’t be done. What a difference if computers had gone a better route at the onset. Ah, some say, what about cybercriminals? They would be even easier to catch because they could not use an honest system against itself. Plus, it is idiot laws that have created the latest categories of criminals. Just like Prohibition caused the Chicago gansgsters (loosely speaking), any laws that prohibit people having their own fun will produce a new breed of criminals. Good afternoon.
           And that lady who stole $1.5 million in chicken wings? No way she masterminded that one on her own. Inside job, folks. Oh, she did it, but it was just too slick for what the media is saying. I listened to an Elvis recording of one of his last concerts and I’m reminded why I never much cared for any of his music, but I see how he appealed to the women of the day.

           Mike, the guitar player, sent an e-mail. He moved out to the Tampa area due to an illness in the family. Hmmm, anyway, he is still out there and knows we had a winning sound. He noted my bass style was close to the band Golden Earring, who’s only hit I know is “Radar Love”. I do know one sure way to spot a true pro bass player is his left hand moves in three dimensions. Anyway, Mike’s story is too iffy, I say he’s in jail. But I’m so dog-tired of looking for a guitar player it means there is still hope.
           And the so-called A.I. chat-bot out there has already been outed. Left alone, it quickly “learned” to be what the insane Left calls racist, but within the past two weeks has changed to refusing to make any statement against the Jewish religion. Odd, since no religion is perfect, so we know the A.I. code itself has been corrupted. And I’m watching this rumor that chickens fed with Purina brand feed have ceased laying eggs.

           Feeling inspired before dark, I cleaned up the remainder of the front yard logs and debris. Two barrows of leaves and limbs for the burn tomorrow, and 600-700 pounds of logs stacked for curbsiding. That was a workout, back inside I practiced some Morse code and turned in early. It was a four-hour day after all.

           In Britain, the government has been breaking into homes to install smart meters, so that utilities can be remotely cut off. Washington, Oregon, and Idaho have passed laws that you cannot burn wood for heat, with some exceptions like above 7,000 feet, or if it is the only heater in the home. It is amazing the degree to which the conspiracy theorists have read the future.

Last Laugh