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Saturday, March 4, 2023

March 4, 2023

One year ago today: March 4, 2022, $20 bucks for trash bags.
Five years ago today: March 4, 2018, during the “investigation”.
Nine years ago today: March 4, 2014, make gimp versions, dammit.
Random years ago today: March 4, 2015, despite careful planning.

           The Reds are back, they love the oldest feeder I have, now refurbished and in their favorite spot near the birdbath. A few days back I dropped some dry oat cereal on the floor, so I crushed it up to discover they love the product. Let me check, okay, it is “Great Value Oat Crunch”. I give it sparingly because it contains sugar and “people vitamins”. That’s interesting, a Canadian man who shot one of five armed intruders to protect his mother has been convicted of murder. JP Morgan requires tech workers to give six months notice to quit. Just where do they think they’ll find tech workers who can think a fraction that far ahead?
           Up before dawn looking at A.I. such as it exists on-line. My criticism that it isn’t real A.I. does not extend to the fact there is a first-to-market rush going on. The software may be a piece of shit, but it will likely outperform 95% of most people I ever worked with. Thus, one of these “platforms” will become a standard. Of what’s out there, I choose to follow RAD AI, which claims to increase target advertising effectiveness by 94%. I hate intrusive ads but know they are here to stay because most GenXYZers are proud they can interfere with your time. Remember my experiences living in India, where people want to be paid to leave you alone.

           I have little to report this morning, here is a test of brass hardware, millennial style. The kind of brass that sticks to magnets. Grabbing a second coffee, I see Wal*Mart has begun the awaited process of closing all its stores in Oregon. Nikki, the lady with the mullet, gets Trump-chanted off the stage with nary a peep from the media. I wound up on the phone this morning, we missed a house for sale because if you can find back an ad on a smart phone, nobody seems to know how. An acreage with an unfinished A-frame in our price range. Same as this cabin, we are missing but by a little less each time. I stopped reading articles about cancer being a virus-like DNA strain some seven years ago when the material got too complex with a medical background.
           Still above me, it appears to be an improvement on the anti-gen “cocktail” given to patients in the hope one of them works. Apparently a Stanford team can extract T-cells from cancer and use it to train other cells to recognize the entire cancer range present in a given patient. I don’t pretend to follow the science, but if this works, we’ll certainly hear more about it.

Picture of the day.
New Boston, TX.
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           If I knew the technology, I’d invent the “rejection phone” now. The need is greater than ever, a phone that only accepts calls from who you specify. No, not the crappy system out there today, the useless filters and the call block that still lets the phone ring. My favorite is LG, that does not tell you the call is blocked until you get down off the ladder and answer. But I would also invent a different type of e-mail that does much the same. To those who say all this has already been done, first you are wrong, second you don’t know the details of what I’ve come up with.
           Today, I’d add another category, the customer service assholes who won’t take your call until you give them your private information. You know the places. Cell phones are the least secure of any communications. Worst offender known? USBank, who won’t let you in until you transmit your account number, date of birth, PIN, and digits from your Social Security. What manner of degenerate AOL came up with that one?
           I hung up over the birth date. What the fuck business is that of a bank? Do you phone up strangers and tell them your birthdate? If so, what is wrong with you? Have you never heard of fraud? Worse, they send bank information including the name of the account in plain text through the e-mail. It never dawns on stupid people that a company e-mail name means the owner may not want the ignorant millennials at the e-mail company to know his real name. Like the on-going battle I’ve had with Google for 30 years. It would be difficult to find people more stupid about security. I’m going outside to work in the yard.

           Good call, just around 4:00PM a cloud cover and I was out there. Again, general yard work but this time I got some actual renovation work done. The kitchen A/C canopy is done, and not a moment too soon. The wood was deteriorating. I simply scabbed a new piece over it. The rig does not have to survive the house, it only has to survive me. I found out the shingles were the wrong color, but you can’t tell from the street, so up they went.
           The picture is the 10-3 cable left from the dryer, I’m glad I bought this roll when I did. Have you see the price of this stuff? There is just enough here to reach the old water heater junction box. I’m leery of that old wiring up to that point. Maybe I’ll spring for more, depends, since I have to lift the floor to get at the box.

Last Laugh