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Friday, May 26, 2023

May 27, 2023

One year ago today: May 27, 2022, I learn some “mechaniking”
Five years ago today: May 7, 2018, fully functional.
Nine years ago today: May 27, 2014, beer commercials.
Random years ago today: May 27, 2012, counter-rotation padlock cutter.

           The Reb decided now was a good time to power shampoo the carpets. I have not operated at that energy level in years. My idea of a Saturday is to spend some quality time with JeePee working a jigsaw puzzle. I could not sleep so I watched the DVD “Behind Enemy Lines”. It was about the usual SEAL time being double-crossed and set up and hung out to dry. But, of course their commander, the one who always loses control to some other government department, knows these men because “he trained them”. Lots of action including that idiotic scene where they come up out of the water, like none of the bad-guy security teams know that one.
           However, toward the end, just when I was finally tired, they started to unpeel the plot. This guy’s a traitor, that guy’s a mole, he’s a spy, and everybody else is working for the enemy. I was too tired to follow it all, but we know they won’t kill the good guys. So I left it at that. We finally got the fuel pump ordered for the John Deere, but it revealed a major glitch in our system. We don’t work well on this procedure. I don’t shop on-line, rather search for the item. But she uses the telephone, which I don’t trust for a number of reasons.
           Actually, “trust” is not the correct word. Let’s just say like a lot of people who began using computers only after the Internet arrived, she has infinitely more faith in the system that those of us who knew how computers fit into the scheme of things before the Internet. Here, I’ll give you the first part an you fill in the blank. Letting a no-tech use a computer to go on-line is like ________. One certain thing is these types do not recognized danger signals. Facebook is proof of that.

           One amazing part of the culture today is the proliferation of terms that shift blame away from stupid people onto society. It’s pretty one-sided because society rarely objects. Take the people who spend up to $1,000 on a concert ticket. Don’t look at me, I quit concerts mostly in the 1980s, they are simply not worth it. Enter the new term, PCA, for post-concert amnesia. Part of the problem is the definite hype before the concerts, so when people walk out afterward, their expectations have not been met. But their bank account has certainly been hit. Kind of like getting married too young.
           Be patient for any new pictures. My camera is acting up, probably that old battery. I got the shingles in the van, almost five bundles. Heavy lifting for me.

Picture of the day.
Drought-exposed Mississippi riverboat.`
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           We went out for dinner. She got off the plane at 3:30AM, which if you ask me is just not enough time to decompress. I no longer travel by air regularly. It ceased being fun back in 2003, plus it is no longer safe. They hire anybody as pilots and they let anybody get on the plane. I’m totally aware how subtle jet-lag can be, so it was off to the familiar surroundings of the Thai Sushi place. Yes, it’s authentic. How do I know? I’m teaching the Reb how to order in Siamese.
           This time we tried desert. I’m not a fan of mango. It came with a sweet coconut rice concoction that now I super like. I’m trying to find the recipe on-line. It’s not the one I think was called Muang, because this one was super sweet. If I find it, I’ll link to the recipe, nothing good is kept much of a secret nowadays. It’s like this picture, but the sauce was much thinner. And, we got two mangoes.

           If I forgot to say, I went out last evening. These events are always bloggable. I was at Shooter’s again. The place is not a big draw for the under 30 crowd, who, when they do show, demand constant entertainment. It’s either nose to the gorilla glass, the pool table, or the dart board. I managed to write three letters, meaning I got more accomplished in that spell than a whole room full of people.
           There was also time to go over the books and adjust them for the two new CDs. They don’t appear on the bank statement, which I find odd because the bank opens a new special account for each certificate. Then again, these days your statement is not necessarily produced or printed at the bank. My account is over here in Hermitage, but the statements are postmarked Iowa.

Last Laugh