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Saturday, July 22, 2023

July 22, 2023

One year ago today: July 22, 2022, a generic day.
Five years ago today: July 22, 2018, checking out sunglasses.
Nine years ago today: July 22, 2014, visiting Jupiter.
Random years ago today: July 22, 2011, my first H-bridge.

           We’re eighty bucks under budget, so let’s take the morning off and go shopping. Good plan, I mean, after some of that excellent coffee, I mean. And put the water tank on hold, let’s have some fun instead. There are no pinball arcades, movie theaters, or great stores in Polk County and I’ve been to all the good museums. Yep, it may be a struggle to find anything interesting to do, so don’t act surprised if we wind up back here building boxes or wiring something up.
           Apeel. It’s generating more backlash than its promoters (who include Oprah) ever thought. This is the spray claimed to make vegetables stay fresh longer. The factory maintains it is formulated from natural ingredients, but very, very few Americans believe such claims any more. Most Americans that can afford it buy only organic food. Well, today it was revealed that Apeel has been “approved” for use on organics. It is specific to each food, that is, avocado spray is different than cucumber spray. My concern is the glycerides in the mix.
           The only Data Sheet I could find was from England. (In Europe, the product is called “Edipeel”.) I find it frightening that the treatment of anyone poisoned by the product includes “keep warm”. Should you eat anything that could cause a drop in your core body temperature? The spray soaks into the product skin, so it cannot be washed off. I have an avocado on the fridge that has not ripened in four days. I don’t need to be a chemist to know something is blocking oxygen from getting to the insides. But is not like you can just peel an avocado. I will try rinsing to see if it helps. But the very fact Bill Gates is in on the deal is your tip-off it is pure evil.

           How about the proposal to give free 9V batteries to low-income parties for their smoke alarms. The fire that gutted that Chicago apartment had no batteries in the alarms. The landlord reported that he replaced them weekly, but they got stolen just as fast. Or the suggestion that when protesters are dragged off the roads, zip tie their arms and legs so they can’t walk back. And how about the guy who advocates “eco-scalping”, the detachment of man-buns from their former owners? Tucker has announced opening his own new channel and to guaranty success his first guest will be Donald Trump.
           So, if Biden can “win” an election from his basement, am I the only one wondering if an election could be won solely by campaigning on-line? No speeches, no debates, just posting enough political slogans to gain a majority—no it isn’t such a crazy idea. And use GAB or some platform where all opposition is blocked until only supporters remain. Call it the poor-man’s MSM.

Picture of the day.
Abandoned house, Bomarton, TX.
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           he heat is not letting up, so we got the shopping done. This included a remote doorbell for half price. I’ll let you know. The chime plugs into any wall socket. What sold me was the button did not require batteries. It is activated by the motion of pushing the button. Two, maybe three minutes late, I’ve got it hooked up and it works pretty slick. I chose Beethoven’s Fifth for the tune so it can’t be confused with anything else around here.
           This next item I bought just to see. These are asparagus, a food I’ll only eat if it is cheap, which it usually is not. Take a closer look. I don’t know what asparagus seeds look like but I’ve never seen a pack for as a snack. Somebody has come up with a brilliant idea and this is the first time I’ve seen it. The seeds are encased in a red-colored pellet, visible here through the plastic window at the package bottom.

           The instructions say this makes the seeds easier to handle and makes spacing more accurate. The casing is clay, lime, and perlite. So far so good, but what’s this. Days to harvest is 720 to 730. This stuff needs two years to grow. They are to be started indoors and once established (it says), the bed will continue to grow for many years. Guess I’ll have to plan to be around. Mark that on my calendar, in July 2025 they allow for “light cutting” of stalks. There appear to be around fifty seeds in the package.
           No way I can space them 10 inches apart unless I repair the big raised planter. After they reach 2 inches tall, it says space them to 24 inches. What have I got myself into here? I went on-line and it says the stalks will produce well for twenty years. The better-made videos show them planting from roots already a year old. The mature plants are sweeter than store-bought, it says, and one guy shows how him and his doggie eating it like candy. They don’t grow in a bunch, but individual stalks, seems like a couple feet tall when harvested. That makes it easily the most difficult plant I’ve tried. So nobody get their hopes up.

           I’m drained to zero on the energy meter. How about that Black lady who chimped out on a car rental clerk in Dubai. She got two years in prison to appreciate the mistake of thinking she could get away with shit anywhere but here. Oscillators. I found a package of them in my kit bag. They say 20,000 Hz, but once again I have no idea how to use them. You go on-line and all you get are “experts” explaining to death how it works, but never showing how to connect them up to do something useful.
           The latest guitar guy has been in touch again, seems all my e-mail was going to his spam folder, strange how some people do not check that regularly. In this day and age, I mean. Experience says guitar players rarely make mistakes by accident. Got that? The e-mails he did not see were the ones advising him to not focus on the lead parts until after we’d had a rehearsal session.
           Is that important? Yes, it’s almost a sure sign he’s doing a Guitar Center. Looking for a ready-made back-up band. I’ve never seen it happen, but I’ve certainly seen enough guitar players who’ll give it a try at your expense.

           By dark, I’m too settled in to check out Karaoke. I see the Patriot Front people who protested the drag parade in Idaho have been jailed. These protestors are going about things entirely the wrong way. When you have an enemy, you don’t show him your ID. You study his weaknesses. And for civil servants, the weakness is those fat government pensions. They will do anything to protect them, including break the law. Pensions. That’s where to hit them hard.

           ust before midnight, Trump issued a statement of danger ahead. He is reported as saying he will expose everything before they can jail him. That is pretty ominous considering the ugly nature of what is already flying around out there. Everything the Left tries now is automatically seen as a purely desperate political hit and merely increases Trump’s numbers. They can’t kill him and risk open rebellion. That leaves arresting him but I’m not so sure that would not have the same results. My guess is that many people who would not openly take up arms would, if Trump is arrested, side against the current regime.
           Nor would it take much. A single incident could now unite a lot of factions who only want things to go back to normal. There is persistent talk that the military is fed up. But they have to do something because they cannot allow their ratings to continue falling at the current rate.
           The Washington Post “is on a pace” to lose $100 million this year.

Last Laugh