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Friday, October 20, 2023

October 20, 2023

One year ago today: October 20, 2022, six cars, huh?
Five years ago today: October 20, 2018, without the college degree.
Nine years ago today: October 20, 2014, another Florida “secret address”.
Random years ago today: October 20, 2004, then it hit me.

           Victoria’s Secret, the underwear company, has decided afterall that fat, ugly models aren’t the greatest advertising. They are just the next group of woketards who thing apologizing puts them back in good standing. Folks, they were supporting throwing you into de-programming compounds if you did not pretend to see things their way. Wal*Mart™, the largest recipient of EBT funds, is closing stores in Black neighborhoods everywhere due to organized theft. What a surprise. Where was I? Oh yeah, I outlined the possible Wednesday jam with the Prez as a foot in the door. We are looking at next week as a showcase, not a jam. Turns out the guy didn’t even have a PA system and I think I know who they mean. If so, we can’t miss this opportunity.
           Raking leaves isn’t my calling, I slept until noon. I see that New York “Judge” is trying to gag Trump, which will backfire on him. Issuing gag orders to the accused isn’t likely to enhance any legal career and this guy is an obvious paid shill. The totally corrupt Milley is claiming he had to commit treason to prevent Trump from committing treason. Good luck with that tack, Milley. Yep, this is going to be a great day off letting other people worry about such things.

           Remember my biscuit joiner? It had some quirks so today I decided to eliminate them. The snag was each one that got corrected threw something else of. Not much, but enough to make the work unprofessional. Over yet another coffee, I concluded I was dealing with some sort of compound problem and devised a plan. The problem showed up in the finished product, so instead of trying to fix the problem on the existing project, I would set that aside and start a new project. Shown here are three of the five sets I worked on. They are still usable, I’m not that incompetent, but for instance, the lighter colored boards on the left show a bigger gap than should be there.
           It was a series of settings on the depth scale and two physical problems. One was that unless the saw is pulled away from the boards after each cut, sawdust can accumulate on the depth plate. Next, as the saw bites into the wood, it pulls ever so slightly away from the blade direction. Last, there was a knurled knob that was set to factory specs. It had to be backed off a quarter turn. In the end I wound up joining 23 feet of planks but I’ve got the thing working. None of these were mentioned in the manual or on-line, so I attribute the cause to inexperience. Here’s a picture of the factory knob, it’s a sort of depth gauge.
           Where it sat, it did not allow the biscuits to set quite right in a cutout. I tap them in with a rubber mallet and knew they rocked a bit but since that happened since first use, I figured it was normal. It was this last setting that took close to two hours, which is why I deserve all the coffee I’m drinking today.

           The neighbor was over. He knows I keep an eye on his yard when I’m in the shed. You remember the window I installed specifically to let the guy know I wasn’t shutting him out. He’ll let me know what’s going on, for instance he’s going out for dinner with his daughter, who I’ve never seen but I see her car there a few times every month. You know, there must be 25 restaurants in this town and I’ve only ever eaten in 3 or 4, and a couple of those was when I was passing through on my original house searches.

Picture of the day.
German-style Polish village.
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           Look at this beauty of a plank. Once again, it is upgraded cull lumber. This busy photo shows the clamps holding the culmination of today’s effort. These boards were my last set of the day, look at all those clamps. The problems are ironed out and I have 23 feet of experience. Importantly, I know exactly the time and number of biscuits needed and can plan ahead where before, making these boards needed a free afternoon just in case. The material shown here required 18 biscuits and around a quarter of the clamps are not squeezing the joint, but are keeping the planks flat. The cull lumber has to be matched up to let any defects cancel out and it can be uncooperative.
           Working to the gossip-mill overtime I got some more information. It is the Karaoke dude trying the jam, though I won’t know him until I see him. Apparently the first show was a flop, but so what? (That’s what you get for not inviting me.) He may not be that great, but you never know who he knows. This is small-town America., he could be the governor’s brother or something. I’m more concerned if he knows other musicians. I discussed this with the Prez, and said I would make a decision by Sunday.
           Here’s the parameters. The club is the top location in this area. They often hire circuit musicians from Tampa because local bands are consistently unreliable. Since the COVID hoax, the people out of Tampa play increasingly less popular music. I like Maroon 5, but I would not play that around here and expect much in the tip jar. It would be the ONLY entertainment anywhere within a ten or fifteen mile radius on a Wednesday—but can he pull it off by himself? I conclude no and the working musicians from nearby are not going to drive out there in the middle of the week for nothing.

           So, do I take one week and play audience that first week, or regard this as a one-time opportunity. If it doesn’t fly a second time, there may not be a third. That’s taking a chance he’ll show up with a bunch of buddies. They may not make up a band, but they must still be considered competition. Now, I’m not after that Wednesday slot. I’m aiming for that Friday slot—but is my duo strong enough yet? The reality is I am the one who cannot afford a flop. This club normally demands a demo CD. Those things cost money, and until I have a gigging band, that becomes a catch-22. I need the band to get the demo to get the gig, and unless the band is gigging, I’m not shelling out the equivalent of $500 for that CD.
           Here is my thinking. This club would hire local if there was a reliable band. (The last local band was that mother-daughter duo musically great for this territory. But they’ve disappeared and were a couple of weirdos anyway, they should have hired me.) That local factor means I’m wise to consider that jam as nothing more than an audition for Friday gigs. Two hours is too short to treat it as rehearsal because it’s 40-minute drive for the Prez each way. So, cherry pick out best material and be prepared to play the whole show, or possibly an hour after that show is over. Jam sessions don’t work like they used to, so no sense pretending. Again, check back late this Sunday.

           The other picture this afternoon is a ten-minute picture frame. The corner slats are temporary while I fix a back panel in place. The frame uses the MicroSoft blueprint. The saw blade was a half degree out, so no matter how to fit the corners, they never quite fit snug. So instead of fixing the blade, we market the gap in the frame as a “feature”.
           What’s this on the radio that DiCaprio had a movie script re-written because it had him marrying a woman over 30? It was on Max news, so it could be a spoof. You know Max news, “we broadcast a high-frequency insect repellent tone” and “this is the station of telepathic humor, so if you think of anything witty all day, it was us.” Ha-ha, it took DiCaprio years to figure out what I knew by the time I was ten. Don’t date women over 25, divorcees, single mothers, shack-ups, fatties, ex-druggies, Jesus freaks, and feminists. And it costs him millions for what I get for free, ha-ha-ha.
           I’m reminded of Maureen Melanchuk, this gal with an unbelievably perfect figure. I could not get her in the sack, one of my few failures. Then I found out it was not my fault. Turns out she had been a fat teen, went to weight watchers and was holding the line until she got a husband. But man, that was perfection while it lasted. It was a close call, I mean, what kind of gal has to go to weight watchers in the 11th-grade? You do not know how old we were so shut up.

           NASA has successfully tested the Artemis rocket motor in Mississippi. This is not new technology, these are uprated leftover shuttle launch rockets. Since these were already cleared for launching humans, I find it disappointing that the testing is taking so damn long but understand the rocket has to burn a full 9 minutes to launch people to the Moon. Still, that is more than 2 years from now so they are really dragging their arses over there. Space companies are already lobbying Congress to place a ban on new safety laws on human cargo. I tend to agree, let them take their chances, I say. The existing rules, if enforced, are plenty.
           It looks like Biden is going to push through the draft, since nobody is volunteering for the queer military any more. Hey, millies/XYZers, you are gonna get drafted, you stupid freaks. You’ve been repeatedly warned to get your heads on straight and you would not listen. You thought you were smarter than your ancestors because you learned how to play Crown of Thorns. And now look. Even your so-called women are “equal” and could find themselves pissing their panties in some foreign foxhole. Ha, you big-mouth feminists should have seen that one coming. No mercy, this mess was the last recent 30 years in the making and no way can you blame open pedophilia and queers marching down main street on the Boomers. It’s time to cull the herd.

Last Laugh