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Saturday, November 4, 2023

November 4, 2023

One year ago today: November 4, 2022, off to Miami.
Five years ago today: November 4, 2018, 5 years to read that book.
Nine years ago today: November 4, 2014, overboard geeky.
Random years ago today: November 4, 2006, I biked 16 miles!!!

           Now we know where those ugly Elvis clocks on the black wood come from. I put the second layer of acrylic on the Jacobean stain. While the two layers look great, if you pour it on an eighth of an inch thick, you get that definite Elvis effect. This experimental box has been milestone for me, encompassing almost everything I’ve learned that was not in the book. It’s that doll trunk design, but left rough on the exterior, highly polished on the interior, what I call my stealth design. It looks like a junk box until you open it.
           It’s a nice day, lots of chores and the whole neighborhood is dead quiet. Even the dogs in the SE house have learned to ignore me walking past. I found a 1960s movie that sort of predicts all the later plots of shipwrecks and gold along Africa’s skeleton coast, Namibia. Called “Twist of Sand”, it’s grade B and Full of scenes where you have to guess what the hell is going on. There are depictions today’s bunch would not get, like the one of this guy repairing the pipes on a submarine. They’d be more like, “You can do that?”

           The effects are so corny now I must watch it. The plot is cliché-driven, right down to their rumpled pantsuit idea of how a sexy women looks. The underwater scenes are plainly in a bathtub, which is were they sink the German sub, or burn it, really. No we are after a can of diamonds in the middle of the desert—back when audiences were dumb enough to think diamonds could be easily fenced. I’m on my second coffee by the time the skipper has the inevitable flashbacks. And we’ve hit another bad crop of coffee. Peanut butter enthrusiasts can tell you how the whole worldwide harvest varies and this time the coffee, even brewed to perfection by an experienced hand, has a dry taste.
           One of the few ways to salvage a bad batch is to mix in 1/4 part “Mexican” coffee like Bustelo or Aroma, but this is not a consistent fix. Overall, you are doing okay when your biggest issue on a Saturday morning is finding a good cup of coffee. Half-way through the movie most of the adults look the same to me and I could never understand how these people can swill whiskey like it was beer. They better get to the desert soon or things start dragging. The best acting so far has been the diamond policeman.

           I received this notice that Caltier has achieved something, but what? The blog isn’t helping and my finicky Internet connection is not helping. They keep announcing that the fund is “multi-disciplinary” without any explanation of what that means. Citizens Bank. Ever heard of it? Centered in the Atlantic northeast means for that very reason I would have nothing to do with them. Well, their accounts have been seized by the authorities. Why is that blogworthy? Well, because when I did the search, I saw the bank is still actively plugging its services. This is America, they can legally sell you things out the front door while the Sheriff is putting a padlock on the back.
           Caltier has paid a dividend/distribution every month, 24 in a row, and I’ve been around for half. Mind you, some of the amounts were trivial. I still have no info on how the share prices are valued, but I pay $5 per share. They are authorized to sell 10 million shares. So if the Caltier evaluation is now $65 million would mean my shares are now worth $6.50 each. I’m not selling. And that valuation is from the Caltier blog, which often contains info from funds I have not invested in. My selling price is $16 per share, so don’t wait up.

           Tennessee prices continue to fall. Makes sense as real estate is a pyramid scheme and nobody is coming in at the bottom. Also, older retirees are selling their houses and moving into apartments by the thousands, which is something Caltier is banking on. So, me too. If there is a bust, it should not affect rents all that much for years to come.
           There is, in my opinion, something to watch out for. There are now at least five major crowdfunding real estate funds. Some of them are based on your credit, that is, when you join, the arrange for you to take out a $10,000 loan, which you then pay down with monthly payments or income from the fund. Talk about high risk. Even if they succeed, I would not touch that scenario. The silver market remains buried under tons of paper certificates while banks and smart investors cling to the very little real silver that trades any more.

Picture of the day.
Italian-Swiss Border.
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           Jupiter is large enough to have it’s own ring of asteroids. The 2021 Lucy probe flew past the first one of interest, and surprise. It was two asteroids orbiting one another. But don’t expect follow up photos just because it is interesting, the probe was zipping past at 10,000 mph. The larger rock is around a half-mile in radius. Italy has outlawed lab-grown meat. How ironic that the country that invented balogna becomes the first to ban fake meat. The number of American voters who believe they know someone who died from the vaccine is nearly 30%.
           YouTube’s crackdown on ad blockers has seen a surge in demand for Ghostery (which I’ve used since day one) and AdGuard. Tough shit Youtube and the entire advertising industry—they refuse to accept people do not like ads any more. They had the chance to model the Internet on some entire new methods of revenue generation, but they went for advertising and a drift away from that would bankrupt all the giants. Serves them right. I was downtown for a while, but a lingering fatique got me back here, in to a comfortable chair, and watching a couple movies. “Twist of Sand” was a waste of time.
           Let’s see how the marketplace is doing in general. Airbnb is shrinking, a result of false advertising, hidden fees, and complaints of everything from hidden cameras to cancellations. A new generation of “anti-obesity” drugs is soon available. don’t wait up.
           I watched the latest Chinese military parade, or better put, the Chines military parade of their copycat of everything American. It was hard to tell who was better trained, the army, the air force, or the audience. A documentary on American “flying boat” anti-submarine patrols as far away as the Panama canal area show them painted like British Coastal Command aircraft a full two years before America declared war on German. It’s a chilling revelation how soldiers will obey orders they know are illegal and within their rights to disobey.

           Boxes. Last night I went all the way out to Bartow as an old pal of mine was playing. That’s the guy that does gigs in Ft. Meyers and Plant City, too far away for me. We had a very long conversation of how things are going and he wants to see the Wednesday jam. Good heavens I don’t know why. He’s experienced or you might say put up with all the band-formation crappulence I have. But he is a circuit musician and knows the who and what is needed in this territory. He’s also had it with some of the same places as myself, but I’ll wisely say nothing here.
           I was not there for music, but to write a letter to JZ about box joinery. We all do that, don’t we, ha-ha? I regret that he’s not here to learn right along. I’ll summarize for you what’s changed. I had the oldish concept of building a box. You construct the four sides and add the bottom, then the top. I was happy to find out how to cut the lids. It was those ends that had me perplexed. I know the on-line experts were making assumptions. So I used the spare moments tonight to scribble down ideas. That’s when it hit me, no thanks to anyone else, that I had to turn what I thought about box-building sideways.

           That is, instead of the sides first, use the miter bit to fit the front-back-top-bottom first. The apply the sides. My thinking is the strength of the longer cuts might compensate for adding the ends later. Again, not a word about this from the big shots. I had to upgrade my Internet service to the next level, now I pay $100 per month in total, up from $62 two years ago. America is no longer capitalist in the sense that business compete for your business. The corporations have quashed all meaningful startups or bought them out. No we live with the resultant inflation. Americans know that just because gas prices can go up 50 cents overnight, it does not mean it suddenly costs four times a much to raise a chicken. don’t wait up.

           Later, I discovered that if you take a box apart to finish the insides afterward, it will never quite fit back together again. We are learning and Sunday is slated to try building a box with the top and bottom first. It means finally learning to set the lock miter precisely right. We still need that jig to cut long 45° bevels. Check back, there is a cool front moving in.

Last Laugh

"Orange Man Bad"