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Thursday, December 14, 2023

December 14, 2023

One year ago today: December 14, 2022, I’ve never met another.
Five years ago today: December 14 ,2018, link is corrupted.
Nine years ago today: December 14 , 2014, American ingredients.
Random years ago today: December 14, 2006, my Canadian neighbors, here.

           I drew back the curtain after dawn and scared something off the birdfeeder, and it was no cardinal. The squirrels have been scarce and maybe they’re back. A breakfast of grilled sandwich and coffee has me off to a good start. A review of who links to this blog reveals again that idogendel has the most hits. I have no idea who that is but he shares my view of Arduino libraries. However, my blog takes the broader picture of faulting C programming in general. If you have time, read the link for his criticisms of libraries, and if you can, compare that to my opinions about C. It is the lack of standards and control that makes the mess, but he has trouble saying that.
           Tennessee house prices are plunging without a peep in the media. One drop was $60,000 and no takers. You see, the system has been leeched out. The pyramid needs new suckers, but neither today’s college “grads” nor the flood of illegals can come up with the money for even the cheaper places. The Fed knows they are blamed for inflation so they will not lower rates. While you could buy what you want in places like Memphis, you probably prefer a place you can sleep safely. The cheapest inhabitable place is an abandoned church in Lebanon for $112,000.
           How about a picture from Tennessee? This guy needs no introduction. And the picture has a name, “Xmas Nap”. This kid of mail arriving lets me know that things are progressing well. Your asking what was she doing on the floor, I’ll tell you. Exercise, she does an hour of cardio every day since I’ve known her. As for the dog, this is as much help as you are going to get from him. Unless somebody knocks on the door. Then you’ll get all the help you need.

           A terrific wind has come up off the Gulf with a chill, so I stayed put until noon. The media is completely about the “danger” of Trump being elected. Their biggest fear is the same as before, that he will expose what they’ve been doing. Why the shift from “the biggest threat” to “dictator for life”? Because Trump has pulled ahead in all seven swing states. TMOR, swing stages are those that are the most highly manipulated Democrat voting centers. If their mechanations were removed, America would be solidly red (Republican). The states are Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada, Georgia, Arizona, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania.
           They are hotbeds of Democrat cheating, which includes ballot stuffing, fake voters, gerrymandering, and the infamous rigged voting machines. They are the states where a tiny shift in voting odds can change their political leaning. They are the states where the Democrats need to truck in ballots and count votes until they win. And that is the Democrat headache. Trump has pulled ahead in all seven. He’s ahead by a nearly incredible 5 points and climbing.
           If there is one sick libtard out there, by consensus it is the actor Bob Reiner, who played Meathead on Archie Bunker. He just had a $50 million contract with Warner Brothers terminated for his big mouth. Don’t go thinking Warner has changed policy, they were just sore that people were boycotting anything associated with Reiner, who is such a puke it can be hard to hear him out.

           There are rumblings that the are “dozens” in the military who would seek to overthrown the current government. The current government. They are stupid, you know what I would do? With the terrorists using cell phones to detonate bombs, I would buy one of the robocallers that the government here won’t outlaw. Set it up near Syria and dial every number and sit back to watch the fireworks. Smart, or what?

Picture of the day.
Australia’s top model at age 13..
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Another five hours, light duty. I found my long-sleeve shirt and worked only on the sunny side of the house. I took the glass window out of an old patio door to fit into the lean-to. The warmest hour I tidied up the yard, that’s a lot of raking for me. Mostly this afternoon was all about measuring and sawing the pieces for my shop vacuum. My apparent ability to do this without blueprints seems a source of amazement to the neighbor. He’s got a monster 10” tablesaw he rarely uses. Says if I keep it oiled I can use it. That would be nice, a blade that size can cut a 4.4 post at a 45° angle.
           Including routine chores, I had the chain saw running for ten minutes. I got most of the larger pieces in the dog run cut up. Then decided not to work the burn barrel because of the wind. Plus, I only had three cans of Budweiser in the fridge and this is a lot of wood. I may have to run another outlet and light into the lean-to. Even with the window, there is not enough light to even store things in there. Before I forget, the Raspberry Pi microcontroller is now outselling my favorite, the Arduino. The Pi is moving some 30 million units a year.

           We still have not seen the first drone bank robbery or billion-dollar heist, but it’s coming. Here’s a photo of the jam session in progress. That’s Sandi on the mic and that’s the guitar player who will not accompany when the Prez & I are on stage. What’s with that? Well, he has to be the star and as you’ve figured, no guitar player on my stage can do that. I’ve worked since day one with the Prez to both spot and play what the guitar player can’t. So no matter what he does, our accompaniment gets at least equal billing. That’s way too big a slice for guys like the one shown here, though I should point something out.
           It’s that their ego-tripping may not be intentional. Take the character shown here, from his point of view he “likes to solo”. So much, he will ignore Keith’s request to grab a guitar and join in. For that matter, he does not just wait until the Prez & I stop, he won’t even move to the stage until we’ve sat down for a break. I’m no mind reader, so I can’t say his exact motives. But I’m not claiming to be right, my job is to accurately predict outcomes regardless of motivations and I’m batting 1000. The guy is a great solo guitar player and clearly insists on it—yet he shows up at a jam. Hypocrisy in motion. I’ve seen him scowl when the audience picks us as favorites and I’m glad to provide plenty of opportunities for that.

           What a headache getting pictures off that smart phone. There is no icon that both displays them and allows a copy. Frustrating as hell, you can see the photo but can’t select it. I’ve got a routine whereby you copy the photo you want into folder called “selfies”, which is important enough to some people to be both undeletable and the filename can’t be changed. Then you turn the camera off, log back in, a tiresome task, and when you see the photo folder, plug in the computer cable. You have about 15 seconds to select an option called transfer photos. Miss it, and there is no way to get it back without repeating the entire log on again. Damn millennials, not a lick of sense. Don’t expect them to grasp taking photos off a camera.
           When I got inside later, well after dark and barely ahead of the mosquitoes, I took a test on-line that asked if I was a Boomer. It was a millennial test, so according to them, I got six out of ten to be a Boomer. For example, yes, I do use a spatula. And I know how to knit. Mind you, I’ve done those things since before I was a teen and I was unaware that millennials and zoomers don’t at all think crosswords are fun. They are challenged by word-find puzzles, hey, if you can’t spell, I can imagine,
           On the other hand, the test says I’m not a Boomer because I’ve never written a check at the grocery store, I’m not confused by Facebook, and I do not use my middle finger to text. Don’t laugh, the accompanying text showed that millennials are dead serious about this perception of Boomers. Don’t get me wrong, I can forgive zoomers and teens because I was much the same, but these damn millennials, they are all pushing 40 and that is scary.

           An evening off, the aroma of banana muffins, a good book, and enjoying the unusual dead quiet. Actually, I can hear the traffic on the old highway at times. It’s over a mile away. Let’s see what got through my filters. Hasbro, the toy factory, is laying off due to low demand. That happens when your toys carry $80 price tags. A number of videos on the topic of older women regretting their decisions have cropped up. It’s interesting to follow both sides, but the laff is these women asking where the good men are. What kind have they been dating up to now?
           Most of the videos are women saying “thirty isn’t that old” but who are they trying to convince? See today’s addendum. My experience may be unique, remember, I worked for 12 years in an office with nearly 300 women, during which time I saw and heard more about women than any thousand men put together. It was there I learned the majority of women have nothing, nothing, nothing to offer. Some do, but they are not the majority.
           Women also highly over-rate their own personalities. I have no answer, but as RofR observed about women so long ago, at age 21, virginity passes from an asset to a liability. This world is full of women who don’t know what to do once the free offers and constant attention dry up. I believe that’s what they call “the wall”.
           A field I have not read much about is epigenetics. This study shows that the same DNA sequences can be read differently according to behavior. The speculation is that women who sleep around a lot have these changes. Or as the ancient Greeks noticed, the purest offspring come from virgin females.

           The New York Post (no the Times, who never admit they are wrong) runs a feature of this woman pushing 40 who opted for feminism and now regrets it. The comments are entirely unsavory and unsympathetic. I tend to agree, because feminism isn’t a one-time decision, these women have to push it daily for years. Here are some redacted posts:
a) whatever money they make by delaying having kids they have to spend on fertility treatments!
b) Brainwashing has its consequences.
c) she decided to whore out and party until she's 40.
d) Boo hoo. What about the men denied marriage & children because of the bullshit lies?
e) Should have listened to her heart many years ago.
f) Wait til many reformed feminists find out they're sterile due to vaccines & poisons our government puts in our food.
g) Sometimes you have to face up to the consequences of your decisions and then get 10 cats.
h) It’s always someone else’s fault with these fucking leftys.
j) men do not want a 38 year old with “much experience” or having to deprogram a feminist.
           I tend to agree with item h0, in that they always blame somebody else. The woman here is not admitting a thing, she is saying “feminism let her down”. In other news, British scientists have concluded that breathing is bad for the environment. No doubt, White breathing is worse than non-White.

Last Laugh