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Friday, January 26, 2024

January 26, 2024

One year ago today: January 26, 2023, they tip things over.
Five years ago today: January 26, 2019, he never retired.
Nine years ago today: January 26, 2015, the mysterious CAGED method.
Random years ago today: January 26, 2012, “Only $50,” he says.

           The sun is arriving by 7:00AM again, in time for coffee. I bow to the majority, around ten days ago, JZ said “oyster burger” when I was mapping out the plan for ostrich burgers. Then his brothers started saying oyster, and I made the mistake a couple times. So fine! Oyster burget it is as long as you historians in 2525 know it is ostrich. The Reb once had ostrich, says it is gamey. By the way, playing hardball with the insurance companies has already resulted in a much bigger offer, but not quite there yet. This photo shows how rapidly any shelf space I build gets filled. Most of this is paint and stain, as I’m still learning that and don’t have any favorites yet.
           The headline this morning is the LA Times is laying off 115 journalists.Since they are doing it by seniority, it affects mostly blacks, women, diveristy hires, and queers, so you can imagine the outcry. The public’s response is, “Learn to code.” Locally, last week or so I was driving through Eagle Lake and saw the commotion from a mile away. Turns out he was arrested walking down the sidewalk and eye-witnesses say over 100 squad cars showed up. Don’t screw around in Polk Country. Incidentally, the guy was 26 and had 13 felonies, 15 misdemeanors, and had already spent five years in prison. They forgot to arrest whoever let him out.

           The day started lazy enough, so I made pancakes and logged on to Gab. Pretty amazing, it is, how many people have this fantasy that there is something idlyllic about being raised in a cabin forty miles from town. The pictures are something else, showing a rustic cabin, but a half-acre garden. Up yours, I say, considering the average American family cannot afford a full-time gardener. To cheer me up, there was an incident, but I can’t find the proof. Because it is somewhere on Facebook. Wilford’s pal, the guy who thinks I’m a great singer, reports some lady posted that I was the greatest bass player “in the word”, his words. (You often find people who don’t know enough about bass to even know they’ve heard something good.) That was nice of her. I’ve never learned to do a search on Facebook but from asking others, I know it isn’t easy to relocate things.
           But I remember the lady from two weeks ago, she paid real attention to when the Prez & I played any particularly tricky or difficult passages. To even know that, she must have been a musician and I definitely recall the lady, she was visibly impressed how we faked the intros and instrumental breaks. She was floored when we played “Mama’s Broken Heart”, “Guitars, Cadillacs”, and “Momma Tried”. I would have talked to her, but the Prez & I are in demand enough that we often play the full three hours without a break and she left early.

           I can imagine Elliott flying off the handle for me saying this, but I’m going to have a peek at Facebook to find this posting. The Reb says good luck as Facebook is a black hole for this type of search. The lady was not a local or a regular so nobody around here is any help. Also, the insurance offer on the Civic has come back, still too low. Of course, they are trying the old this is our book value, this is our decision, this is not negotiable, and my plan is first to wait for a few days. Let them know they can’t starve us out. Then tell them we would like a little time to get some legal advice because we cannot afford to take a financial hit on this vehicle.
           One thing that irked me was their going on about how the vehicle had already been in one accident before. My position is they did not bring thyat up at that point when they charged us the full going rate for the insurance. Most of my experience is Florida, which is a no-fault State. (No fault means each insurance company pays half of any settlement to avoid court fees, not to pass any savings on to the driver not at fault.)

Picture of the day.
Oklahoma safe room.
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           Such a beautiful day, I laid down for a wink and woke up at 4:00PM, one of those privileges of a hard-working life. If you are new here, yes, I’ve worked construction and piled lumber and driven taxi and worked in factories. And the only thing I learned about hard work is that is is not worth it. I’ve got no beef with those who think an honest day’s work for an honest day’s pay, until the moment they lay that shit on somebody else. In that case, they should be flogged. No, I’m not kidding, let them wreck their own lives, not others. Anyway, I got out in time to put up another shelf and build the frame of a small box.
           It’s a JeePee box, meaning a simple design with butt or rabbet joints and a floating panel top and bottom. Built as a unit, then the lid sliced off after it’s put together. I need a box for my sandpaper. I’m not a fan of plastic or cardboard so you should see me build a box now. I’ve learned small wood rarely goes where you want it to and if it warps, it does not like being
bent into place. So invest in a half dozen small clamps. I think I’ve discovered how inlay was invented. It’s when you cut the panel slots on the wrong side of the wood.
           And what wood is it? I have four matching pieces but from where, I’ve forgotten. It smells like roses if you saw, drill or sand it, but it is not rosewood. I used the mini-saw to cut some tiny strips, but dang, it powered out on me. It’s cheap, just a little too cheap. And I hope I’ve not cut up some fancy or exotic lumber for a spot to keep sandpaper.
           This picture reveals a lot about the stage of box-building I’ve reached. You can see the screw heads inside recessed holes that will be plugged by wooden buttons. I’m better at chosing the wooden pieces that best show off the grain. While you can see the two strips of “inlay”, this is not a planned cosmetic finish. These are random pieces of hardboard I had lying around to fill those slots. I’m hoping when stained they’ll show a better contrast.
           Here’s another box in progress, this one shows me pointing at the finish created by wood conditioner. It is supposed to be neutral, but it definitely makes the wood tone darker. The product claim is that it makes the wood absorb stain more evenly. We shall see.

           A dozen small chores means I get the evening off and I may drive to downtown Bartow, the best little club in the area, really. So Texas, they don’t know it. Most Fridays there is live entertainment but avoid the third Friday. They import some rap crap from Tampa that really, truly sucks. I need to map out a chapter for my planned book, and I think I’ve roped Mitch into helping proof-read, if I didn’t already say. But mostly, after these last few days of mostly carpentry work, I’m in the mood for cold beer. You are welcome along, I’m buying.

           According to Reddit, here are the worst responses when you girlfriend says she’s leaving you:
1) Okie dokie, artichokie.
2) Is your sister available?
3) Leaving me what?
4) This isn’t an airport, no need to announce your departure.
5) Grab the trash on your way out.
6) Yes, your hair looks great.
7) Thank god you said it first.
8) Tell your parents I said hi.
9) Why now, why not five years ago.
10) Keep it down, I’m watching a movie.

           Here’s something, sand theft. That’s correct, organized crime is stealing sand. Sand for concrete is in high demand and that means sand with no salt. You can’t make concrete out of desert sand dunes. So the best sand is from the banks of freshwater rivers and lakes. Removing this sand faster than the local water flow can replace it impacts the enviroment and nearby agriculture. It is now estimated the world will run out of this “construction grade” sand by 2050. The largest market is China, which has very little of it’s own.
           Some fifteen years ago I read two or three textbooks on erosion and the hydrologic cycle. I was aware that there was a depletion of gravel beds but not sand. Certainly nothing was said about any shortages. The world running out of sand and gravel never crossed my mind.
           The Mars-copter is history. It lasted far beyond expectations but this picture of the shadow of a blade shows damage that stop more flights. It will still be parked and act as a relay and observation post. In the absence of manned flight, these robot missions are what NASA ought to focus on. Not this space station and women on the Moon bullcrap. Will NASA try a fixed wing drone that can cover thousands of miles? Some of the Mars probes have been there twenty years abut have barely moved a few miles from base. C’mon, NASA, get this show on the road. By now, dozens of one-way flights could have taken place half-way around the planet.

           Here is the libtard CNN broadcast announcing a total victory for Poon in New Hampshire after only 6 people had voted. Notice the presentation is always so if they are called out, they can claim it was a parody. The lie is that these are mainstream media, not known for humor.

Last Laugh