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Friday, March 1, 2024

March 1, 2024

One year ago today: March 1, 2023, ten feet of climate change.
Five years ago today: March 1, 2019, an early box.
Nine years ago today: March 1, 2015, Merida, I was there.
Random years ago today: March 1, 2001, a long-forgotten day.

           A day off? Not so far. The morning was filled with learning, which could be classified as updates. The reason is some fools might conclude I know little about eBay because I”m not up with the times. The reality is I recognized eBay for what it was a matter of days after it arrived and rejected it as a way to do business. I don’t use credit cards (by choice) and when eBay bought PayPall, who are natural born liars, I have had nothing to do with either. And I get by just fine. Now, to see these tubes, I need some current information on what’s changed since 2002, which in my opinion is when eBay really emerged on the market.
           It is also a deeply buried fact that PayPal was originally designed to operate on a cash basis. It was similar to competing S. African sites that did not require a bank account. It used a form of private links called eCash or to that effect. The buyer gave a one-time link number to get money out of the PayPal pool of each anonymous PayPal account holder. I knew at the time no government was going to permit that, but I did have an eBay and PayPal account.
           Here’s something you’ve probably not seen before. The big resistor. Biggest I’ve seen, there were three bags of them in one of the boxes. The size does not affect the resistance, only the amount of current the device can handle without a meltdown. I’ve also read the larger sizes have problems with what they call leakage, so the choice for anything above this are wire-wound or other designs. I have no use for such large units, but they make good conversation gifts to club members. Now, let’s get back to PayPal, the company that lied about “same as cash”.

           The fundamentals have not changed except that eBay has dropped PayPal in favor of driect billing since the middle of 2023. The new system is no better and works just the same. You cannot shop anonymously, so mark my words in the end that will come to no good. It accomplished little except raise a generation thinking the government knowing how you spend every cent is a totally normal concept. If I did not say, I’m writing the book on how to work that system in your own favor. I had my teacher show me a few ways to present items and a feature new to me. You can go view what a product actually sold for and compare it to the asking price. I would not normally reveal such information, but there you go, eBay would. What could go wrong?
           Next, the selling strategy. Of course he has already considered the plan I proposed. Cherry-pick the hot items and sell the rest piecemeal. But, stop and think, why has it not been done? Because to go through the boxes manually is an impossible nightmare. I have the data base that pulls it together. We agreed on a 50/50 split of the cash, which is fair for the time & effort. He provided valuable info on how to sell items which are only possible by database. He doesn’t do databasing, but the primary tactic seems to be going through the mess and making up matching sets of the smaller tubes.

           Looks like I got the brand name thing correct in that I programmed the data to sort on that field. Once we sell the large tubes, then the medium, that will provide the cash and incentive to tackle the small tubes. The way is to find matching sets by manufacturer and I know that will be easy now. I’ve learned that names like Tung-Sol are premium quality and I can find them all in seconds. However, for it to be packaged and shipped adds two layer of labor. I’m the first to admit since 2003, I operate at one speed.
           My max database time is around three hours per day, so that schedule means I may get only the large tubes and most of the mediums done before I leave town. I don’t get paid unless they sell, and while many people know this formula, I find so few realize it is not a natural occurence. In Nature, you need to eat and drink every day and in sales, it is feast or famine. To me that explains why it is usually individual salesmen that get anywhere, not the team, who get by. I never sold anything tangible until I was 17, y’know. Wait, I can explain. It was the environment I was raised in.

           You must have something to sell before you can sell it, and there was no way to keep an inventory. Anything that you possess of value either had to be either carried with you or guarded 24/7. Don’t go thinking anything is safe just because it is something they can’t use. Say, a guitar. Nope, as soon as your back was turned, they’d need a bonfire.
           But the real disincentive is caused by how you occasionally get paid in a lump sum. Few things attract the dullard like a surplus, real or perceived. If these people know you got a job, they have only two questions. How much do you get paid and when?
           You see, they control a majority rules situation. They want a simple situation, that on workdays you are a capitalist, but on payday you must become a communist. Work hard, bust your ass, and give them an equal share. Because they would do the same for you—if they had a job. Now you know why I don’t like Democrats either.

Picture of the day.
Argentina shanty town.
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           News arrived from Tennessee that the dryer is broken. They want $400 for the repair and forget trying to repalce it with anything decent for twice that. The snag is that the joint account can’t take hits like that. It was meant for household bill and vet surprises. For the first time in years I hesitated, saying please wait until I arrive, only to discover it been on the fritz a week already. I had planned on waiting a couple more weeks, but it is important to me that things work right.
           The Prez wants to play unrehearsed material on Saturday even though it is a short show. The reason is, get this, he is overwhelmed by Cheryl’s blunt force personality. She’ll kill ya with kindness. She may have told him that the Merle tunes he likes so well were old music. Now he wants to drop them and I when I heard that, I thought, “Cheryl”, instantly. This isn’t a problem because I can play bass to anythign he is capable on guitar. For that matter, I can ace them, which I don’t mind doing with unrehearsed material. Kind of let these guitar jockeys know they will never have it all their own way.

           From the train museum last week, I see the video of the model train did not work out. This still is the closest I could find. Somebody put in a lot of time on this. I wish the people who coded cell phones were as dedicated. The phone behaved like it was taking a vidwo, and this single photo is all you get
           The paywall effect on Gab is immediate, you cannot upload pictures without a pro account. (Pro means pay money.) This will not work because too many people are aware that Democrats can’t meme and hate those who do. I am no longer a lonely voice against surveillance, there are millions of people who are now aware of the danger, and most have heard about who went to prison over a meme. The problem is not helped by blocking all photos. I suppose they could have handled it by simply deleting all pictures over 30 days old. But Gab has been consistently moving toward user identification in a number of ways for some time now. The wall they’ll hit is that they got here late in the game and too many people are aware of the danger.
           Yep, that guitar player of mine, these people are so child-like in their musical thinking. Every guitar player thinks the audience just loves the music he plays and if they don’t, their taste in music sucks. Last week we didn’t get any requests for Brooks & Dunn, just a request if we do any. Well, the Prez decides that is cause to revamp our entire song list, duh. He likes dreadfully slow music and you know the rest. If one person claps, there’s your proof of his superior mind-reading skills. We already play far to much of “his” music in the sense it has dull bass lines—he would be happy with a bassist to played nothing but 1-5 notes without a clue the effect that has on others.

           So, I just knew it, he’s insisting we play some of the dullest music, I mean, Brooks & Dunn are the elevator muzak pair of the country music short bus. I can barely tell their tunes apart. Now the worse the guitarist, the more he’ll dig in his heels—and this guy can’t play guitar half as well as I do. He’s got one or two licks and capos everything. What’s the formula for dealing with this. Simple, since he doesn’t really listen to the bass lines, he doesn’t spot when you outplay him. He thinks he’s choosing material that I’ve overlooked, but the reality is I dropped tunes like “Bakersfield”, “Boot Scootin’”, and “Turn Me Loose” ten and fifteen years ago because they were not producing.
           These guitar players on stage are kind of in their own world. It took me an hour of brushing up to relearn the lead break on “Bakersfield” and I’ve had a custom bass line to “Boot Scootin’” that emulates that rhythm guitar, not the boring bass line. And I can play the snakelies out of “Turn Me Loose”. Now there is an art to this, you can’t just go in there an clobber the guitar player. But you can steal his thunder. Don’t worry, he won’t notice a thing until the next time he tries to play anything solo. Few them ever realize they are dragging others down to their level.

           You still reading this? Then I have a Caliter report for you. This month marks a milestone. Since inception, we have now passed the $1,000 dollar return mark. Even though a thousand has become meaningless in our times, there is still a long-term significance to me. It’s one of the signals I believe in but not too much. This one was particularly meaningful because it was mostly funded without any sacrfice on my income, Mostly other investments that underperformed. Caltier has a weird weighted formula that reports the return of the last twelve months.
           That means the period shifts ahead each month to a new stretch. Weighted averages are tricky to interpret. Since overall long-term gains are expected, this means a better reported return and this month they said 8.11%
Last Laugh