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Wednesday, March 13, 2024

March 13, 2024

One year ago today: March 12, 2023, less than a day.
Five years ago today: March 13, 2019, crows, dogs, trails.
Nine years ago today: March 13, 2015, some rulers don’t work.
Random years ago today: March 13, 2011, I used to drink tea.

           The Reb is getting sprung today. It’s warm enough once the sun is high, but if I want to live in that climate, I’d move to Montana. It’s been a hectic time of it, the house guests are not really the type I chum with, they are about as regular as it gets. You know, watching TV, swearing a lot when there are no women around, and super alert to anything that, in their opinion, is not politically correct. Say! Did some of you say that who politically correct crap got defenestrated when Trump won in 2016? Yes, and you heard me. She’s not thriving on hospital food. You get a split blog today, before and after she gets home.

           I’m still in Tennessee, mercifully the days are balmy. I see my early rising isn’t the most popular with houseguests who’ve been lingering of a bit. California beckons, I say. Need a ride to the airport? My usual morning of making coffee, feeding the pets, making breakfast, then suiting the doggies up for a stroll before dawn is just not the best atmosphere for sleeping in. They also have a tendency to listen to mainstream news, which certainly does affect brain functions after enough exposure. I see Biden is claiming the economy is doing wonderfully and running on the slogan of “decency”. Kind of odd for a person accused of influence peddling.
           I took the doggies to the dam (Percy Pierce) for most of the morning, where they promptly found some deer poop to roll in. Here’s Sammy lapping some water, I have no other pictures today. The museum tourist stop was open so I glanced around. Same stuffed animals and such as years ago, man that must be one boring place to work.

           The middle part of the day was taken drafting a sort-of demand letter to the insurance company over the Civic. It is plain they are not going to take any initiative, so time to start asking for the contact information of who to call. Last evening the threw on “Room” which I though was a horror flick. Nope, it is about the tribulations of a single mother. I have no liking for such movies, they portray these women as a normal part of society who would do so well if only the system was “more fair”. That means the system gives them more free shit because the American taxpayer by now well knows equal pay doesn’t mean a thing to those people.
           Ladies, read my lips. Children are expensive and demanding. If you choose to do it on your own without a husband, that is your choice. We don’t want to hear about it.

Picture of the day.
Houston Marriott swimming pool.
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           The Reb got back home in the late afternoon to a place that would have been a real shambles had I not stayed on. She knows I can’t keep up with a house full of people but I tried or things could have really piled up. She’s been gone more than three days and nobody else knows the drill. For openers, the doggies will not voluntarily leave the house when she’s not around, except with me. Mind you, they know when I’m around it means home cooking. This time they got chicken and turkey. It’s cooked to spec with low-salt and a portion set aside for JeePee. He likes his blueberries sliced and his salad on the side.
           I returned a second malfunctioning DVD player and shelled out the extra bucks for a SONY. I watched “Taken 2”. Liam is neat, he shoots his bad guys three times each. I didn’t care for the portrayal of the teenage daughter by a flabby-thighed actress who was plainly pushing 30. Otherwise, a great action movie.

Last Laugh