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Wednesday, March 27, 2024

March 27, 2024

One year ago today: March 27, 2023, danger means toocold.
Five years ago today: March 27, 2019, a close match.
Nine years ago today: March 27, 2015, remember the Tacoma.
Random years ago today: March 27, 2001, studying the tax act.
           Morning in Miami and a perfect winter day. Good westerly breeze and light traffic, it doesn’t take much to set a day apart in this town. Here’s some out of sequence pictures, but all from the same trip. This is a full size but non-working model of a sport jet aircraft. JZ does not believe there is such a small flyable jet, but I recognize it as based on the Me 162 Komet. We got over to the Pinecrest library but it has gone full woketard. When Trump returns, I will support any cause that fires all these people. How dare an indoctrinated millennial tell others what they can read.
           We had gone to get him some DVDs but even that selection has been watered down. Pinecrest has searched in depth fo the wort movies. Have you ever seen Bruce Willis’ “Sin City”? Except for the completely fake bodies on the older women, what a dog of a movie, but I can see how it would appeal to soi-bois raise on video games and manga.

           Good thing I left early, Miami will always screw you around. I missed the 75 exit and forgot you cannot make a left turn on the Gatigny. There is a small town called Miami Lakes that, like Palm Beach, wants themselves a rich enclave smack in the middle of a big city. Somehow, they are able to have the freeways and thoroughfares routed around their turf. I had to backrack to the freeway and ran into noon traffic. I rather like having these little reminders why I got the hell out of Miami when I did. However, I stress that most of Miami’s traffic problems would be solved if they enforced existing laws on the types of people who live there. You know what I’m talking about.

           Here’s another photo of JZ checking out the air speed indicator on another model. I think these are as 90% as expensive and difficult to build as the real airplanes. After much discussion that it is no longer an even that it was supposed to be, we may head over to the County Fair. I’ll stay over another day if we decide that is a go. It is now little more than an expensive rip-off used by non-locals to dominate the 10% of exhibits that are free. Return tomorrow to find out.
           The other factor beginning to bite is inflation. My theory is the more liquid an investment, the more it is affected. Thus, a 20% hit on a stock portfolio is going to hurt more than the same percentage on a bought and paid for house. I could care less what houses cost because I own one—and equally signficantly, I own the means that produces all the land taxes and fees to keep the place my own. JZ knows people who own houses so expensive they require full-time jobs to pay the taxes.

Picture of the day.
Scenic Baltimore.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           The bad news is there is some damage to my spine. It must be minor, but that’s insofar as these things can be minor. A bit of pain walking uphill sometimes, but since I have full insurance, we will do what can be done. I’ll be back in Miami within the month. I’ve met a new doctor, a total babe, but already taken. And my policy of fasting for every appointment pays off with saving me a trip two weeks from now. Now because this delayed me two hours, by the time I got back to the condo, I’m famished. So I bought a rack of ribs and JZ roasted them to perfection. Two pieces and I was stuffed. Funny how hunger can be.
           The overriding topic is his old girlfriend, let me mention again they do not live together because she has kids. Besides, she would not be allowed by the condo association, who hold sway on such matters. I’ve made it no mystery that I don’t like that woman and think he could much better, but I’m hardly the first or only source of that advice. Well, once again she wants to move in and that cannot happen. Oh, the drama. Hey, I’m no help, he should have stuck with dating Barb. You can always tell good advice—people won’t like it.

           At least we found a decent coffee shop, shown here. Other than Eight-bucks, unless you like Dunkin, there are very few convenient places left in America where you can get a decent cup of coffee. In these parts, you’d best develop a taste for Latino kinds as well, shown here, the server may not even know what an American cup of coffee consists of.
           Going over JZ with his financials, I do not see how he will manage any of his own accounts as long as he thinks computers complicate things. No, dude, people complicate things and they don’t have the advantage of an expert who can coach them on the easy way of doing things. Top topic? Sinking $5,000 into that Reggae fund. JZ does not see it as a challenge because he does not abide by my rule of never invest in anything you do not understand. What’s emerging is that I know he does not think these things through, so who in hell is getting his information from? Unless he has a family member telling him it isn’t important, I can’t figure who else would have such sway.

           But one known outcome is that if I over-eat, I will fall asleep for at least ten hourse, so we did not make it to the Titanic. That’s okay by JZ, for unlike me he does not feel at home in a college pub. Add in the $14 per found price tag and he downright hates that place. I was looking forward to it, live bands and full of the older college babes now nearing actual graduation, and facing a career in a cubile, very much away of the scarcity of good husbands by that age. It’s a funny thing, nobody tells these educated types that all jobs you get with a degree are boring cubicle work unless you get really lucky.

Last Laugh