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Thursday, April 25, 2024

April 25, 2024

One year ago today: April 25, 2023, first matching lid.
Five years ago today: April 25, 2019, plants that failed.
Nine years ago today: April 25, 2015, club AC panel.
Random years ago today: April 25, 2009, places that assure you . . .

           Feast thine eyes on my latest 1-hr box. No lid, no hinges, but his one has a coat of pecan poly to give it an aged look. There must be some media event about retirement I’ve not heard yet. This fourth consecutive day of broadcasts concerning the topic and how it relates what rich people do. Is Elon on the bootstrap kick again? The worst are the call-ins, which you get because the radio comes on by itself when you walk into my bathroom. Any appraisal of their attitudes, vocabulary, and perspective shows these are middle-class types who have never really known hardship or faced down desperate poverty. The rich don’t care how you go about things, the rich figure it is your choice to screw things up. Ah, but the middle class, you got to watch them. They are not your buddies, they perpetually pretend to be on your side. But given the opportunity they will vote away your paycheck and sleep through your protests.
           The shows are equally bad because you’d think by now people do not follow the advice of the rich. The pollsters say 25% of Americans say they can never retire and 25% have not a penny of retirement savings. I’ve heard this stat 50 times in two days. They are not both the same groups as we know the non-winners are together 66% of the population. The current of these programs, again especially the radio, is that this is something new and different and unique to our times—and caused by people over 60. (Climate change has not yet been quoted., rumor is Greta has gained 40 pounds and started screwing Morrocans.)

           The fact is the rules of getting ahead have been unchanged in several thousand years. The Jews teach them to their children, Christians do not, yet I find both parties are the ones who make said rules. I don’t include populations where richness is directly associated with stealing, such as India or China. I prefer the indirect approach of taxation, privilege, and wealth through general societal improvements. You can tell which races use this softer approach. Most of their citizens have hot running water.
           Evidently these callers have not learned the ropes. That’s a vivid contrast to my early situation where I well knew the game but was caught in a working class poverty cycle that would not allow me a penny to be put away. This is very different than those who could, if the had to, easily invest the ten cents an hour it takes to get ahead (read my book, when I publish it, I mean.) I write about the low-tech or “analog” process of getting ahead, and from what I’ve researched, this will also be the first both comprehensive AND comprehendible work on the subject, yes, folks there is a difference betwixt them words.

           This is JeePee’s stand-in, the model used to work on Turtle Home, his new plywood accomodation with a rooftop balcony. But I’ve only build the model in all these months and the dimensions are slightly off. What a wonderful age, I can get the correct measurements from Tennessee in a matter of moments, while most of mankind used the feature to discuss that’s on TV tonight. Japan has opted to allow 820,000 foreigners in “to do the jobs Japanese won’t do.” Some smart ass has already dubbed it “Operation Hiroshima II”.
           Wales goes woke, taking down all White plaques, paintings, and public statues. It’s to correct what they call historical perspective on colonization. Odd, because Wales has never had any colonies. The LA Times reports an increase in women’s sex diseases is due to racism. And the fact that most women are incapable of taking the blame for their own foolish actions and decisions. If you think I’m suggesting that these days you can walk into a room and pretty much tell which people are apt to be septic, toxic, and infected, you may be right. The Arizona Left makes its move, indicting all 11 State Republicans who reported the 2020 election was stolen. And Biden announces $7 billion to put up solar panels on poor people’s houses, the ones most likely to be swept up by Blackrock in the coming round of foreclosures caused by Bidenflation.

Picture of the day.
from SKIMS bridal fashion.
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           Here’s a shot of my rack of large box clamps, rather dramatic by tool standards. They formed a nice view with the bug light in the background on what turned into a perfect work day. Three hours for me, most building small stuff, like a small box around the new silo window, since that side has only a 6” eave overhang. There will be a picture of the completed exterior part of the window below. The pieces of wood seen through the windo on the inside are shelves that will eventually be cut away to match the interior.
           JZ is back at the condo, but no info. I wonder what he found when he returned? If no word soon, since I want that new door handle for the van, I may drive down there to check the situation. Sure wish he’d learned to play music, it would do a world of good to have that skill right now. His portfolio, 15 times the value of mine, includes, I’m told, shares in Caltier. The comparison ends there, I just went through the 40-step procedure to add $350 to the investment account, something that spits in the eye of the “computer age”. But when you have enough money, why get concerned over mundane matters?

           Once more, we see evidence that America has more businesses that are survivors than that are successful. Entertainment must be near the top of that list. While you can’t get much worse than a disk jockey, have you seen the latest in comedy nights? A club downtown tried this to bolster sales on a nothing Thursday, so I went over there for a look. Meh. I’ll rate it as better than nothing. The jukebox is a better deal. Yet this was probably as generic a comedy show as you get. From Lakeland, the first thing you notice is the place is full of strangers. Who turn out to be the five comedians who each brought along a friend. Not what I’d call a following, but close enough.
           It was okay, but two things stood out as just plain wrong with the material. It is all canned so these people are followers with TV-grade presentation. So it was all shallow and commercial grade with a lot of swearing. Everything is reduced to an assembly line. These folks are getting their stuff from a common source. The only sure-fire jokes that worked were the ancient a-funny-thing-happened-to-me first seen in the 1950s, I suppose
           My second dislike is the female comedians. The males range in age from 20-ish to 30-ish (with a corresponding range in fatness), but the women are all over 35. Maybe after a certain age, trying to be funny is worth a shot? You already know how much I adore the housewife persona, but allow me to speak my piece. There were no ripe, young females in the lineup. The fact is, I could listen all day to a babe telling sexy jokes. But these women were vulgar. I do not care about results of your medical tests or the color of your vagina. I don’t get a laugh out of how much your IUD hurts or how you and your mother compare experiences. And I’m already familiar enough with the mechanics of sex, thank you.

           The Biden administration has begun suing business that won’t hire those with criminal records with racial discrimination. It’s past the time to wonder if the charge of “child sex offenses” is just a continuation of the slander policy that’s been ongoing at the FBI for decades. You never hear of convictions, only accusations and only against people they don’t like. And a reminder that the Most Wanted list are mostly not criminals. They are wanted for questioning, not for crimes. If the Feds had enough evidence, they’d issue a warrant and not a document designed to trick people into thinking it is a wanted poster.
           Now, if you want a list of criminals on the run, that would better be represented by the Drug Enforcement Agency. Here is a link to the DEA list, which differs in that these people are already charged with crimes. Count the number of pages you have to scroll down before finding a White American who was born here. Gosh, maybe old Biden is on to something after all.

Ha! How about that woman who ragged on a man because his sex doll could not cook his meals, have            his kids, wash his clothes, or make his home. So there. Ah, he shoots back, because of a sex doll, women suddenly want to cook, have kids, wash, and be homemakers again? Gotcha!
           Here are the comebacks I like the most:
• Give the Japanese a decade and the dolls will do that and more.
• It’s all about the mute switch.
• Prime example of don't know what you got til it's gone.
• Try to look as good as the doll !
• One thing a sex bot can't do for sure. . . . talk back.
           Folks, it had to happen. Now we are gettning female athletes bitching they don’t get paid as much as the trannys on their teams.

Last Laugh