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Saturday, April 27, 2024

April 27, 2024

One year ago today: April 27, 2023, Tucker, the superstar?
Five years ago today: April 27, 2019, a generic day.
Nine years ago today: April 27, 2015, that crunching sound.
Random years ago today: April 27, 2016, the mark of good living.

           Here’s the latest from Mars. These are called spiders, speckles of dark material that pokes through the frozen white surrounding ice crystals. Expect something to be made of this by the home ownership deniers. You’ve seen this phenomenon when ice freezes underneath pavement. The expansion cracks through the surface in patterns similar to these.

           Hmmm, what was that muscle relaxant y’day? I would point out that this would have been a difficult visit to the clinic y’day for those who speak only English. I thought Cooper City was a staunch Anglo community, but then again I did not know they had a commercial area on the south end. It wore off quickly, but left a mild “cool” feeling, the assistant in the nurse’s uniform described it as “mostly aspirin”, I think. Pay attention, this is the nearest report I have for you this morning that is even vaguely colorful. When I got home, I slept like a baby. Is that what they call muscle memory? Don’t ask me, the clinic, like most of Miami, is White-owned and non-White operated.
           On the wall of the clinic was a notice that none of the staff could read. My reckoning the management put it there for reasons unknown. It was copy of a news release that over 50 MRI imaging business in Miami and area had closed in the past year, 20 of them in the past 45 days. I was wondering why it took 22 days to get an appointment. As the medical business in Miami is not governed by supply and demand, chances are there has been some change in what the insurances will pay for these exams. I think that because I recall a similar poster about newspaper advertising.

           The newspapers published that they had seen a severe decline in revenue due to on-line marketing. That is bunk. The genuine fact is these damn newspapers thought they were gods and charging twenty times what it was worth for advertising. It became cheaper to print small batches on a home printer. These newspaper offices had not improved their methods in fifty years. Even with a computer on every desk, they still made you wait in line and I’ve walked out of many a newspaper office that demanded a photocopy of my ID to place a want ad for a used amplifier. By 2005, the last spell I had much to do with those outfits, they were demanding you fill out a profile “for their files”.
           Just imagine them crying the blues over lost business. Charging $20 for a second-hand car ad, then charging customers a dollar (in those days) for the paper. They had it comin’, I’m glad they got their asses kicked, but at the same time, Internet advertising is going down the same road. People don’t want to be put on file. GAB finally let non-paying customers post again, but they are a bare skeleton of themselves 60 days ago. Advertising is so embedded in their skulls they have never learned to make money any other way, yet it has been so often a loser. I don’t even bother with youTube videos that have ads and actively refuse to buy any product that uses this intrusive practice.

           But not as intrusive as the Seattle police, who shot a 67-year-old ex-Navy doctor who they said had been lured to a motel by posing to be young girls. I remain in strong opposition to this form of catching pedophiles because they have not actually committed any crime when they are apprehended. This does give them a right to resist arrest, repeat, a right. Sure, it is foolish and I have no suggestions how the police should go about this, but obeying the law themselves is part of the job. Don’t expect others to do your thinking for free.
           New Scientist is claiming that sharks are endangered. The water, they say, gets so hot, the sharks flee for colder water, which kills them. Some are claiming a new species of ancient human has been discovered in the Philippines, calling the fossils Homo Luzonensis. Gender is not mentioned. The next generation of robot checkouts may not accept coins, bills only. When I was 19, phone booth coins were often my only coffee money for that day. It marks the end of an era, but I did get a $1 coin back from a vending machine y’day.
           And floating around, ha-ha, is the theory that climate change could have saved the Titanic. I see a new family of birdies, they truly like the bird mister. If they stick around, I may consider building them a roost as I see they tend to land at a favorite angle.

Picture of the day.
Latvian folk costumes.
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           House prices, though still outrageous, have stopped dropping in Tennessee. Silver hovers at $27.50. And I’m confined mostly to bed. Aspirin? Maybe, but as the effects drained away, my torso (but again no my limbs) have begun to ache at every old injury of my life. Both my shoulder blades, including the one Big Loretta brought into play, what I now know as supraspinatus, and the lumbar are the worst. When the concoction first wore off, I noticed an increase in muscle clicking from mild activity, like driving. Now, the only comfy position is lying on my back with my own weight applying pressure. If this persists, what a terrible fate for a bass player.
           By mid-afternoon, I’m out of commission. I have full flexibility, it’s the clicking and dull pain. It’s like a painkiller that wore off, but did not know when to stop wearing off. What to do? If you think I should take another aspirin, whose side are you on? My game plan is normally to find something productive that I can do. I’ve still got the on-going weakness from what I conjecture is the flu, so what are my options? I could go downtown and grab a few but it’s much too early. I’ve tackled this Grendel before, start with a great cup of coffee and a treat. Where is that brownie mix? Found it.

           Beyond my short history of scout camp, I rarely cooked “city food”, because I never saw any. I learned to bake my own birthday cakes or go without. This wasn’t a smart move and I’ll tell you why. Siblings. Fairness means the in turn should bake their own, but reality means you now have to bake for everybody It was not long before I learned to be to be gone all day at times. It also means I never cooked Kraft Dinner until I was in college. No idea, the first time I thought the directions must be wrong and boiled the noodles for a half hour. They were still good, just a little mushy. I still make some things from scratch, which had me update the budget for April. We’re okay by comparison, other than gas & food, Bidenflation is not hitting me everywhere for now.
           My bass got dropped, hard, but it still works. The problem is a wire somewhere got jarred loose, so I have to take it apart and resolder every joint. I can’t get underway, this photo show the disassembled jack. All the connections are secure, I know because I did them myself. If I don’t find the glitch, I’ll reinstall a whole new assembly. This is the original, some 20 years old and made in America. I’ll first try to see if I can bend everyhting back into shape on the vise. Can’t do that with foreign metals. I would not be averse to designing a protective cover for the jack, the most vulnerable part of the electronics.

           The second photo is the stubborn router. This shows the dull bit that is siezed into the collet and won’t budge. Since the renders the tool useless, I may have to wreck the tool to get anything out of it. It’s the drill I want to use to route cutouts for hinges. There were some Trump on the bathroom radio, but gosh, I could not hear his replies with the crowd shouting, ‘We want Trump.”
           He is unable to hold rallies while he’s in kangaroo court, but all he has to do is appear on the streets. It must infuriate the libtards to no end. And what is with this rash of ‘single’ White women with colored kids saying they are successful. Lady, if you are on welfare, you are neither single nor successful. The funniest ones brag they are single, as if they have some choice in the matter. The Irish protests are still too mild considering what they are up against, but the numbers are getting greater.

           Still immobilized after suppertime, I made the brownies and some coconut milk sauce. For brain exercise, I sketched out an emergency light. It turns on by itself if the power goes out while it is dark It’s unlikley I’ll ever build it, but you might like the description. First is a small circuit with a LDR, a light dependent resister. This is connected to a relay that operates an electromagnet. This magnet holds one of those emergency lights that is activated by pulling up on the handle. Instead, the lamp is weighted. If it is dark and the light goes out, the relay releases the magnet and the lamp, correctly weighted, falls down against a hook, using gravity to activate the light. Being mostly mechanical, it would probably never be popular nowadays.
           Here we go again with the hidden Moon people again. It’s hiding exactly behind the big Moon, always orbiting exactly where we cannot see it. Made of of something dense enough that it does not have to orbit or something, it has an atmosphere and sends visitors posing as Tibetan monks, who are not sworn to secrecy, but instantly suffer memory blackouts if they tell anybody. The only humans they contact directly are Justin Trudeau and two retired air force pilots who know each other. It joins a host of other “moons” chipped off the lunar surface that can crash onto American soil any time they wish. California will fine grocery stores that don’t give six months notice of closing. They are required to keep the shelves stocked for the shoplifters.

           By nightfall, no peace, I’m grounded. Wanting to sit up, I watched some documentaries on Roman fortifications. They were always short on manpower, so they build a lot of forts. I’m able to block most youTube ads at the cost of more artifacts. With the majority of users employing blockers, you’ think youTube would brighten up and form a catalog site, but no, they want to duke it out. One annoying ad is for Opera, I forget why I quit using that one. They are plugging a new service that purports to help users prevent accidentally closing their tabs. That a good one if you ask me, having so many tabs open you have to group them into folders. If you have more than ten tabs open, you ain’t getting much work done, pal.
           After 8:30PM, the pain changes. My back has stopped clicking unless I make it, but replaced by a kink in the neck on both sides where the treatment felt the most cool since last day. It’s not as bad as it could be, but I am bound my my own rules to give descriptions of anything that goes wrong with health or age issues. I’m the last one of my original crew, the rest are gone without a trace. Same with anyone, I suppose, who doesn’t write anything down.

           You know that meme with Greta in the checkered shirt that is appearing in memes recently? I’m the one who altered the original photo to make her look cross-eyed. Here is the original, that was almost a year ago. It was part of some other meme and I do not keep memes on file. This was done using only MicroSoft Paint. I did it my flipping her right eye (on the left side of this photo) upside down, then doctoring the edges. Randomly, I have found my own pictures posted elsewhere, but this is the first meme. Will I get a knock on the door at dawn?
           And you know when I mention what “some smart-ass” did on the Internet. Can you guess who that might be? There is no shortage of islands named Medelaine, but the one to keep an eye on at the moment is located near New Brunswick The regime in Canada has dictated everyone on the island must get a QR code. They will not be able to enter or leave the island without it and anyone who does not “volunteer” will be heavily fined. It is the pilot project for national ID.
           As with many unpopular Canadian laws, it is laced with language insinuating it was a choice. Remember airport searches? You don’t have to let us search your bags, but “we” don’t have to let you get on “our” airplane. Canada has always been a police state that way. By making civil service jobs the highest paying, Ottawa always has a steady supply of thugs to do its bidding.

Last Laugh

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