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Thursday, April 4, 2024

April 4, 2024

One year ago today: April 4, 2023, weird as hell.
Five years ago today: April 4, 2019, one song, long ago.
Nine years ago today: April 4, 2015, I still can’t braze.
Random years ago today: April 4, 2005, computer repair school.

           The COI mystery is solved, I could not get it. I’m not the super-hero. It was a warming spelled COP bit tje door was kicked in before she could finish. I was into Winter Haven to check on the vacuum tubes, all is okay. Then I find all the needed ATMs are down so there is no info on the latest transvers, which brings most everything to a standstill. I dropped my contact information off at Kooter’s, unable to cross paths with the owner. At the music store, I found the amp claiming to be what I wanted, one single teight-inch speaker.
           It was some brand called Trace-Elliot, but I know a Peavey when I see one. Two things stopped me. One was cables that looked proprietory. The staff could not say if they were compatible with anything else. Special cables or batteries or power supplies are a deal-killer. The other thing was the $750 price tag. I was pressed for time, but I may return to have them unbox one so I can look at the back panel. Only an imbecile would design a stage amp with a screwball jack. (I am referring to the jack needed to connect this amp to an external speaker, not the regular jacks.)
           The amp is caled an Elf and weighs just 17 pounds. Should it prove anemic, there is a companion speaker, another $500, but that is the one that may require the special cable. At this point, nobody could say. (Later, it turns out the amp has regular jacks, some employee had just left the specialty PA cables in the box.)

           I’ve still got the Florida sleeping sickness, so I opted to look at what is left of GAB, the media that once had such promise. It is reduced to almost nothing, but quirkily still has posts that pre-empt the mainstream media by sometimes six hours. Jill Biden’s denial that Joe is losing to Trump in six of seven critical states did not appear elsewhere until past noon. While I believe all polls are manipulated, the more recent Gallup stats show Biden’s approval rating is way down at 8%, that’s below the certain death margin. It is also proof that he is just the figurehead, destined to be replaced by something even worse.
           Let’s try watching a documentary. It did not help, I keep falling asleep in my chair, but if I lie down, I can’t stay asleep. In other words, I become like a TV addict. I’ve got to write this day off. If I was in charge, I’d force youTube to have a new category called “cartoons” because these damn millennionals will not quit posting animations as videos. If you beg to differ, beg elsewhere. It is bad enough one can’t watch coverage of the Korean War without some fat-gut TV loser plugging stool softener. There is no improvement in quality due to advertising, in fact that makes it worse by encouraging losers to post garbage for money.

           Finally, a use found for that old potato and onion box. It was just too nice to use for trash. It struck me the lid was about the size of a paper shredder. Hey, an almost perfect fit. This solves two issues. What to pack the tubes in and what to do with junk mail. No progress on the eBay account yet, just screens saying click on buttons that are not there. Possibly some lame secruity measure by idiot people who don’t know that’s not how you catch bad guys.
           My choice was a documentary on the North Korean retreat from Pusan in 1950. There is almost no coverage of this event because it was overshadowed by McArther at Inchon. My interest is (again) the weapons, not the war, tthe people, or the politics. The Americans deployed the Pershing, a tank meant to combat late-war German Tigers and Panthers. I wanted know how if fared against the T-34. The American tanks were always behind the times, the Soviet T-34/85 was the mature model of its lineage. I consider them comparable.

           It appears the North Koreans took one hell of a licking. Their tanks were not used right, there are several instances where they approached in the open en masse and stopped when the first unit was knocked out. That is not how you employ tanks. The Pershings advanced in small groups, covering each other, stopping only to fire. I understand the Korean tactics as they had no air cover and the South Korean army had no tanks. Many American tanks squads, usual four tanks, tell how they advanced into retreating masses of the enemy, shot up a quota of four T-34/85s, and then called it a day.
           That answered my question. The Pershing had a 90mm cannon that drilled through the Soviet armor, and the North Koreans were still trained with a banzai mentality. Here’s where I disagree with McArthur, he did not surround and annihilate the enemy forces in a pocket in the south, he pushed them back over the original frontier. Then, too late, it dawns on him that in modern war, you have to destroy the enemy’s capability to fight on. Winning a battle is not enough. The rest of that war was, in my view, the resutls of that mistake.

Picture of the day.
Gen Z “Poor Little Girl” look.
Remember to use BACK ARROW to return to blog.

           Late afternoon, and maybe I do have something. Mild congestion and a general dull pain through the rib cage, front and back. It’s chemtrails or weather control. I have had flu-like spells before that had no fever, I wonder. Let me check my coffee supply and make a plan. It can’t be that bad, because last night I moved and set up my PA system by myself, some 55 years after I had first done this. That’s the big Yamaha speakers and the Gigrack. If I can do that, I’m not dying of old age. As of now, I’m going to presume I have come down with something and stay home to rest. (Yes, I’ve noticed my writing has been “spacey” since this condition set in.)
           As ever, I fill any empty gaps with some book-learning and today I measured some flashlight buls that won’t behave. The filaments have a measureable resistance. When I get a batch, I’ll average a few readings and use them for pilot lights. Except now I have two that will glow, but show zero resistance. Since I know this is not a discovery, I’m seeking an explanation. Nothing so far, but this did succeed in putting me to sleep until two the next morning. Something is off kilter but I’m not checking into a hospital because I’m sleeping odd hours.

           Have you see that Wordl IQ Map making the rounds? It shows Chinese have the highest. It’s bogus. The Chinese education system emphasizes rote memoriization, not intelligence. By the time a Chinese writes an American college application exam, he’s likely seen those same questions 200 times before.
           I had another stab at using the new eBay account. It is still restricted without explanation, yet all of the conditions have been validly met. The only option not pursued was where there want money, but this is s new account and we don’t owe them anything. The chat assistant just goes in little circles, there is no message explaining the hold, and the contact link does not go anywhere. Seems I’ve seen this before, there is a dormant old account still on their files somewhere.
           Too bad I’m too old to live in the van. You see, California has voted in a $20 per hour minimum wage. Anybody living at home with the parents must be laughing, renters not so much. I scanned some job postings. Yeah, I could assemble medical devices for $35 per hour, I’m acrually okay with assembly line work, thanks to my extensive phone company background. In fact, I prefer fixing machines to fixing people. Meh, they’d never hire anybody my age, but the thought of $70,000 a year, just for two or three years, would make me a millionaire in no time. Meanwhile, I’d rather get this eBay link working and sell $200 worth of tubes a day. My research coupled with free product shows I can undercut everybody. My task is to make that margin as tiny as possible.

           A Florida Jew had her arm bitten off by an alligator, here is a sampling of the comments:
Now he's got food poisoning, oy vey.
Them Florida boys know how to train them gators.
I wonder if sewer jew tastes like chicken?
The gator had to be given ivermectin.
Hamas terrorism for sure
They sewed it back on upside down because reasons.
Alligators are antisemitic.
Twice an alligator bit off her left arm!!!
Gator Power NOW!

Last Laugh